package io.muoncore.codec; import io.muoncore.exception.MuonEncodingException; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import; @Slf4j public class DelegatingCodecs implements Codecs { private Map<String, MuonCodec> codecLookup = new HashMap<>(); private Map<String, Codecs> codecsLookup = new HashMap<>(); public DelegatingCodecs withCodecs(Codecs codecs) { for (String content : codecs.getAvailableCodecs()) { codecsLookup.put(content, codecs); } return this; } public DelegatingCodecs withCodec(MuonCodec codecs) { codecLookup.put(codecs.getContentType(), codecs); return this; } @Override public <T> EncodingResult encode(T object, String[] acceptableContentTypes) { log.trace("Encoding {}/{} with content type {}", object, object.getClass(), acceptableContentTypes); for (int i = acceptableContentTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MuonCodec specificCodec = codecLookup.get(acceptableContentTypes[i]); if(specificCodec != null && specificCodec.canEncode(object.getClass())) { try { return new EncodingResult(specificCodec.encode(object), specificCodec.getContentType()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("Error encoding " + object + " using codec " + specificCodec, e); } } } for (int i = acceptableContentTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Codecs delegateCodecs = codecsLookup.get(acceptableContentTypes[i]); if(delegateCodecs != null) { return delegateCodecs.encode(object, acceptableContentTypes); } } return new EncodingResult(new MuonEncodingException("Unable to encode object of type " + object.getClass() + ", no codec can handle " + Arrays.asList(acceptableContentTypes))); } @Override public <T> T decode(byte[] source, String contentType, Type type) throws DecodingFailureException { log.trace("Decoding {} with content type {} {}", type, contentType, source); return getCodec(contentType, muonCodec -> muonCodec.decode(source, type), codecs -> codecs.decode(source, contentType, type)); } private <T> T getCodec(String contentType, Function<MuonCodec, T> execWithCodec, Function<Codecs, T> codecs) { MuonCodec specificCodec = codecLookup.get(contentType); if (specificCodec != null) { return execWithCodec.apply(specificCodec); } Codecs delegateCodecs = codecsLookup.get(contentType); if (delegateCodecs != null) { return codecs.apply(delegateCodecs); } log.error("Unable to decode content type {}, this is a serious misconfiguration and data is being lost", contentType); return null; } @Override public String[] getAvailableCodecs() { Set<String> codecs = codecLookup.values().stream().map(MuonCodec::getContentType).collect(Collectors.toSet()); codecs.addAll(codecsLookup.values().stream().map((Codecs::getAvailableCodecs)).flatMap(Arrays::stream).collect(Collectors.toSet())); return codecs.toArray(new String[codecs.size()]); } @Override public Optional<SchemaInfo> getSchemaFor(Class type) { Optional<MuonCodec> codec = codecLookup.values().stream().filter(muonCodec -> muonCodec.hasSchemasFor(type)).findAny(); log.trace ("Getting schema for {}, found {}", type, codec); return -> muonCodec.getSchemaInfoFor(type)); } }