package dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendInvalidCredsException; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendInvalidResourceException; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.BackendMethodFailedException; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.EnhancedFedora; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.EnhancedFedoraImpl; import dk.statsbiblioteket.doms.central.connectors.fedora.pidGenerator.PIDGeneratorException; import dk.statsbiblioteket.sbutil.webservices.authentication.Credentials; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.iterator.common.TreeIterator; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.iterator.fedora3.ConfigurableFilter; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.iterator.fedora3.IteratorForFedora3; import dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.iterator.filesystem.transforming.TransformingIteratorForFileSystems; import dk.statsbiblioteket.util.Streams; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * An abstract runnable component that uses SBOI for event triggers and DOMS for event storage, * and provides access to a tree iterator. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")//Credentials public abstract class TreeProcessorAbstractRunnableComponent extends AbstractRunnableComponent<Batch> { private static final String BATCH_STRUCTURE = "BATCHSTRUCTURE"; private EnhancedFedora fedora; private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected TreeProcessorAbstractRunnableComponent(Properties properties) { super(properties); } /** * Create a tree iterator for the given batch. It will use the properties construct to get necessary properties * 1. useFileSystem: boolean: Determines if the batch should be read from the filesystem (in this case 2-5 are * used) * 2. scratch: path: The folder where the batch resides * 3. groupingChar: Char. The character that separates the prefix and the postfix. Default "." * 4. dataFilePattern: The regular expression pattern to identify datafiles. Default ".*\\.jp2$" * 5. checksumPostFix: The postfix to append to filenames to get their checksum files. Default ".md5" * 6. fedora.admin.username: The username for communicating with fedora * 7. fedora.admin.password: The password used for communicating with fedora * 8. fedora.server: The fedora server used * 9. fedora.iterator.attributenames Datastream names in fedora used for attributes * 10. fedora.iterator.predicatenames Predicates of relations in fedora used for generating tree * * @param batch the batch * * @return a tree iterator */ protected TreeIterator createIterator(Batch batch) { String dataFilePattern = getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_DATAFILEPATTERN, TransformingIteratorForFileSystems.DATA_FILE_PATTERN_JP2_VALUE); boolean useFileSystem = Boolean.parseBoolean( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_USE_FILESYSTEM, "true")); if (useFileSystem) { File scratchDir = new File(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_FILESYSTEM_BATCHES_FOLDER)); File batchDir = new File(scratchDir, batch.getFullID()); String groupingChar = Pattern .quote(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_FILESYSTEM_GROUPINGCHAR, ".")); String checksumPostFix = getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_FILESYSTEM_CHECKSUMPOSTFIX, TransformingIteratorForFileSystems.CHECKSUM_POSTFIX_DEFAULT_VALUE); String[] ignoredFiles = getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_FILESYSTEM_IGNOREDFILES, TransformingIteratorForFileSystems.IGNORED_FILES_DEFAULT_VALUE) .split(","); for (int i = 0; i < ignoredFiles.length; i++) { ignoredFiles[i] = ignoredFiles[i].trim(); } return new TransformingIteratorForFileSystems(batchDir, groupingChar, dataFilePattern, checksumPostFix, Arrays.asList(ignoredFiles)); } else { Client client = Client.create(); client.addFilter( new HTTPBasicAuthFilter( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_USERNAME), getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_PASSWORD))); String pid; try { EnhancedFedora fedora = getEnhancedFedora(); pid = getRoundTripObject(batch, fedora); } catch (MalformedURLException | PIDGeneratorException | BackendMethodFailedException | JAXBException | BackendInvalidCredsException e) { log.error("Unable to initialise iterator", e); throw new InitialisationException("Unable to initialise iterator", e); } return new IteratorForFedora3( pid, client, getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_URL), new ConfigurableFilter( Arrays.asList(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_DOMS_ATTRIBUTENAMES).split(",")), Arrays.asList( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_DOMS_PREDICATENAMES).split(","))), dataFilePattern); } } /** * Retrieve the batch structure from DOMS or from the file system. * If the property "batchStructure.useFileSystem" is true (default), retrieve the structure from the * "batchStructure.storageDir" * otherwise retrieve it from the datastream named MANIFEST on the round trip object * * @param batch the batch in question * * @return the input stream to the batch structure * @throws IOException if an inputstream could not be opened */ public InputStream retrieveBatchStructure(Batch batch) throws IOException { boolean useFileSystem = Boolean.parseBoolean( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_USE_FILESYSTEM, "true")); if (useFileSystem) { File batchStructureFile = getBatchStructureFile(batch); return new FileInputStream(batchStructureFile); } else { String pid; try { EnhancedFedora fedora = getEnhancedFedora(); pid = getRoundTripObject(batch, fedora); String batchStructure = fedora.getXMLDatastreamContents(pid, BATCH_STRUCTURE); return new ByteArrayInputStream(batchStructure.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException | MalformedURLException | PIDGeneratorException | BackendMethodFailedException | JAXBException | BackendInvalidCredsException e) { log.error("Unable to retrieve batch structure", e); throw new InitialisationException("Unable to retrieve batch structure", e); } } } /** * Utility method to get the batch structure file. * * @param batch the batch in question * * @return a file object denoting the path to the structure file (which might not exist) */ private File getBatchStructureFile(Batch batch) { File scratchDir = new File(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.AUTONOMOUS_BATCH_STRUCTURE_STORAGE_DIR)); return new File(scratchDir, batch.getFullID() + ".batchStructure.xml"); } /** * Store the batch structure, either in DOMS or on the filesystem. * If the property "batchStructure.useFileSystem" is true (default), store the structure in the * "batchStructure.storageDir" * otherwise store it in the datastream named MANIFEST on the round trip object * * @param batch the batch in question * @param batchStructure the batch structure as an UTF-8 inputstream * * @throws IOException if the storing failed */ public void storeBatchStructure(Batch batch, InputStream batchStructure) throws IOException { boolean useFileSystem = Boolean.parseBoolean( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.ITERATOR_USE_FILESYSTEM, "true")); if (useFileSystem) { File batchStructureFile = getBatchStructureFile(batch); FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(batchStructureFile); Streams.pipe(batchStructure, output); } else { String pid; try { EnhancedFedora fedora = getEnhancedFedora(); pid = getRoundTripObject(batch, fedora); fedora.modifyDatastreamByValue( pid, BATCH_STRUCTURE, null,null,toString(batchStructure).getBytes(),null,"text/xml", "Updating batch structure",null); } catch (BackendInvalidResourceException | MalformedURLException | PIDGeneratorException | BackendMethodFailedException | JAXBException | BackendInvalidCredsException e) { log.error("Unable to store batch structure", e); throw new InitialisationException("Unable to retrieve batch structure", e); } } } /** * Utility method to get the round trip object for a given batch * * @param batch the batch in question * @param fedora the enhanced fedora interface * * @return the found pid or null * @throws BackendInvalidCredsException if the credentials are insufficient * @throws BackendMethodFailedException if something failed in the backend */ private String getRoundTripObject(Batch batch, EnhancedFedora fedora) throws BackendInvalidCredsException, BackendMethodFailedException { List<String> pids = fedora.findObjectFromDCIdentifier("path:" + batch.getFullID()); if (pids.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { if (pids.size() > 1) { log.warn("Apparently found more than one round trip for this round trip '{}'", batch.getFullID()); } return pids.get(0); } } /** * Utility method to initialise an enhanced fedora object * * @return the enhanced fedora object * @throws MalformedURLException if the URL in "fedora.server" is invalid * @throws PIDGeneratorException if the pid generator webservice choked again. Should not be possible * @throws JAXBException if jaxb fails to understand the wsdl */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")//Credentials private synchronized EnhancedFedora getEnhancedFedora() throws MalformedURLException, PIDGeneratorException, JAXBException { int fedoraRetries = Integer.parseInt(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.FEDORA_RETRIES, "1")); int fedoraDelayBetweenRetries = Integer.parseInt(getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.FEDORA_DELAY_BETWEEN_RETRIES, "100")); if (fedora == null) { fedora = new EnhancedFedoraImpl( new Credentials( getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_USERNAME), getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_PASSWORD)), getProperties().getProperty(ConfigConstants.DOMS_URL), null, null, fedoraRetries, fedoraDelayBetweenRetries); } return fedora; } /** * Utility method to read an inputstream to a string. Why is this not in SBUtils already? * * @param stream the stream to read * * @return the stream as a string * @throws IOException if the stream could not be read */ private String toString(InputStream stream) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Streams.pipe(stream, temp); return new String(temp.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } }