package dk.statsbiblioteket.medieplatform.autonomous.iterator.fedora3; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import; import; /** * An fedora attribute event, implemented from the jersey rest client. This one overrides the getChecksum method, as * the checksum is stored as an literal relation in RELS-INT for the content streams. */ public class JerseyContentsAttributeParsingEvent extends JerseyAttributeParsingEvent { protected static final String CONTENTS = "CONTENTS"; protected static final String HAS_CHECKSUM = ""; private static final String WHITESPACES = "\\s+"; /** Contains the checksum. Retrieved and stored on first request */ private WebResource resource; private String pid; public JerseyContentsAttributeParsingEvent(String name, WebResource resource, String pid) { super( name, null, resource.path("/datastreams/").path(CONTENTS)); this.resource = resource; = pid; } @Override public synchronized String getChecksum() throws IOException { String checksum; if (super.getChecksum() == null) { String relationsShips = resource.path("relationships") .queryParam("format", "ntriples") .queryParam("subject", "info:fedora/" + pid + "/" + CONTENTS) .queryParam("predicate", URLEncoder.encode(HAS_CHECKSUM, "UTF-8")) .get(String.class); // Example of output: <info:fedora/uuid:0aecd996-ca16-4786-ad70-0d930034d767/CONTENTS> <> "hejsa" . String[] splits = relationsShips.trim().split(WHITESPACES); if (splits.length < 3) { //something funky return null; } checksum = splits[2].replaceAll("\"", "").trim().toLowerCase(); setChecksum(checksum); } return super.getChecksum(); } }