/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.sshd.common.cipher; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.sshd.client.SshClient; import org.apache.sshd.common.FactoryManager; import org.apache.sshd.common.NamedFactory; import org.apache.sshd.common.NamedResource; import org.apache.sshd.common.cipher.BuiltinCiphers.ParseResult; import org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils; import org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer; import org.apache.sshd.util.test.BaseTestSupport; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import org.mockito.Mockito; /** * @author <a href="mailto:dev@mina.apache.org">Apache MINA SSHD Project</a> */ @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class BuiltinCiphersTest extends BaseTestSupport { public BuiltinCiphersTest() { super(); } @Test public void testFromEnumName() { for (BuiltinCiphers expected : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { String name = expected.name(); for (int index = 0; index < name.length(); index++) { BuiltinCiphers actual = BuiltinCiphers.fromString(name); assertSame(name + " - mismatched enum values", expected, actual); name = shuffleCase(name); // prepare for next time } } } @Test public void testFromFactoryName() { for (BuiltinCiphers expected : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { String name = expected.getName(); for (int index = 0; index < name.length(); index++) { BuiltinCiphers actual = BuiltinCiphers.fromFactoryName(name); assertSame(name + " - mismatched enum values", expected, actual); name = shuffleCase(name); // prepare for next time } } } @Test public void testFromFactory() { for (BuiltinCiphers expected : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { if (!expected.isSupported()) { System.out.append("Skip unsupported cipher: ").println(expected); continue; } NamedFactory<Cipher> factory = expected; assertEquals(expected.name() + " - mismatched factory names", expected.getName(), factory.getName()); BuiltinCiphers actual = BuiltinCiphers.fromFactory(factory); assertSame(expected.getName() + " - mismatched enum values", expected, actual); } } @Test public void testAllConstantsCovered() throws Exception { Set<BuiltinCiphers> avail = EnumSet.noneOf(BuiltinCiphers.class); Field[] fields = BuiltinCiphers.Constants.class.getFields(); for (Field f : fields) { int mods = f.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(mods)) { continue; } Class<?> type = f.getType(); if (!String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { continue; } String name = Objects.toString(f.get(null), null); BuiltinCiphers value = BuiltinCiphers.fromFactoryName(name); assertNotNull("No match found for " + name, value); assertTrue(name + " re-specified", avail.add(value)); } assertEquals("Incomplete coverage", BuiltinCiphers.VALUES, avail); } @Test // make sure that if a cipher is reported as supported we can indeed use it public void testSupportedCipher() throws Exception { Exception err = null; Random rnd = new Random(System.nanoTime()); for (BuiltinCiphers c : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { if (c.isSupported()) { try { testCipherEncryption(rnd, c.create()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") to encrypt using " + c + ": " + e.getMessage()); err = e; } } else { System.out.append("Skip unsupported cipher: ").println(c); } } if (err != null) { throw err; } } @Test // make sure that the reported support matches reality by trying to encrypt something public void testCipherSupportDetection() throws Exception { Random rnd = new Random(System.nanoTime()); for (BuiltinCiphers c : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { try { testCipherEncryption(rnd, c.create()); assertTrue("Mismatched support report for " + c, c.isSupported()); } catch (Exception e) { assertFalse("Mismatched support report for " + c, c.isSupported()); } } } @Test public void testSshClientSupportedCiphersConfiguration() throws Exception { try (SshClient client = setupTestClient()) { testSupportedCiphersConfiguration(client); } } @Test public void testSshSercerSupportedCiphersConfiguration() throws Exception { try (SshServer server = setupTestServer()) { testSupportedCiphersConfiguration(server); } } private static <M extends FactoryManager> M testSupportedCiphersConfiguration(M manager) { Collection<? extends NamedResource> factories = manager.getCipherFactories(); List<String> names = NamedResource.getNameList(factories); for (BuiltinCiphers c : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { if (BuiltinCiphers.none.equals(c)) { continue; // not always included by default + it is a dummy cipher } // for now, all key sizes below 128 are supported in JVM(s) if (c.getKeySize() <= 128) { assertTrue("Supported cipher not configured by default: " + c, names.contains(c.getName())); } } return manager; } private static void testCipherEncryption(Random rnd, Cipher cipher) throws Exception { byte[] key = new byte[cipher.getBlockSize()]; rnd.nextBytes(key); byte[] iv = new byte[cipher.getIVSize()]; rnd.nextBytes(iv); cipher.init(Cipher.Mode.Encrypt, key, iv); byte[] data = new byte[cipher.getBlockSize()]; rnd.nextBytes(data); cipher.update(data); } @Test public void testParseCiphersList() { List<String> builtin = NamedResource.getNameList(BuiltinCiphers.VALUES); List<String> unknown = Arrays.asList(getClass().getPackage().getName(), getClass().getSimpleName(), getCurrentTestName()); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int index = 0; index < (builtin.size() + unknown.size()); index++) { Collections.shuffle(builtin, rnd); Collections.shuffle(unknown, rnd); List<String> weavedList = new ArrayList<>(builtin.size() + unknown.size()); for (int bIndex = 0, uIndex = 0; (bIndex < builtin.size()) || (uIndex < unknown.size());) { boolean useBuiltin = false; if (bIndex < builtin.size()) { useBuiltin = uIndex >= unknown.size() || rnd.nextBoolean(); } if (useBuiltin) { weavedList.add(builtin.get(bIndex)); bIndex++; } else if (uIndex < unknown.size()) { weavedList.add(unknown.get(uIndex)); uIndex++; } } String fullList = GenericUtils.join(weavedList, ','); ParseResult result = BuiltinCiphers.parseCiphersList(fullList); List<String> parsed = NamedResource.getNameList(result.getParsedFactories()); List<String> missing = result.getUnsupportedFactories(); // makes sure not only that the contents are the same but also the order assertListEquals(fullList + "[parsed]", builtin, parsed); assertListEquals(fullList + "[unsupported]", unknown, missing); } } @Test public void testResolveFactoryOnBuiltinValues() { for (NamedFactory<Cipher> expected : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { String name = expected.getName(); NamedFactory<Cipher> actual = BuiltinCiphers.resolveFactory(name); assertSame(name, expected, actual); } } @Test public void testNotAllowedToRegisterBuiltinFactories() { for (CipherFactory expected : BuiltinCiphers.VALUES) { try { BuiltinCiphers.registerExtension(expected); fail("Unexpected sucess for " + expected.getName()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected - ignored } } } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNotAllowedToOverrideRegisteredFactories() { CipherFactory expected = Mockito.mock(CipherFactory.class); Mockito.when(expected.getName()).thenReturn(getCurrentTestName()); String name = expected.getName(); try { for (int index = 1; index <= Byte.SIZE; index++) { BuiltinCiphers.registerExtension(expected); assertEquals("Unexpected success at attempt #" + index, 1, index); } } finally { BuiltinCiphers.unregisterExtension(name); } } @Test public void testResolveFactoryOnRegisteredExtension() { CipherFactory expected = Mockito.mock(CipherFactory.class); Mockito.when(expected.getName()).thenReturn(getCurrentTestName()); String name = expected.getName(); try { assertNull("Extension already registered", BuiltinCiphers.resolveFactory(name)); BuiltinCiphers.registerExtension(expected); NamedFactory<Cipher> actual = BuiltinCiphers.resolveFactory(name); assertSame("Mismatched resolved instance", expected, actual); } finally { NamedFactory<Cipher> actual = BuiltinCiphers.unregisterExtension(name); assertSame("Mismatched unregistered instance", expected, actual); assertNull("Extension not un-registered", BuiltinCiphers.resolveFactory(name)); } } }