package io.nextop.client.node.nextop; import io.nextop.*; import io.nextop.client.MessageControl; import io.nextop.Wire; import io.nextop.Wires; import io.nextop.client.MessageControlState; import io.nextop.client.node.AbstractMessageControlNode; import io.nextop.client.node.Head; import io.nextop.client.node.http.HttpNode; import io.nextop.client.retry.SendStrategy; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import*; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; // FIXME(broken) DNS http stack is totally messed up // FIXME(security) client TLS certificate. the certificate is used to verify the client ID public class NextopClientWireFactory extends AbstractMessageControlNode implements Wire.Factory { public static final class Config { public final Authority dnsAuthority; public final int allowedFailsPerAuthority; @Nullable public List<Authority> fixedAuthorities; public Config(Authority dnsAuthority, int allowedFailsPerAuthority) { this(dnsAuthority, allowedFailsPerAuthority, Collections.<Authority>emptyList()); } public Config(Authority dnsAuthority, int allowedFailsPerAuthority, @Nullable List<Authority> fixedAuthorities) { this.dnsAuthority = dnsAuthority; this.allowedFailsPerAuthority = allowedFailsPerAuthority; this.fixedAuthorities = fixedAuthorities; } } static final Config DEFAULT_CONFIG = new Config(Authority.valueOf(""), 2); static final SendStrategy DEFAULT_DNS_SEND_STRATEGY = new SendStrategy.Builder() .withUniformRandom(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .repeatIndefinitely() .build(); static final SendStrategy FAILSAFE_DNS_SEND_STRATEGY = DEFAULT_DNS_SEND_STRATEGY; // exponential backoff to a long poll static final SendStrategy DEFAULT_DNS_RETAKE_STRATEGY = new SendStrategy.Builder() .init(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .withExponentialRandom(1.1f) // FIXME really want a repeatUntil(200s) .repeat(50) .withUniformRandom(300, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .repeatIndefinitely() .build(); static final SendStrategy FAILSAFE_DNS_RETAKE_STRATEGY = DEFAULT_DNS_RETAKE_STRATEGY; final Config config; final SocketFactory socketFactory; final byte[] greetingBuffer = new byte[1024]; // set in #init HttpNode dnsHttpNode; Head dnsHead; // FIXME want to save this state, so that when the node comes back, // FIXME it doesn't have to hit DNS to get active // set in init State state; // this should be an aggressive uniform poll SendStrategy dnsSendStrategy = DEFAULT_DNS_SEND_STRATEGY; // this should be an exponential backoff up to a long poll SendStrategy dnsRetakeStrategy = DEFAULT_DNS_RETAKE_STRATEGY; SendStrategy mostRecentDnsSendStrategy = null; long mostRecentDnsSendNanos = 0L; SendStrategy mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy = null; // FIXME boolean active = false; // FIXME // FIXME final Id clientId = Id.create(); // FIXME Id accessKey = Id.create(); Set<Id> grantKeys = Collections.emptySet(); public NextopClientWireFactory() { this(DEFAULT_CONFIG); } public NextopClientWireFactory(Config config) { this.config = config; socketFactory = SocketFactory.getDefault(); } @Override protected void initSelf(Bundle savedState) { state = new State(); // at this point the upstream is set MessageControlState dnsMcs = new MessageControlState(this); dnsHttpNode = new HttpNode(); dnsHead = Head.create(this, dnsMcs, dnsHttpNode, getScheduler()); dnsHead.init(savedState); } @Override public void onSaveState(Bundle savedState) { // FIXME } @Override public void onActive(boolean active) { // FIXME if (active != { = active; if (active) { dnsHead.start(); } else { dnsHead.stop(); } } } @Override public void onMessageControl(MessageControl mc) { // this node attaches to the upstream lifecycle // but does not accept messages from the upstream assert false; } // if state has all failed endpoints, // post failed to DNS // query DNS for new endpoints // keep doing that for n tries // if connection is up, then return wire // else not available // FIXME this should do tls. once handshake an establish an intro (send access key, etc), then /////// Wire.Factory IMPLEMENTATION /////// @Override public Wire create(@Nullable Wire replace) throws NoSuchElementException { // if replace, mark replaced authority as failed // while there is an up authority // attempt to connect // if successful, mark success, (TODO upgrade to tls), return // if failed, repeat // (retry timeout for dns requests, to avoid ddossing the dns) // at this point there are no more up authorities // send a dns request for more authorities // repeat top if (replace instanceof NextopRemoteWire) { replace).authority); } top: while (active) { @Nullable Authority upAuthority; try { mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy = dnsRetakeStrategy; if (null == mostRecentDnsSendStrategy) { mostRecentDnsSendStrategy = dnsSendStrategy; } while (null == (upAuthority = state.getFirstUpAuthority(config.allowedFailsPerAuthority))) { if (!active) { continue top; } doDnsSendDelay(); if (!doDnsReset()) { // there was an error with dns doDnsRetakeDelay(); } else { mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy = dnsRetakeStrategy; } mostRecentDnsSendNanos = System.nanoTime(); } } catch (Exception e) { continue top; } assert null != upAuthority; try { System.out.printf("Connecting to %s\n", upAuthority); Socket socket = socketFactory.createSocket(Authority.toInetAddress(upAuthority), upAuthority.port); // socket.setTcpNoDelay(false); { long startNanos = System.nanoTime(); writeGreeting(socket.getOutputStream()); readGreetingResponse(socket.getInputStream()); System.out.printf("Greeting took %.3fms\n", ((System.nanoTime() - startNanos) / 1000) / 1000.f); } Socket tlsSocket = startTls(socket); state.success(upAuthority); return; } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME work out the case where this was a network outage; continue top; } } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } void doDnsSendDelay() throws InterruptedException { if (0 < mostRecentDnsSendNanos) { long elapsedMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - mostRecentDnsSendNanos); mostRecentDnsSendStrategy = mostRecentDnsSendStrategy.retry(); if (!mostRecentDnsSendStrategy.isSend()) { mostRecentDnsSendStrategy = FAILSAFE_DNS_SEND_STRATEGY.retry(); } assert mostRecentDnsSendStrategy.isSend(); long delayMs = mostRecentDnsSendStrategy.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (elapsedMs < delayMs) { Thread.sleep(delayMs - elapsedMs); } } } void doDnsRetakeDelay() throws InterruptedException { mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy = mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy.retry(); if (!mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy.isSend()) { mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy = FAILSAFE_DNS_RETAKE_STRATEGY.retry(); } assert mostRecentDnsRetakeStrategy.isSend(); long delayMs = mostRecentDnsSendStrategy.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (0 < delayMs) { Thread.sleep(delayMs); } } boolean doDnsReset() { if (!config.fixedAuthorities.isEmpty()) { state.resetDnsAuthorities(config.fixedAuthorities); return true; } List<Authority> reportDownAuthorities = state.getUnreportedDownAuthorities(config.allowedFailsPerAuthority); Message dnsRequest; if (reportDownAuthorities.isEmpty()) { dnsRequest = Message.newBuilder() .setRoute(Route.valueOf("GET http://" + config.dnsAuthority + "/$access-key/edge.json")) .set("access-key", accessKey) .build(); } else { // report the down authorities List<String> reportDownAuthorityStrings = new ArrayList<String>(reportDownAuthorities.size()); for (Authority reportDownAuthority : reportDownAuthorities) { reportDownAuthorityStrings.add(reportDownAuthority.toString()); } dnsRequest = Message.newBuilder() .setRoute(Route.valueOf("POST http://" + config.dnsAuthority + "/$access-key/edge.json")) .set("access-key", accessKey) .set("bad-authorities", WireValue.of(reportDownAuthorityStrings)) .build(); } Message dnsResponse; try { dnsHead.send(dnsRequest); // FIXME there is a timing bug here - not calling on the head scheduler is a bug dnsResponse = dnsHead.receive(dnsRequest.inboxRoute()).toBlocking().single(); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME log dnsHead.cancelSend(; return false; } if (HttpStatus.SC_OK != dnsResponse.getCode()) { return false; } else { // mark the unreported down as reported for (Authority reportDownAuthority : reportDownAuthorities) { state.setReportedDown(reportDownAuthority); } try { @Nullable WireValue contentValue = dnsResponse.getContent(); if (null != contentValue) { @Nullable WireValue authoritiesValue = contentValue.asMap().get(WireValue.of("authorities")); if (null != authoritiesValue) { List<WireValue> dnsAuthorityValues = authoritiesValue.asList(); List<Authority> dnsAuthorities = new ArrayList<Authority>(dnsAuthorityValues.size()); for (WireValue dnsAuthorityValue : dnsAuthorityValues) { dnsAuthorities.add(Authority.valueOf(dnsAuthorityValue.toString())); } state.resetDnsAuthorities(dnsAuthorities); return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME log // fall through } return false; } } void writeGreeting(OutputStream os) throws IOException { // FIXME send the client ID (each client has a unique ID that is used for reconnects) // FIXME send the client certificate for TLS Message greeting = Message.newBuilder() .setRoute(Route.create(Route.Target.valueOf("PUT /greeting"), Route.LOCAL)) .set("accessKey", accessKey) .set("grantKeys", WireValue.of(grantKeys)) .set("clientId", clientId) .build(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(greetingBuffer, 2, greetingBuffer.length - 2); WireValue.of(greeting).toBytes(bb); bb.flip(); int length = bb.remaining(); greetingBuffer[0] = (byte) (length >>> 8); greetingBuffer[1] = (byte) length; os.write(greetingBuffer, 0, 2 + bb.remaining()); os.flush(); } void readGreetingResponse(InputStream is) throws IOException { int i = 0; for (int r; 0 < (r =, i, 2 - i)); ) { i += r; } if (i < 2) { throw new IOException(); } int length = ((0xFF & greetingBuffer[0]) << 8) | (0xFF & greetingBuffer[1]); if (greetingBuffer.length < length) { throw new IOException("Greeting response too long."); } i = 0; for (int r; 0 < (r =, i, length - i)); ) { i += r; } if (i < length) { throw new IOException(); } WireValue responseValue = WireValue.valueOf(greetingBuffer); switch (responseValue.getType()) { case MESSAGE: handleGreetingResponse(responseValue.asMessage()); break; default: throw new IOException("Bad greeting response."); } } void handleGreetingResponse(Message response) { // FIXME sessionId } /** starts a TLS session on the socket. blocks until the handshake is completed, * with certificates exchanged and verified. */ Socket startTls(Socket socket) throws IOException { // FIXME return socket; } static final class NextopRemoteWire implements Wire { final Wire impl; final Authority authority; NextopRemoteWire(Wire impl, Authority authority) { this.impl = impl; this.authority = authority; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { impl.close(); } @Override public void read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, int messageBoundary) throws IOException {, offset, length, messageBoundary); } @Override public void skip(long n, int messageBoundary) throws IOException { impl.skip(n, messageBoundary); } @Override public void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int n, int messageBoundary) throws IOException { impl.write(buffer, offset, n, messageBoundary); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { impl.flush(); } } public static final class State implements Serializable { List<AuthorityState> authorityStates = Collections.emptyList(); Map<Authority, AuthorityState> allAuthorityStates = new HashMap<Authority, AuthorityState>(8); State() { } @Nullable Authority getFirstUpAuthority(int allowedFailsPerAuthority) { for (AuthorityState authorityState : authorityStates) { if (!authorityState.isDown(allowedFailsPerAuthority)) { return authorityState.authority; } } return null; } List<Authority> getUnreportedDownAuthorities(int allowedFailsPerAuthority) { List<Authority> unreportedDownAuthorities = new LinkedList<Authority>(); for (AuthorityState authorityState : authorityStates) { if (authorityState.isDown(allowedFailsPerAuthority) && !authorityState.reportedDown) { unreportedDownAuthorities.add(authorityState.authority); } } return unreportedDownAuthorities; } void resetDnsAuthorities(List<Authority> dnsAuthorities) { // resolve with states List<AuthorityState> dnsAuthorityStates = new ArrayList<AuthorityState>(dnsAuthorities.size()); for (Authority authority : dnsAuthorities) { AuthorityState authorityState = allAuthorityStates.get(authority); if (null == authorityState) { authorityState = new AuthorityState(authority); allAuthorityStates.put(authority, authorityState); } // mark the state with a dns reset authorityState.addAttempt(AuthorityState.Attempt.create(AuthorityState.Attempt.Type.DNS_RESET)); dnsAuthorityStates.add(authorityState); } authorityStates = dnsAuthorityStates; } void success(Authority authority) { @Nullable AuthorityState authorityState = allAuthorityStates.get(authority); assert null != authorityState; if (null != authorityState) { authorityState.addAttempt(AuthorityState.Attempt.create(AuthorityState.Attempt.Type.SUCCESS)); } } void fail(Authority authority) { @Nullable AuthorityState authorityState = allAuthorityStates.get(authority); assert null != authorityState; if (null != authorityState) { authorityState.addAttempt(AuthorityState.Attempt.create(AuthorityState.Attempt.Type.FAIL)); } } void setReportedDown(Authority authority) { @Nullable AuthorityState authorityState = allAuthorityStates.get(authority); assert null != authorityState; if (null != authorityState) { authorityState.reportedDown = true; } } // FIXME serializable static final class AuthorityState { final Authority authority; final Attempt[] attempts = new Attempt[16]; int attemptNextIndex = 0; int attemptCount = 0; boolean reportedDown = false; AuthorityState(Authority authority) { this.authority = authority; } void addAttempt(Attempt attempt) { int n = attempts.length; if (attemptCount < n) { attemptCount += 1; } attempts[attemptNextIndex] = attempt; attemptNextIndex = (attemptNextIndex + 1) % n; } // don't try again on a most recently failed boolean isMostRecentlyFailed() { int n = attempts.length; int attemptIndex = ((attemptNextIndex - 1) + n) % n; switch (attempts[attemptIndex].type) { case FAIL: return true; default: return false; } } // if the two most recent requests have failed, then consider this down boolean isDown(int allowedFails) { int n = attempts.length; if (attemptCount < allowedFails) { return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < allowedFails; ++i) { int attemptIndex = ((attemptNextIndex - 1 - i) + n) % n; switch (attempts[attemptIndex].type) { case FAIL: // continue break; default: return false; } } return true; } } static final class Attempt { static enum Type { SUCCESS, FAIL, DNS_RESET } static Attempt create(Type type) { return new Attempt(type, System.currentTimeMillis()); } final Type type; final long time; Attempt(Type type, long time) { this.type = type; this.time = time; } } } } }