/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications * Copyright 2011-2014, Telestax Inc and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * */ package org.restcomm.media.rtp.sdp; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.restcomm.media.spi.utils.Text; /** * Represents an ICEv19 candidate field as defined on * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245 * <p> * a=candidate:1995739850 1 udp 2113937151 54550 typ host * generation 0<br> * a=candidate:2162486046 1 udp 1845501695 60495 typ srflx raddr * rport 54550 generation 0<br> * a=candidate:2564697628 1 udp 33562367 53056 typ relay raddr * rport 55027 generation 0 * </p> * * @author Henrique Rosa * @deprecated Use new /network/io/sdp library */ @Deprecated public class CandidateField implements Comparable<CandidateField>{ public static final Text CANDIDATE_FIELD = new Text("a=candidate"); /** * According to draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-19, the foundation is used to optimize * ICE performance in the Frozen algorithm */ private Text foundation; /** * An indicator for (S)RTP or (S)RTCP */ private Text componentId; /** * When the user agents perform address allocations to gather TCP-based * candidates, two types of candidates can be obtained.<br> * These are active candidates (TCP-ACT) or passive candidates (TCP-PASS).<br> * An active candidate is one for which the agent will attempt to open an * outbound connection, but will not receive incoming connection requests.<br> * A passive candidate is one for which the agent will receive incoming * connection attempts, but not attempt a connection. */ private Text protocol; /** * This is the weight used to prioritize single candidates.<br> * Higher numbers are preferred over lower numbers, in case a connection can * be established to this IP, port and protocol combination.<br> * Each candidate for a media stream must have a unique priority (positive * integer up to 2^31-1). */ private Text weight; /** * The IP address the second party can connect to. */ private Text address; /** * The port number the second party can connect to. The port for TCP RTP and * RTCP gets multiplexed, whereas UDP ports for RTP and RTCP always differ. */ private Text port; /** * This is type information, describing the type of "advertised" address.<br> * <b>host:</b> This is a local address<br> * <b>relay:</b> This is the IP address from a relay (TURN) server<br> * <b>srflx:</b> Server reflexive address is the NATed IP address<br> */ private Text type; private Text relatedAddress; private Text relatedPort; private Text generation; public CandidateField(Text line) { parseCandidateLine(line); } public Text getFoundation() { return foundation; } public Text getComponentId() { return componentId; } public Text getProtocol() { return protocol; } public Text getWeight() { return weight; } public Text getAddress() { return address; } public Text getPort() { return port; } public Text getType() { return type; } public Text getRelatedAddress() { return relatedAddress; } public boolean hasRelatedAddress() { return this.relatedAddress != null; } public Text getRelatedPort() { return relatedPort; } public Text getGeneration() { return generation; } private void parseCandidateLine(Text line) { if (!line.startsWith(CANDIDATE_FIELD)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a valid candidate attribute" + line); } try { Text data = (Text) line.subSequence(CANDIDATE_FIELD.length() + 1, line.length()); Collection<Text> tokens = data.split(' '); Iterator<Text> iterator = tokens.iterator(); // Foundation this.foundation = iterator.next(); this.componentId = iterator.next(); this.protocol = iterator.next(); this.weight = iterator.next(); this.address = iterator.next(); this.port = iterator.next(); // skip 'typ' iterator.next(); this.type = iterator.next(); AddressType addressType = AddressType.fromDescription(type); if (addressType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unrecognized address type: " + type); } switch (addressType) { case RELAY: case SRFLX: // skip raddr iterator.next(); this.relatedAddress = iterator.next(); // skip rport iterator.next(); this.relatedPort = iterator.next(); break; default: break; } // Generation attribute is present on Chrome SDP but not on FireFox if(iterator.hasNext()) { // skip 'generation' iterator.next(); this.generation = iterator.next(); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Candidate line is badly formated: "+ e.getMessage(), e); } } public enum AddressType { HOST("host"), RELAY("relay"), SRFLX("srflx"); private Text description; private AddressType(String description) { this.description = new Text(description); } public Text getDescription() { return description; } public static AddressType fromDescription(Text value) { for (AddressType type : values()) { if (type.getDescription().equals(value)) { return type; } } return null; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(CANDIDATE_FIELD).append(":"); builder.append(this.foundation).append(" "); builder.append(this.componentId).append(" "); builder.append(this.protocol).append(" "); builder.append(this.weight).append(" "); builder.append(this.address).append(" "); builder.append(this.port).append(" "); builder.append("typ "); builder.append(this.type).append(" "); switch (AddressType.fromDescription(this.type)) { case RELAY: case SRFLX: builder.append("raddr "); builder.append(this.relatedAddress).append(" "); builder.append("rport "); builder.append(this.relatedPort).append(" "); break; default: break; } builder.append("generation "); builder.append(this.generation); return builder.toString(); } /** * Compares two {@link CandidateField} by weight. */ public int compareTo(CandidateField o) { if (o == null) { return 1; } int myWeight = this.weight == null ? 0 : this.weight.toInteger(); int otherWeight = o.getWeight() == null ? 0 : o.getWeight().toInteger(); if(myWeight > otherWeight) { return 1; } if(myWeight < otherWeight) { return -1; } return 0; } }