/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.sshd.common.config.keys; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.StreamCorruptedException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils; import org.apache.sshd.common.util.NumberUtils; /** * <P>Represents a {@link PublicKey} whose data is formatted according to * the <A HREF="http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH">OpenSSH</A> format:</P> * * <PRE> * <key-type> <base64-encoded-public-key-data> * </PRE> * * @author <a href="mailto:dev@mina.apache.org">Apache MINA SSHD Project</a> */ public class PublicKeyEntry implements Serializable { /** * Character used to denote a comment line in the keys file */ public static final char COMMENT_CHAR = '#'; /** * Standard folder name used by OpenSSH to hold key files */ public static final String STD_KEYFILE_FOLDER_NAME = ".ssh"; private static final long serialVersionUID = -585506072687602760L; private String keyType; private byte[] keyData; public PublicKeyEntry() { super(); } public PublicKeyEntry(String keyType, byte... keyData) { this.keyType = keyType; this.keyData = keyData; } public String getKeyType() { return keyType; } public void setKeyType(String value) { this.keyType = value; } public byte[] getKeyData() { return keyData; } public void setKeyData(byte[] value) { this.keyData = value; } /** * @param fallbackResolver The {@link PublicKeyEntryResolver} to consult if * none of the built-in ones can be used. If {@code null} and no built-in * resolver can be used then an {@link InvalidKeySpecException} is thrown. * @return The resolved {@link PublicKey} - or {@code null} if could not be * resolved. <B>Note:</B> may be called only after key type and data bytes * have been set or exception(s) may be thrown * @throws IOException If failed to decode the key * @throws GeneralSecurityException If failed to generate the key */ public PublicKey resolvePublicKey(PublicKeyEntryResolver fallbackResolver) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { String kt = getKeyType(); PublicKeyEntryResolver decoder = KeyUtils.getPublicKeyEntryDecoder(kt); if (decoder == null) { decoder = fallbackResolver; } if (decoder == null) { throw new InvalidKeySpecException("No decoder available for key type=" + kt); } return decoder.resolve(kt, getKeyData()); } /** * @param sb The {@link Appendable} instance to encode the data into * @param fallbackResolver The {@link PublicKeyEntryResolver} to consult if * none of the built-in ones can be used. If {@code null} and no built-in * resolver can be used then an {@link InvalidKeySpecException} is thrown. * @return The {@link PublicKey} or {@code null} if could not resolve it * @throws IOException If failed to decode/encode the key * @throws GeneralSecurityException If failed to generate the key * @see #resolvePublicKey(PublicKeyEntryResolver) */ public PublicKey appendPublicKey(Appendable sb, PublicKeyEntryResolver fallbackResolver) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { PublicKey key = resolvePublicKey(fallbackResolver); if (key != null) { appendPublicKeyEntry(sb, key); } return key; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(getKeyType()) + Arrays.hashCode(getKeyData()); } /* * In case some derived class wants to define some "extended" equality * without having to repeat this code */ protected boolean isEquivalent(PublicKeyEntry e) { if (this == e) { return true; } return Objects.equals(getKeyType(), e.getKeyType()) && Arrays.equals(getKeyData(), e.getKeyData()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (this == obj) { return true; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } return isEquivalent((PublicKeyEntry) obj); } @Override public String toString() { byte[] data = getKeyData(); Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); return getKeyType() + " " + (NumberUtils.isEmpty(data) ? "<no-key>" : encoder.encodeToString(data)); } /** * @param data Assumed to contain at least {@code key-type base64-data} (anything * beyond the BASE64 data is ignored) - ignored if {@code null}/empty * @return A {@link PublicKeyEntry} or {@code null} if no data * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bad format found * @see #parsePublicKeyEntry(PublicKeyEntry, String) */ public static PublicKeyEntry parsePublicKeyEntry(String data) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(data)) { return null; } else { return parsePublicKeyEntry(new PublicKeyEntry(), data); } } /** * @param <E> The generic entry type * @param entry The {@link PublicKeyEntry} whose contents are to be * updated - ignored if {@code null} * @param data Assumed to contain at least {@code key-type base64-data} (anything * beyond the BASE64 data is ignored) - ignored if {@code null}/empty * @return The updated entry instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bad format found */ public static <E extends PublicKeyEntry> E parsePublicKeyEntry(E entry, String data) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(data) || (entry == null)) { return entry; } int startPos = data.indexOf(' '); if (startPos <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format (no key data delimiter): " + data); } int endPos = data.indexOf(' ', startPos + 1); if (endPos <= startPos) { // OK if no continuation beyond the BASE64 encoded data endPos = data.length(); } String keyType = data.substring(0, startPos); String b64Data = data.substring(startPos + 1, endPos).trim(); Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder(); byte[] keyData = decoder.decode(b64Data); if (NumberUtils.isEmpty(keyData)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad format (no BASE64 key data): " + data); } entry.setKeyType(keyType); entry.setKeyData(keyData); return entry; } /** * @param key The {@link PublicKey} * @return The {@code OpenSSH} encoded data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If failed to encode * @see #appendPublicKeyEntry(Appendable, PublicKey) */ public static String toString(PublicKey key) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { return appendPublicKeyEntry(new StringBuilder(Byte.MAX_VALUE), key).toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") to encode: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Encodes a public key data the same way as the {@link #parsePublicKeyEntry(String)} expects it * * @param <A> The generic appendable class * @param sb The {@link Appendable} instance to encode the data into * @param key The {@link PublicKey} - ignored if {@code null} * @return The updated appendable instance * @throws IOException If failed to append the data */ public static <A extends Appendable> A appendPublicKeyEntry(A sb, PublicKey key) throws IOException { if (key == null) { return sb; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") PublicKeyEntryDecoder<PublicKey, ?> decoder = (PublicKeyEntryDecoder<PublicKey, ?>) KeyUtils.getPublicKeyEntryDecoder(key); if (decoder == null) { throw new StreamCorruptedException("Cannot retrieve decoder for key=" + key.getAlgorithm()); } try (ByteArrayOutputStream s = new ByteArrayOutputStream(Byte.MAX_VALUE)) { String keyType = decoder.encodePublicKey(s, key); byte[] bytes = s.toByteArray(); Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); String b64Data = encoder.encodeToString(bytes); sb.append(keyType).append(' ').append(b64Data); } return sb; } private static final class LazyDefaultKeysFolderHolder { private static final Path PATH = IdentityUtils.getUserHomeFolder().resolve(STD_KEYFILE_FOLDER_NAME); } /** * @return The default OpenSSH folder used to hold key files - e.g., * {@code known_hosts}, {@code authorized_keys}, etc. */ @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public static Path getDefaultKeysFolderPath() { return LazyDefaultKeysFolderHolder.PATH; } }