package io.muoncore.codec.crypt; import io.muoncore.codec.Codecs; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; /** * Codecs that wraps another and encrypts/ decrypts on the way past. */ public class EncryptingCodecs implements Codecs { private Codecs delegate; private EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm; public EncryptingCodecs(Codecs delegate, EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm) { this.delegate = delegate; this.algorithm = algorithm; } @Override public EncodingResult encode(Object object, String[] acceptableContentTypes) { EncodingResult result = delegate.encode(object, acceptableContentTypes); boolean encryptedContentType = false; for(String contentType: acceptableContentTypes) { if (contentType.indexOf("+") > 0) { encryptedContentType = true; } } if(encryptedContentType) { return new EncodingResult(algorithm.encrypt(result.getPayload()), result.getContentType() + "+" + algorithm.getAlgorithmName()); } else { return result; } } @Override public <T> T decode(byte[] source, String contentType, Type type) { boolean encryptedContentType = contentType.indexOf("+") > 0; byte[] decrypted; String decryptedContentType; if (encryptedContentType) { decrypted = algorithm.decrypt(source); decryptedContentType = contentType.substring(0, contentType.indexOf("+")); } else { decrypted = source; decryptedContentType = contentType; } return delegate.decode(decrypted, decryptedContentType, type); } @Override public String[] getAvailableCodecs() { List<String> codecs = new ArrayList<>(); codecs.addAll(Arrays.asList(delegate.getAvailableCodecs())); codecs.addAll( codec -> codec + "+" + algorithm.getAlgorithmName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); return codecs.toArray(new String[codecs.size()]); } @Override public Optional<SchemaInfo> getSchemaFor(Class type) { return Optional.empty(); } }