package; import no.niths.common.helpers.ValidationHelper; import no.niths.domain.location.Location; import; import; import; import no.niths.infrastructure.interfaces.GenericRepository; import no.niths.infrastructure.location.interfaces.LocationRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * Service Class for Feed * * <p> * Inherits the basic CRUD actions and has methods * for addLocation, removeLocation, * addStudent, removeStudent, * addCommittee * and removeCommittee * </p> */ @Service public class FeedServiceImpl extends AbstractGenericService<Feed> implements FeedService { @Autowired private FeedRepoistory repo; @Autowired private LocationRepository locationRepo; @Autowired private StudentRepository studentRepo; @Autowired private CommitteeRepositorty committeeRepo; @Override public GenericRepository<Feed> getRepository() { return repo; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addLocation(Long feedId, Long locationId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); checkIfObjectExists(feed.getLocation(), locationId, Location.class); Location location = locationRepo.getById(locationId); ValidationHelper.isObjectNull(location, Location.class); feed.setLocation(location); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeLocation(Long feedId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); boolean isRemoved = false; if (feed.getLocation() != null) { isRemoved = true; feed.setLocation(null); } checkIfIsRemoved(isRemoved, Location.class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addStudent(Long feedId, Long studentId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); checkIfObjectExists(feed.getStudent(), studentId, Student.class); Student student = studentRepo.getById(studentId); ValidationHelper.isObjectNull(student, Student.class); feed.setStudent(student); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeStudent(Long feedId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); boolean isRemoved = false; if (feed.getStudent() != null) { isRemoved = true; feed.setStudent(null); } checkIfIsRemoved(isRemoved, Student.class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void removeCommittee(Long feedId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); boolean isRemoved = false; if (feed.getCommittee() != null) { isRemoved = true; feed.setCommittee(null); } checkIfIsRemoved(isRemoved, Committee.class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void addCommittee(Long feedId, Long committeeId) { Feed feed = validate(repo.getById(feedId), Feed.class); checkIfObjectExists(feed.getCommittee(), committeeId, Committee.class); Committee committee = committeeRepo.getById(committeeId); ValidationHelper.isObjectNull(committee, Committee.class); feed.setCommittee(committee); } }