package io.nextop.sortedlist; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; /** Random-access data structure that maintains * elements in sorted order, with some extra sorted lookup functionality. * Inserting by index {@link #add(int, Object)} is not supported, * since the index is determined by the sort order. * add/get/remove operations are logarithmic. * * Implemented as a splay tree with a sub-tree counter on each node, * using top-down splaying. The splaying algorithm uses a custom * modification to maintain the sub-tree counters per node. * * Because of splaying, "get"s give faster access to * recently accessed values/indexes, * or values/indexes near them. * * Based on notes: * see CLR * see */ // FIXME inserting in sequential order bad perf // FIXME support duplicates // FIXME implement SortedList API correctly // FIXME (iterator an all ops should splay) public final class SplaySortedList<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements SortedList<E> { private final Comparator<? super E> comparator; private @Nullable Node<E> root; /* for splaying */ private final Node<E> header = new Node<E>(null); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SplaySortedList() { this((Comparator<? super E>) Ordering.<Comparable<E>>natural()); } public SplaySortedList(Comparator<? super E> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; } /** Does not splay. */ E search(int index) { if (null == root || index < 0 || root.count <= index) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); Node<E> y = root; for (int c; 0 != (c = index - (null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0));) { if (c < 0) { y = y.left; } else { index -= 1 + (null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0); y = y.right; } } return y.value; } FindResult<E> search(final E value) { return search(comparable(value, comparator)); } /** Finds the value that matches, or the values around, * the given query. Does not splay. * @param q must have an implied ordering of the internal * comparator, but can be based on a different object * representation than E. e.g. E may be a complex object * (A, B, ...), and <code>op</code> can be a prefix (A, ...), * or some order implied on other fields of E.*/ FindResult<E> search(Comparable<? super E> q) { if (null == root) { return new FindResult<E>(null, -1, 1); } int index = 0; Node<E> y = root; int c; while (0 != (c = q.compareTo(y.value))) { if (c < 0) { if (null == y.left) break; y = y.left; } else { if (null == y.right) break; index += 1 + (null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0); y = y.right; } } index += null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0; // c is return new FindResult<E>(y.value, index, c); } /////// SPLAYING /////// // FIXME have a version of splay that uses a comparator private void splay(E value) { Node<E> l, r, t, y; l = r = header; t = root; header.left = header.right = null; header.count = 0; for (int c; 0 != (c =, t.value)); ) { if (c < 0) { if (null == t.left) break; if (, t.left.value) < 0) { // rotate right + preserve counts y = t.left; t.left = y.right; y.right = t; y.count += 1 + (null != t.right ? t.right.count : 0); t.count -= 1 + (null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0); t = y; if (null == t.left) break; } // link right r.left = t; r = t; t = t.left; } else { if (null == t.right) break; if (0 <, t.right.value)) { // rotate left + preserve counts y = t.right; t.right = y.left; y.left = t; y.count += 1 + (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0); t.count -= 1 + (null != y.right ? y.right.count : 0); t = y; if (null == t.right) break; } // link left l.right = t; l = t; t = t.right; } } // assemble + reset counts l.right = t.left; r.left = t.right; t.left = header.right; t.right = header.left; resetLrCounts(t); t.count = 1 + (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0) + (null != t.right ? t.right.count : 0); root = t; } private void splay(int index) { Node<E> l, r, t, y; l = r = header; t = root; header.left = header.right = null; header.count = 0; for (int c; 0 != (c = index - (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0));) { if (c < 0) { if (null == t.left) break; if (index - (null != t.left.left ? t.left.left.count : 0) < 0) { // rotate right + preserve counts y = t.left; t.left = y.right; y.right = t; y.count += 1 + (null != t.right ? t.right.count : 0); t.count -= 1 + (null != y.left ? y.left.count : 0); t = y; if (null == t.left) break; } // link right r.left = t; r = t; t = t.left; } else { index -= 1 + (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0); if (null == t.right) break; if (0 < index - (null != t.right.left ? t.right.left.count : 0)) { index -= 1 + (null != t.right.left ? t.right.left.count : 0); // rotate left + preserve counts y = t.right; t.right = y.left; y.left = t; y.count += 1 + (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0); t.count -= 1 + (null != y.right ? y.right.count : 0); t = y; if (null == t.right) break; } // link left l.right = t; l = t; t = t.right; } } // assemble + reset counts l.right = t.left; r.left = t.right; t.left = header.right; t.right = header.left; resetLrCounts(t); t.count = 1 + (null != t.left ? t.left.count : 0) + (null != t.right ? t.right.count : 0); root = t; } /** repairs counts on re-linked LR subtrees from the top-down splay. * The nodes on the paths to the next-lowest * and next-highest elements did not have the sub-tree counts * updated correctly. The nodes off that path have * correct sub-tree counts due to preserving the counts in the rotation steps. * This algorithm walks the paths to the next-lowest and next-highest * (from <code>n</code>) and resets the counts, assuming the nodes * off that path have correct counts. */ private void resetLrCounts(Node<E> n) { Node<E> y; int c; // reset counts on left c = 0; for (y = n.left; null != y; ) { c += 1; if (null != y.right) { if (null != y.left) c += y.left.count; y = y.right; } else { y = y.left; } } for (y = n.left; null != y; ) { y.count = c; c -= 1; if (null != y.right) { if (null != y.left) c -= y.left.count; y = y.right; } else { y = y.left; } } // reset counts on right c = 0; for (y = n.right; null != y; ) { c += 1; if (null != y.left) { if (null != y.right) c += y.right.count; y = y.left; } else { y = y.right; } } for (y = n.right; null != y; ) { y.count = c; c -= 1; if (null != y.left) { if (null != y.right) c -= y.right.count; y = y.left; } else { y = y.right; } } } /////// SortedList IMPLEMENTATION /////// @Override public @Nullable E lower(E value) { return lower(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public @Nullable E lower(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (0 < r.c) { return r.value; } else if (0 < r.index) { return get(r.index - 1); } else { return null; } } @Override public int lowerIndex(E value) { return lowerIndex(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public int lowerIndex(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (0 < r.c) { return r.index; } else { return r.index - 1; } } @Override public @Nullable E floor(E value) { return floor(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public @Nullable E floor(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (0 <= r.c) { return r.value; } else if (0 < r.index) { return get(r.index - 1); } else { return null; } } @Override public int floorIndex(E value) { return floorIndex(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public int floorIndex(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (0 <= r.c) { return r.index; } else { return r.index - 1; } } @Override public @Nullable E higher(E value) { return higher(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public @Nullable E higher(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (r.c < 0) { return r.value; } else if (r.index + 1 < size()) { return get(r.index + 1); } else { return null; } } @Override public int higherIndex(E value) { return higherIndex(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public int higherIndex(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (r.c < 0) { return r.index; } else { return r.index + 1; } } @Override public @Nullable E ceiling(E value) { return ceiling(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public @Nullable E ceiling(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (r.c <= 0) { return r.value; } else if (r.index + 1 < size()) { return get(r.index + 1); } else { return null; } } @Override public int ceilingIndex(E value) { return ceilingIndex(comparable(value, comparator)); } @Override public int ceilingIndex(Comparable<? super E> q) { FindResult<E> r = search(q); if (r.c <= 0) { return r.index; } else { return r.index + 1; } } /////// SortedList INSERTION IMPLEMENTATION /////// @Override public boolean insertAll(Collection<? extends E> values) { boolean m = false; for (E value : values) { m |= insert(value); } return m; } @Override public boolean insert(E value) { if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } try { if (null == root) { root = new Node<E>(value); return true; } splay(value); int c =, root.value); if (0 == c) return false; Node<E> n = new Node<E>(value); n.count += root.count; if (c < 0) { n.right = root; if (null != root.left) { root.count -= root.left.count; n.left = root.left; root.left = null; } } else { n.left = root; if (null != root.right) { root.count -= root.right.count; n.right = root.right; root.right = null; } } root = n; return true; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } /////// List IMPLEMENTATION /////// @Override public int size() { return null != root ? root.count : 0; } @Override public boolean contains(Object value) { if (null == value) { return false; } try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") int i = search((E) value).c; return 0 == i; // if (null == root) // return false; // splay((T) value); // return value.equals(root); } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } @Override public int indexOf(Comparable<? super E> q) { // FIXME throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int lastIndexOf(Comparable<? super E> q) { // FIXME throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int indexOf(Object value) { if (null == value) { return -1; } try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FindResult<E> r = search((E) value); return 0 == r.c ? r.index : -1; // if (null == root) // return -1; // splay((T) value); // return null != root.left ? root.left.count : 0; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } @Override public E get(int index) { try { if (null == root || index < 0 || root.count <= index) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("" + index); splay(index); assert (null != root.left ? root.left.count : 0) == index : "Expected root index " + index + " but found " + (null != root.left ? root.left.count : 0); return root.value; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } @Override public void add(int location, E object) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Inserting by index is not supported in a sorted list."); } @Override public E remove(int index) { try { if (null == root || index < 0 || root.count <= index) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); splay(index); E value = root.value; if (null == root.left) { root = root.right; } else { Node<E> t = root.right; root = root.left; splay(index); root.right = t; if (null != t) root.count += t.count; } return value; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } @Override public boolean remove(Object value) { if (null == value) { throw new NullPointerException(); } try { if (null == root) return false; splay((E) value); int c = value, root.value); if (0 != c) return false; if (null == root.left) { root = root.right; } else { Node<E> t = root.right; root = root.left; splay((E) value); root.right = t; if (null != t) root.count += t.count; } return true; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } @Override public void clear() { try { root = null; } finally { assert checkInvariants(); } } /////// INVARIANTS /////// public boolean checkInvariants() { if (null != root) { if (size() < 128) { // uses recursion; only call this for small trees _checkCount(root); _checkBst(root); } else { // FIXME these checks can be done by traversing the tree and maintaining state // FIXME but need to implement the iterator (also a TODO above) } } return true; } private int _checkCount(Node<E> n) { int expectedCount = 1; if (null != n.left) expectedCount += _checkCount(n.left); if (null != n.right) expectedCount += _checkCount(n.right); assert expectedCount == n.count : String.format("%d <> %d", expectedCount, n.count); return expectedCount; } private void _checkBst(Node<E> n) { if (null != n.left) { assert, n.value) <= 0 : String.format("%s <> %s (%d)", n.left.value, n.value,, n.value)); _checkBst(n.left); } if (null != n.right) { assert 0 <=, n.value) : String.format("%s <> %s (%d)", n.right.value, n.value,, n.value)); _checkBst(n.right); } } /////// INTERNAL /////// private static final class Node<T> { final @Nullable T value; int count = 1; @Nullable Node<T> left = null; @Nullable Node<T> right = null; Node(@Nullable T value) { this.value = value; } } private static <T> Comparable<T> comparable(final T value, final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { return new Comparable<T>() { @Override public int compareTo(T another) { return, another); } }; } // FIXME remove this - (see notes at top) // FIXME use splay instead, and compare with the root after splay to derive c static final class FindResult<T> { public final T value; /** index of value */ public final int index; /** the result of */ public final int c; FindResult(T value, int index, int c) { this.value = value; this.index = index; this.c = c; } } /** Tests if for successive items <code>x</code> from the iterator, * <code>q.compareTo(x)</code> is monotonically increasing. */ private static <T> boolean isMonotonicallyIncreasing(Iterator<T> sortedItr, Comparable<? super T> q) { if (!sortedItr.hasNext()) { return true; } int ps = -1; while (sortedItr.hasNext()) { int c = q.compareTo(; int s = c < 0 ? -1 : 0 < c ? 1 : 0; if (s < ps) { return false; } ps = s; } return true; } }