package; /** * Represents a step in a channel. A channel is a bidirectional communication stream between components. * * @param <Outbound> What will be sent to this channel * @param <Inbound> What will be received from this channel */ public interface ChannelConnection<Outbound, Inbound> { /** * Set the receiver function. Anything that comes out of this connection will be sent to the passed in function. * * Only one receiver function is active. If called more than once, minimal expectation is that the last function * is called, others will be ignored. Some ChannelConnections may throw an error in this case. */ void receive(ChannelFunction<Inbound> function); /** * Send an event down this channel. * * This may be synchronous or asynchronous depending on the implementation. */ void send(Outbound message); /** * Causes the channel this connection is fronting to shut itself down. * This will be via sending a special poison message down the channel. */ void shutdown(); @FunctionalInterface interface ChannelFunction<T> { void apply(T arg); } }