package; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import no.niths.common.constants.MiscConstants; import no.niths.common.constants.SecurityConstants; import no.niths.common.helpers.ValidationHelper; import no.niths.domain.development.Application; import no.niths.domain.development.Developer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * Authenticates user trying to request a resource * <p> * This class delegates the request to the classes responsible for verifying * tokens and fetching the belonging apps, developers and students * </p> * */ @Service public class AuthenticationServiceImpl implements AuthenticationService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(AuthenticationServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private StudentService studentService; @Autowired private DeveloperService developerService; @Autowired private GoogleAuthenticationService googleService; @Autowired private TokenGeneratorService tokenService; @Autowired private ApplicationService appService; @Autowired private MailSenderService mailService; @Autowired private KeyGeneratorService keyService; @Autowired private RequestStatisticsService reqService; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SessionParcel authenticateAtGoogle(String googleToken) throws UnvalidEmailException { // Authenticate user from Google, // and then check to see if the email is valid String userEmail = googleService.authenticateAndGetEmail(googleToken); isUserValid(userEmail); // Verify email // Get the matching student // If no student exists, we persist Student authenticatedStudent = getStudent(userEmail); // Generate "session token" that the app will use from now on String generatedToken = tokenService.generateToken(authenticatedStudent .getId()); // Add the generated token to the student, // and update last login time Student temp = new Student(); temp.setId(authenticatedStudent.getId()); temp.setSessionToken(generatedToken); temp.setLastLogon(getCurrentTime()); studentService.mergeUpdate(temp); // Create a wrapper to give to the request holder SessionToken sessionToken = new SessionToken(); sessionToken.setToken(generatedToken); sessionToken.setStudentId(authenticatedStudent.getId()); SessionParcel sessionParcel = new SessionParcel(authenticatedStudent, sessionToken); return sessionParcel; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public RequestHolderDetails authenticateSessionToken(String sessionToken) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug("Will authenticate session-token: " + sessionToken); // First check the format of the token Long id = tokenService.verifyTokenFormat(sessionToken, true); // Fetch student owning the session token Student wantAccess = studentService.getById(id); // Then we verify the last login time of the student if (wantAccess == null || wantAccess.getSessionToken() == null) { logger.debug("No student has that session-token"); throw new UnvalidTokenException( "Token does not belong to a student"); } if (!(wantAccess.getSessionToken().equals(sessionToken)) || wantAccess.getLastLogon() == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Can not find last login"); } verifyLastLogonTime(wantAccess.getLastLogon()); // The information added here is used in the @Security annotations RequestHolderDetails authenticatedUser = new RequestHolderDetails(); // ROLE_ANONYMOUS // --> // Wrapper authenticatedUser.setUserName(wantAccess.getEmail()); authenticatedUser.setStudentId(wantAccess.getId()); // Checking roles of student and adding them to User wrapper List<Role> roles = wantAccess.getRoles(); if (!(roles.isEmpty())) { String loggerText = "Student logging in has role(s): "; for (Role role : roles) { loggerText += role.getRoleName() + " "; authenticatedUser.addRoleName(role.getRoleName()); } logger.debug(loggerText); } // Update last login time wantAccess.setLastLogon(getCurrentTime()); Student temp = new Student(); temp.setId(wantAccess.getId()); temp.setLastLogon(wantAccess.getLastLogon()); temp.setSessionToken(wantAccess.getSessionToken()); studentService.mergeUpdate(temp); // studentService.update(wantAccess); return authenticatedUser; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void logout(Long studentId) { Student wantToLogout = studentService.getById(studentId); ValidationHelper.isObjectNull(wantToLogout, Student.class); wantToLogout.setSessionToken(null); studentService.update(wantToLogout); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public DeveloperToken registerDeveloper(Developer dev) { // Verify developer email isEmailValid(dev.getEmail()); // Passed checks! Generate a key and persist the developer String developerKey = keyService.generateDeveloperKey(); dev.setDeveloperKey(developerKey); developerService.create(dev); logger.debug("Developer[" + dev.getId() + "] has been created and given key: " + dev.getDeveloperKey()); dev.setDeveloperToken(tokenService.generateToken(dev.getId())); developerService.update(dev); logger.debug("Developer[" + dev.getId() + "] has been updated and given token: " + dev.getDeveloperToken()); // Create response to the request holder DeveloperToken devToken = new DeveloperToken(); devToken.setKey(developerKey); devToken.setToken(dev.getDeveloperToken()); mailService.sendDeveloperRegistratedConfirmation(dev); return devToken; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ApplicationToken registerApplication(Application app, String developerKey) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectInCollectionException { Developer dev = developerService .getDeveloperByDeveloperKey(developerKey); if (dev == null) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("No developer found"); } ApplicationToken appToken = new ApplicationToken("No token"); String appKey = keyService.generateApplicationKey(); if (dev.getApps().contains(app)) { throw new ObjectInCollectionException( "App already added to developer"); } appToken.setAppKey(appKey); app.setApplicationKey(appKey); dev.getApps().add(app); developerService.update(dev); mailService.sendDeveloperAddedAppConfirmation(dev, app); return appToken; } /** * Authenticates the developer token. Verifies the format of the token and * and fetches matching student from DB. Then checks if developer token is * correct * <p> * * @param devToken * the developer token * @return Developer that has the token * @throws AuthenticationException * if no matching student is found * </p> */ @Override public Developer authenticateDeveloperToken(String devToken) throws AuthenticationException { Long id = tokenService.verifyTokenFormat(devToken, false); Developer dev = developerService.getById(id); if (dev == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("No developer found for token/key"); } else if (dev.getEnabled() == null || !dev.getEnabled()) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Developer is not enabled"); } else if (dev.getDeveloperToken() == null || !(dev.getDeveloperToken().equals(devToken))) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Not a correct token"); } return dev; } /** * Authenticates the application token. * <p> * Verifies the token format and, fetches the matching application from DB, * if it is enabled. * <p> * * @param applicationToken * the application token * @return the application that has the token * @throws AuthenticationException * if no matching app is found */ @Override public Application authenticateApplicationToken(String applicationToken) throws AuthenticationException { Long id = tokenService.verifyTokenFormat(applicationToken, false); Application app = appService.getById(id); // If else for specified error messages if (app == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException( "No app found or app is not enabled"); } else if (app.getApplicationToken() == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Application does not have a token"); } else if (!(app.getApplicationToken().equals(applicationToken))) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Application token is not correct"); } else if (app.getEnabled() == null || !app.getEnabled()) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Application not enabled"); } // Register request for application statistics reqService.registerRequest(app); return app; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Developer enableDeveloper(String developerKey) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug("Trying to enable developer with token: " + developerKey); String[] keyParts = developerKey.split("-"); Developer dev = developerService .getDeveloperByDeveloperKey(developerKey); if (dev == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("No developer found with that key"); } else if (dev.getEnabled() != null && dev.getEnabled()) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Developer is already enabled"); } else if (keyParts.length != 2) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Key is not valid"); } try { long issued = Long.parseLong(keyParts[1]); long now = new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); if (now - issued < 3600000) { // One hour dev.setEnabled(true); developerService.update(dev); // Send confirmation email mailService.sendDeveloperEnabledConfirmation(dev); } else { throw new UnvalidTokenException( "You waited too long, get admin to enable your account"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("No hax"); } return dev; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Application enableApplication(String applicationKey) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug("Trying to enable application with key: " + applicationKey); Application app = appService.getByApplicationKey(applicationKey, false); if (app == null) { throw new UnvalidTokenException( "No application found with that key"); } if (app.getEnabled() != null && app.getEnabled()) { throw new UnvalidTokenException("Application is already enabled"); } // Generate a personal token and set app to enabled app.setApplicationToken(tokenService.generateToken(app.getId())); app.setEnabled(true); appService.update(app); logger.debug("Application enabled " + applicationKey); // Send confirmation email if (app.getDeveloper() != null) { mailService.sendApplicationEnabledConfirmation(app.getDeveloper(), app); } return app; } /** * Verifies the last login time against the {@value * SecurityConstants.SESSION_VALID_TIME} * * @param lastLogon * long time student had last login in ms * @throws AuthenticationException * when session token has expired */ private void verifyLastLogonTime(long lastLogon) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug("Verifying last login time..."); if (!(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastLogon <= SecurityConstants.SESSION_VALID_TIME)) { logger.debug("Token expired"); throw new ExpiredTokenException("Session-token has expired"); } logger.debug("Verified"); } /** * Fetches student from DB. If no student matches the email, a new student * will be created and persisted * * @param userEmail * the email to the student * @return Student with the email, existing or newly created */ private Student getStudent(String userEmail) { // Fetches the student from DB, if first time user, he/she gets // persisted Student student = studentService.getStudentByEmail(userEmail); if (student == null) { // First time user, persist! logger.debug("Student is a first time user, persisting."); student = new Student(userEmail); Long id = studentService.create(student); student.setId(id); } return student; } /** * Check if the email of the user is valid( and passes bean * validation * * @param email * the string to check * @throws UnvalidEmailException */ private void isUserValid(String email) throws UnvalidEmailException { isEmailValid(email); if (!email.endsWith(MiscConstants.VALID_EMAIL_DOMAIN)) { logger.debug("email is unvalid: " + email); throw new UnvalidEmailException("Unvalid email, must end with " + MiscConstants.VALID_EMAIL_DOMAIN); } logger.debug("Email valid: " + email); } /** * Return true if the email is valid * * @param email * string to check */ private void isEmailValid(String email) { EmailValidator validator = EmailValidator.getInstance(); if (!validator.isValid(email)) { throw new UnvalidEmailException("Unvalid email, did you forget @?"); } } // Private helper private long getCurrentTime() { return new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); } }