package dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.processmonitor.datasources; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.Batch; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.Event; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.NotFoundException; import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.Pair; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.List; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static; public abstract class TCKTestSuite { public abstract DataSource getDataSource(); public abstract Pair<String, Integer> getValidBatchID(); public abstract Pair<String, Integer> getInvalidBatchID(); public abstract String getValidAndSucessfullEventIDForValidBatch(); @Test(groups = {"externalTest"}) public void testGetBatches() throws NotWorkingProperlyException { List<Batch> batches = getDataSource().getBatches(false, null); assertTrue(batches.size() > 0, "The datasource have no content"); boolean validHaveBeenFound = false; boolean anEventHaveBeenSeen = false; for (Batch batch : batches) { List<Event> eventList = batch.getEventList(); assertNotNull(eventList, "The event list cannot be null"); if (eventList.size() > 0) { anEventHaveBeenSeen = true; } if (batch.getBatchID().equals(getValidBatchID().getLeft())) { validHaveBeenFound = true; boolean goodEventFound = false; for (Event event : eventList) { if (event.getEventID().equals(getValidAndSucessfullEventIDForValidBatch())) { assertTrue(event.isSuccess(), "The successful event must be successful"); goodEventFound = true; } } assertTrue(goodEventFound, "The good event was not found for the valid batch"); } for (Event event : eventList) { // Assert.assertNull(event.getDetails(),"We requested no details, so that must be null"); } } if (!validHaveBeenFound) { fail("Failed to find the valid ID among all the batches"); } if (!anEventHaveBeenSeen) { fail("None of the batches have any events. Quite boring, right?"); } } @Test(groups = {"externalTest"}) public void testGetInvalidBatch() throws NotWorkingProperlyException { try { Batch batch = getDataSource().getBatch( getInvalidBatchID().getLeft(), getInvalidBatchID().getRight(), false); assertNotNull(batch, "Do not return null"); fail("The invalid batch was found"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { //expected } } @Test(groups = {"externalTest"}) public void testGetValidBatch() throws NotWorkingProperlyException { Batch validBatch = null; try { validBatch = getDataSource().getBatch(getValidBatchID().getLeft(), getValidBatchID().getRight(), true); assertNotNull(validBatch, "Do not return null"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("The valid batch was not found", e); } assertEquals(validBatch.getBatchID(), getValidBatchID().getLeft(), "The batch have a wrong ID"); assertEquals(validBatch.getRoundTripNumber(), getValidBatchID().getRight(), "The batch have a wrong ID"); List<Event> eventList = validBatch.getEventList(); assertTrue(eventList.size() > 0, "The valid batch must have at least one event"); for (Event event : eventList) { // Assert.assertNotNull(event.getDetails(), "We requested details, so that must be not null"); if (event.getEventID().equals(getValidAndSucessfullEventIDForValidBatch())) { assertTrue(event.isSuccess(), "The event must be successful"); } } } @Test(groups = {"externalTest"}) public void testGetEvent() throws NotWorkingProperlyException { Event event = null; try { event = getDataSource().getBatchEvent( getValidBatchID().getLeft(), getValidBatchID().getRight(), getValidAndSucessfullEventIDForValidBatch(), true); assertNotNull(event, "Do not return null"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { fail("The valid batch event was not found", e); } assertEquals(event.getEventID(), getValidAndSucessfullEventIDForValidBatch(), "The event have a wrong ID"); // Assert.assertNotNull(event.getDetails(), "We requested details, so that must be not null"); assertTrue(event.isSuccess(), "The event must be successful"); } }