package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import no.niths.aop.ApiEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import no.niths.common.constants.DomainConstantNames; import no.niths.common.constants.SecurityConstants; import no.niths.common.helpers.ValidationHelper; import no.niths.domain.Domain; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus; /** * Controller for student * has the basic CRUD methods and * methods too add and remove course, * committee, feed, loan, role * and locker * in addition too methods for getStudentsWithNamedCourse, * getStudentWithRoles, isStudentInRole * and removeAllRolesFromStudent * * For the URL too get Students add /students * after the {@value no.niths.common.constants.MiscConstants#NITHS_BASE_DOMAIN} */ @Controller @RequestMapping(DomainConstantNames.STUDENTS) public class StudentControllerImpl extends AbstractRESTControllerImpl<Student> implements StudentController { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(StudentControllerImpl.class); private StudentList studentList = new StudentList(); @Autowired private StudentService service; @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #id)") @RequestMapping( value = "{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = RESTConstants.ACCEPT_HEADER) @ResponseBody public Student getById(@PathVariable Long id) { return super.getById(id); } @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or " + "(hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId ==") @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT) public void update(@RequestBody Student domain) { domain.getEmail() + " : " + domain.getId() + " : " + domain.getFirstName() + " : " + domain.getLastName() + " : " + domain.getGender()); super.update(domain); } @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @ApiEvent(title="Student created") @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST ) public Student create(@RequestBody Student domain, HttpServletResponse res) { return super.create(domain, res); } @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #id)") @RequestMapping( value = "{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public void delete(@PathVariable long id) { super.delete(id); } @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) public ArrayList<Student> getAll(Student domain) { return super.getAll(domain); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @RequestMapping( value = "course", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = RESTConstants.ACCEPT_HEADER) @ResponseBody public List<Student> getStudentsWithNamedCourse(Course course) { String name = course.getName();; renewList(service.getStudentsWithNamedCourse(name)); return studentList; } @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @RequestMapping(value = "search", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<Student> search( @RequestParam(required = true) String column, @RequestParam String query) { List<Student> students =, query); for (Student s : students) { s.setCommittees(null); s.setCommitteesLeader(null); s.setCourses(null); s.setFadderGroup(null); s.setFeeds(null); s.setGroupLeaders(null); s.setLoans(null); s.setRepresentativeFor(null); s.setTutorInSubjects(null); } return students; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @RequestMapping(value = "roles", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<Student> getStudentWithRoles(Student student) { List<Student> students = service.getStudentsAndRoles(student); for (Student s : students) { s.setCommittees(null); s.setCommitteesLeader(null); s.setCourses(null); s.setFadderGroup(null); s.setFeeds(null); s.setGroupLeaders(null); s.setLoans(null); s.setRepresentativeFor(null); s.setTutorInSubjects(null); } return students; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/course/{courseId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Course Added") public void addCourse( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long courseId) { service.addCourse(studentId, courseId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/course/{courseId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Course Removed") public void removeCourse( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long courseId) { service.removeCourse(studentId, courseId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/committee/{committeeId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Committee Added") public void addCommittee( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long committeeId) { service.addCommittee(studentId,committeeId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/committee/{committeeId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Committee Removed") public void removeCommittee( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long committeeId) { service.removeCommittee(studentId,committeeId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/feed/{feedId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Feed Added") public void addFeed( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long feedId) { service.addFeed(studentId,feedId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/feed/{feedId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Feed Removed") public void removeFeed( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long feedId) { service.removeFeed(studentId, feedId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/loan/{loanId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Loan Added") public void addLoan( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long loanId) { service.addLoan(studentId,loanId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR + " or (hasRole('ROLE_STUDENT') and principal.studentId == #studentId)") @RequestMapping( value = "{studentId}/loan/{loanId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Loan Removed") public void removeLoan( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long loanId) { service.removeLoan(studentId, loanId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public GenericService<Student> getService() { return service; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ListAdapter<Student> getList() { return studentList; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ONLY_ADMIN) @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/role/{roleId}" }, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Role added") public void addRole( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long roleId) { service.addRole(studentId,roleId); } private void validateObject(Domain obj, Class<?> clazz) { ValidationHelper.isObjectNull(obj, clazz); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ONLY_ADMIN) @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/role/{roleId}" }, method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Role removed") public void removeRole( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long roleId) { service.removeRole(studentId,roleId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ONLY_ADMIN) @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/roles" }, method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus( value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Roles removed from student") public void removeAllRolesFromStudent(@PathVariable Long studentId) { service.removeAllRoles(studentId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/{roleName}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Student has role") public void isStudentInRole( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable String roleName) { Student stud = service.getStudentWithRoles(studentId); validateObject(stud, Student.class); boolean hasRole = false; for (Role r : stud.getRoles()) { logger.debug(r.getRoleName()); if (r.getRoleName().equals(roleName)) { hasRole = true; break; } } if (!hasRole) { throw new NotInCollectionException( "Student does not have the role"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/locker/{lockerId}" }, method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Locker add to student") public void addLocker( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long lockerId) { service.addLocker(studentId, lockerId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @PreAuthorize(SecurityConstants.ADMIN_AND_SR) @RequestMapping( value = { "{studentId}/locker/{lockerId}" }, method = RequestMethod.DELETE) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK, reason = "Locker add to student") public void removeLocker( @PathVariable Long studentId, @PathVariable Long lockerId) { service.removeLocker(studentId, lockerId); } }