package io.nextop.log; import rx.Scheduler; import rx.Subscription; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.functions.Action1; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; // aggregates logged values and periodically dumps a summary // each key stays active for some time, then is evicted and prints a summary at time of eviction // the state of all active keys can be dumped at any time public final class AggregatorLog extends DefaultLog { final Scheduler scheduler; final Scheduler.Worker worker; // aggregate config final int metricReservoirSize = 16; final int[] metricPercentiles = new int[]{1, 50, 99}; final int metricWindowSize = 4; // a total count is also maintained final int[] countWindowsMs = new int[]{5000, 60000}; int summaryIntervalMs = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(5); int ejectTimeoutMs = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(180); // process state // "process" is vacuum + print modified aggregates since last process @Nullable Subscription processSubscription = null; long mostRecentProcessNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE; long nextProcessNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE; final Object aggregatorStateMutex = new Object(); // front is most recently updated; back is least recently updated final NavigableSet<Aggregator> orderedAggregators; final Map<AggregatorKey, Aggregator> aggregators; public AggregatorLog(Out out, Scheduler scheduler) { super(out); this.scheduler = scheduler; this.worker = scheduler.createWorker(); orderedAggregators = new TreeSet<Aggregator>(C_UPDATE_PRIORITY); aggregators = new HashMap<AggregatorKey, Aggregator>(32); } /////// Log OVERRIDES /////// /* for counts and metrics, only the aggregates are written upstream. */ @Override public void count(Level level, String keyFormat, final long d, Object ... keyArgs) { if (out.isWrite(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC) || out.isWriteUp(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC)) { final String key = String.format(keyFormat, keyArgs); update(level, new AggregatorKey(AggregatorType.COUNT, key), new Action1<Aggregator>() { @Override public void call(Aggregator aggregator) { ((Count) aggregator).add(d); } }); } } @Override public void metric(Level level, String keyFormat, final long value, final Object unit, Object ... keyArgs) { if (out.isWrite(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC) || out.isWriteUp(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC)) { final String key = String.format(keyFormat, keyArgs); final Unit u = Unit.valueOf(unit); update(level, new AggregatorKey(AggregatorType.PERCENTILE, key), new Action1<Aggregator>() { @Override public void call(Aggregator aggregator) { ((Percentile) aggregator).add(value, u); } }); } } /////// Summary /////// private void process() { synchronized (aggregatorStateMutex) { long nanos = System.nanoTime(); // 1. scan summary // 2. scan ejection // 3. schedule next // 1. for (Iterator<Aggregator> itr = orderedAggregators.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { Aggregator aggregator =; // else don't break because the locking order in #update may cause some slight mis-ordering // e.g. the pendingSummary bit might not be set even though the aggregator set was updated // break on time int k = 2; if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(k * summaryIntervalMs) < nanos - aggregator.mostRecentUpdateNanos) { break; } else { synchronized (aggregator) { if (aggregator.pendingSummary) { aggregator.pendingSummary = false; aggregator.summarize(); } } } } // 2. // in the eject scan, this is the stopping value long maxNonEjectionNanos = nanos + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(ejectTimeoutMs) / 2; for (Iterator<Aggregator> itr = orderedAggregators.descendingIterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { Aggregator aggregator =; if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(ejectTimeoutMs) < nanos - aggregator.mostRecentUpdateNanos) { synchronized (aggregator) { aggregator.ejected = true; aggregator.eject(); } itr.remove(); } else { maxNonEjectionNanos = aggregator.mostRecentUpdateNanos; break; } } // 3. mostRecentProcessNanos = nanos; if (null != processSubscription) { processSubscription.unsubscribe(); } nextProcessNanos = maxNonEjectionNanos; worker.schedule(new Action0() { @Override public void call() { process(); } }, nextProcessNanos - nanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } /////// Aggregators /////// private void update(Level level, AggregatorKey key, Action1<Aggregator> updater) { Aggregator aggregator; synchronized (aggregatorStateMutex) { long nanos = System.nanoTime(); aggregator = aggregators.get(key); if (null != aggregator) { assert !aggregator.ejected; if (aggregator.ejected) { // FIXME log this outside of lock - broken invariant //, "log.ejected.failure", 1); return; } orderedAggregators.remove(aggregator); aggregator.mostRecentUpdateNanos = nanos; orderedAggregators.add(aggregator); } else { switch (key.type) { case COUNT: aggregator = new Count(key, nanos); break; case PERCENTILE: aggregator = new Percentile(key, nanos); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } aggregators.put(key, aggregator); orderedAggregators.add(aggregator); } // check the process schedule if (nanos + summaryIntervalMs < nextProcessNanos) { if (null != processSubscription) { processSubscription.unsubscribe(); } processSubscription = worker.schedule(new Action0() { @Override public void call() { process(); } }, summaryIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } // rare timing issue due to locking order // if the aggregator lock were inside the aggregatorStateMutex, this wouldn't happen // but that would increase contention boolean ejected; synchronized (aggregator) { ejected = aggregator.ejected; if (!ejected) { ejected = false; aggregator.pendingSummary = true; aggregator.level = level;; } } if (ejected) { // old bucket ejected // add the value to the latest active bucket update(level, key, updater); } } static final Comparator<Aggregator> C_UPDATE_PRIORITY = new Comparator<Aggregator>() { @Override public int compare(Aggregator a, Aggregator b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } // descending by most recent update if (a.mostRecentUpdateNanos < b.mostRecentUpdateNanos) { return 1; } else if (b.mostRecentUpdateNanos < a.mostRecentUpdateNanos) { return -1; } return a.key.compareTo(b.key); } }; enum AggregatorType { COUNT, PERCENTILE } static final class AggregatorKey implements Comparable<AggregatorKey> { final AggregatorType type; final String key; AggregatorKey(AggregatorType type, String key) { this.type = type; this.key = key; } @Override public int hashCode() { int c = type.hashCode(); c = 31 * c + key.hashCode(); return c; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof AggregatorKey)) { return false; } AggregatorKey b = (AggregatorKey) o; return type.equals(b.type) && key.equals(b.key); } @Override public int compareTo(AggregatorKey b) { int d = type.compareTo(b.type); if (0 != d) { return d; } d = key.compareTo(b.key); return d; } } // all state read/write under a lock on this object // except mostRecentUpdateNanos (see notes) abstract class Aggregator { final AggregatorKey key; boolean pendingSummary = false; boolean ejected = false; Level level = Level.INFO; // read/write under the aggregatorStateMutex long mostRecentUpdateNanos; Aggregator(AggregatorKey key, long nanos) { this.key = key; mostRecentUpdateNanos = nanos; } abstract void summarize(); abstract void eject(); } // the windows in the counter hard reset on the window boundaries // there is no blending between windows class Count extends Aggregator { // initializes to zero final long[] windows = new long[countWindowsMs.length]; final long[] windowStartNanos = new long[countWindowsMs.length]; final long[] previousWindows = new long[countWindowsMs.length]; long total = 0L; long startNanos = 0L; int count = 0; Count(AggregatorKey key, long nanos) { super(key, nanos); } synchronized void add(long d) { long nanos = System.nanoTime(); // update windows rotateWindows(nanos); for (int i = 0, n = countWindowsMs.length; i < n; ++i) { windows[i] += d; } // update total total += d; if (0 == count) { startNanos = nanos; } count += 1; } @Override void summarize() { summarize(key.key); } @Override void eject() { summarize(String.format("%s.eject", key.key)); } // windows private void rotateWindows(long nanos) { int n = countWindowsMs.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(countWindowsMs[i]) < nanos - windowStartNanos[i]) { // start a new window previousWindows[i] = windows[i]; windows[i] = 0L; windowStartNanos[i] = nanos; } } } // summarization private synchronized void summarize(String key) { if (count <= 0) { assert false; return; } int n = countWindowsMs.length; long nanos = System.nanoTime(); // two-line formatting // e.g. // -0.9m -3m -20m // 2 8 ; 20 if (out.isWrite(level, LogEntry.Type.COUNT)) { StringBuilder[] lines = new StringBuilder[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { lines[i] = new StringBuilder(out.lineWidth()); } String keyPrefix = String.format("%-" + out.keyWidth() + "s ", key); lines[0].append(keyPrefix); pad(lines); String valueFormat = "%-" + out.valueWidth() + "d"; String cpValueFormat = String.format("%s/%s", valueFormat, valueFormat); // windows for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { long wvalue = windows[i]; long pwvalue = previousWindows[i]; long wnanos = windowStartNanos[i]; float mins = ((nanos - wnanos) / (1000 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000.f); lines[0].append(String.format("-%.2fm ", mins)); lines[1].append(String.format(cpValueFormat, wvalue, pwvalue)); pad(lines); } lines[1].append("; "); pad(lines); // total { float mins = ((nanos - startNanos) / (1000 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000.f); lines[0].append(String.format("-%.2fm ", mins)); lines[1].append(String.format(valueFormat, total)); } String[] lineStrings = new String[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { lineStrings[i] = lines[i].toString(); } out.write(level, LogEntry.Type.COUNT, lineStrings); } // upstream keys are key.wX for each window ms, and a raw key with the total if (out.isWriteUp(level, LogEntry.Type.COUNT)) { out.writeUp(LogEntry.count(level, key, total)); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { String wkey = String.format("%s.w%d", key, countWindowsMs[i]); long wvalue = windows[i]; out.writeUp(LogEntry.count(level, wkey, wvalue)); } } // ensure the windows are current for next reporting rotateWindows(nanos); } } final class Percentile extends Aggregator { final Sample[] reservoir = new Sample[metricReservoirSize]; // circular, "count" is head+1 final Sample[] mostRecent = new Sample[metricWindowSize]; int count = 0; final Sample[] percentiles = new Sample[metricPercentiles.length]; final Sample[] previousPercentiles = new Sample[metricPercentiles.length]; // pinned to the first input @Nullable Unit unit = null; // TODO consider thread-local random to reduce memory usage final Random r = new Random(); Percentile(AggregatorKey key, long nanos) { super(key, nanos); } synchronized void add(long value, Unit unit) { long cvalue; if (null == this.unit) { this.unit = unit; cvalue = value; } else { cvalue = this.unit.convert(value, unit); } long nanos = System.nanoTime(); Sample s = new Sample(cvalue, nanos); // most recent { int i = count % mostRecent.length; mostRecent[i] = s; } // reservoir sampling for values { int i; if (count < reservoir.length) { i = count; } else { i = r.nextInt(count + 1); } if (i < reservoir.length) { reservoir[i] = s; } } count += 1; } @Override synchronized void summarize() { summarize(key.key); } @Override synchronized void eject() { summarize(String.format("%s.eject", key.key)); } // summarization private synchronized void summarize(String key) { if (count <= 0) { assert false; return; } // sort int k = Math.min(count, reservoir.length); Arrays.sort(reservoir, 0, k, C_SAMPLE_VALUE_ASCENDING); // calculate percentiles int n = metricPercentiles.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { previousPercentiles[i] = percentiles[i]; int percentileIndex = (metricPercentiles[i] * (k - 1) + 50) / 100; percentiles[i] = reservoir[percentileIndex]; } // three-line formatting // e.g. // p5 p50 p95 most recent // 2 8 16 ; [5 7 1 ] mbps // -.033m -5.4m -1.3m -0.01m -0.03m -0.1m if (out.isWrite(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC)) { long nanos = System.nanoTime(); StringBuilder[] lines = new StringBuilder[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { lines[i] = new StringBuilder(out.lineWidth()); } String keyPrefix = String.format("%-" + out.keyWidth() + "s ", key); lines[0].append(keyPrefix); pad(lines); String valueFormat = "%-" + out.valueWidth() + "d"; String cpValueFormat = String.format("%s/%s ", valueFormat, valueFormat); String cValueFormat = String.format("%s ", valueFormat); String mrValueFormat = String.format("%s ", valueFormat); // percentiles for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { @Nullable Sample ps = previousPercentiles[i]; Sample s = percentiles[i]; float mins = ((nanos - s.nanos) / (1000 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000.f); lines[0].append(String.format("p%d ", metricPercentiles[i])); if (null != ps) { lines[1].append(String.format(cpValueFormat, s.value, ps.value)); } else { lines[1].append(String.format(cValueFormat, s.value)); } lines[2].append(String.format("-%.2fm ", mins)); pad(lines); } lines[1].append("; ["); pad(lines); StringBuilder[] subLines = new StringBuilder[]{lines[1], lines[2]}; int j = Math.min(count, mostRecent.length); for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { int index = (count - 1 - i + mostRecent.length) % mostRecent.length; Sample s = mostRecent[index]; float mins = ((nanos - s.nanos) / (1000 * 1000)) / (60 * 1000.f); lines[1].append(String.format(mrValueFormat, s.value)); lines[2].append(String.format("-%.2fm ", mins)); pad(subLines); } StringBuilder[] supLines = new StringBuilder[]{lines[0], lines[1]}; lines[0].append("most recent"); lines[1].append("] "); pad(supLines); lines[0].append(String.format("/ %-" + out.valueWidth() + "d", count)); lines[1].append(String.format("%" + out.unitWidth() + "s", unit)); String[] lineStrings = new String[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { lineStrings[i] = lines[i].toString(); } out.write(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC, lineStrings); } // upstream keys are key.pX for each percentile if (out.isWriteUp(level, LogEntry.Type.METRIC)) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { String pkey = String.format("%s.p%d", key, metricPercentiles[i]); long pvalue = percentiles[i].value; out.writeUp(LogEntry.metric(level, pkey, pvalue, unit)); } } } } private static void pad(StringBuilder[] lines) { int length = 0; for (StringBuilder line : lines) { int n = line.length(); if (length < n) { length = n; } } pad(lines, length); } private static void pad(StringBuilder[] lines, int length) { for (StringBuilder line : lines) { for (int d = length - line.length(); 0 < d; --d) { line.append(' '); } } } private static final class Sample { final long value; final long nanos; Sample(long value, long nanos) { this.value = value; this.nanos = nanos; } } private static final Comparator<Sample> C_SAMPLE_VALUE_ASCENDING = new Comparator<Sample>() { @Override public int compare(Sample a, Sample b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } // by value if (a.value < b.value) { return -1; } if (b.value < a.value) { return 1; } // by time if (a.nanos < b.nanos) { return -1; } if (b.nanos < a.nanos) { return 1; } return 0; } }; }