package org.bsc.maven.reporting.renderer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory; import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository; import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder; import org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException; import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReportRenderer; import org.bsc.maven.confluence.plugin.ReportingResolutionListener; import org.codehaus.plexus.i18n.I18N; /** * * @author Sorrentino * */ public class DependenciesRenderer extends AbstractMavenReportRenderer { private final Locale locale; private final ReportingResolutionListener listener; private final MavenProject project; private final MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder; private final ArtifactRepository localRepository; private final ArtifactFactory factory; private final I18N i18n; private final Log log; /** * * @param sink * @param project * @param mavenProjectBuilder * @param locale * @param listener */ public DependenciesRenderer( Sink sink, MavenProject project, MavenProjectBuilder mavenProjectBuilder, ArtifactRepository localRepository, ArtifactFactory factory, I18N i18n, Locale locale, ReportingResolutionListener listener, Log log ) { super( sink ); this.project = project; this.locale = locale; this.listener = listener; this.mavenProjectBuilder = mavenProjectBuilder; this.localRepository = localRepository; this.i18n = i18n; this.factory = factory; this.log = log; } public String getTitle() { return getReportString( "report.dependencies.title" ); } public void renderBody() { // Dependencies report List<?> dependencies = listener.getRootNode().getChildren(); if ( dependencies.isEmpty() ) { startSection( getTitle() ); // TODO: should the report just be excluded? paragraph( getReportString( "report.dependencies.nolist" ) ); endSection(); return; } startSection( getTitle() ); String groupId = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.groupId" ); String artifactId = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.artifactId" ); String version = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.version" ); String classifier = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.classifier" ); String type = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.type" ); String optional = getReportString( "report.dependencies.column.optional" ); String[] tableHeader = new String[]{groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type, optional}; // collect dependencies by scope Map dependenciesByScope = getDependenciesByScope( dependencies ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ), tableHeader ); endSection(); // Transitive dependencies List artifacts = new ArrayList( listener.getArtifacts() ); artifacts.removeAll( dependencies ); startSection( getReportString( "report.dependencies.transitive.title" ) ); if ( artifacts.isEmpty() ) { paragraph( getReportString( "report.dependencies.transitive.nolist" ) ); } else { paragraph( getReportString( "report.dependencies.transitive.intro" ) ); dependenciesByScope = getDependenciesByScope( artifacts ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED ), tableHeader ); renderDependenciesForScope( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM, (List) dependenciesByScope.get( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ), tableHeader ); } endSection(); //for Dependencies Graph startSection( getReportString( "report.dependencies.graph.title" ) ); //for Dependencies Graph Tree startSection( getReportString( "report.dependencies.graph.tree.title" ) ); sink.lineBreak(); sink.paragraph(); //sink.list(); printDependencyListing( listener.getRootNode(), false ); //sink.list_(); sink.paragraph_(); endSection(); //for Artifact Descriptions / URLs startSection( getReportString( "report.dependencies.file.details.title" ) ); printDescriptionsAndURLs( listener.getRootNode() ); endSection(); endSection(); } private Map getDependenciesByScope( List dependencies ) { Map dependenciesByScope = new HashMap(); for ( Iterator i = dependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ReportingResolutionListener.Node node = (ReportingResolutionListener.Node); Artifact artifact = node.getArtifact(); List multiValue = (List) dependenciesByScope.get( artifact.getScope() ); if ( multiValue == null ) { multiValue = new ArrayList(); } multiValue.add( artifact ); dependenciesByScope.put( artifact.getScope(), multiValue ); } return dependenciesByScope; } private void renderDependenciesForScope( String scope, List artifacts, String[] tableHeader ) { if ( artifacts != null ) { // can't use straight artifact comparison because we want optional last Collections.sort( artifacts, getArtifactComparator() ); startSection( scope ); paragraph( getReportString( "report.dependencies.intro." + scope ) ); startTable(); tableHeader( tableHeader ); for ( Iterator iterator = artifacts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Artifact artifact = (Artifact); tableRow( getArtifactRow( artifact ) ); } endTable(); endSection(); } } private Comparator getArtifactComparator() { return new Comparator() { public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) { Artifact a1 = (Artifact) o1; Artifact a2 = (Artifact) o2; // put optional last if ( a1.isOptional() && !a2.isOptional() ) { return +1; } else if ( !a1.isOptional() && a2.isOptional() ) { return -1; } else { return a1.compareTo( a2 ); } } }; } private String[] getArtifactRow( Artifact artifact ) { return new String[]{artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getClassifier(), artifact.getType(), artifact.isOptional() ? "(optional)" : " "}; } private void printDependencyListing( ReportingResolutionListener.Node node, boolean printRoot ) { Artifact artifact = node.getArtifact(); String id = artifact.getDependencyConflictId(); sink.listItem(); sink.paragraph(); if( printRoot ) { "#" + id ); sink.text( id ); sink.link_(); } if ( !node.getChildren().isEmpty() ) { sink.list(); for ( Iterator deps = node.getChildren().iterator(); deps.hasNext(); ) { ReportingResolutionListener.Node dep = (ReportingResolutionListener.Node); printDependencyListing( dep, true ); } sink.list_(); } sink.paragraph_(); sink.listItem_(); } private void printDescriptionsAndURLs( ReportingResolutionListener.Node node ) { Artifact artifact = node.getArtifact(); String id = artifact.getDependencyConflictId(); if ( !Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( artifact.getScope() ) ) { try { MavenProject artifactProject = getMavenProjectFromRepository( artifact, localRepository ); String artifactDescription = artifactProject.getDescription(); String artifactUrl = artifactProject.getUrl(); String artifactName = artifactProject.getName(); sink.paragraph(); sink.anchor( id ); sink.bold(); sink.text( artifactName ); sink.bold_(); sink.anchor_(); sink.paragraph_(); if ( artifactDescription != null ) { sink.paragraph(); sink.text( artifactDescription ); sink.paragraph_(); } if ( artifactUrl != null ) { sink.paragraph(); artifactUrl ); sink.text( artifactUrl ); sink.link_(); sink.paragraph_(); } } catch ( ProjectBuildingException e ) { log.debug( e ); } for ( Iterator deps = node.getChildren().iterator(); deps.hasNext(); ) { ReportingResolutionListener.Node dep = (ReportingResolutionListener.Node); printDescriptionsAndURLs( dep ); } } else { sink.paragraph(); sink.anchor( id ); sink.bold(); sink.text( id ); sink.bold_(); sink.anchor_(); sink.paragraph_(); sink.paragraph(); sink.text( artifact.getFile().toString() ); sink.paragraph_(); } } /** * Get the <code>Maven project</code> from the repository depending * the <code>Artifact</code> given. * * @param artifact an artifact * @return the Maven project for the given artifact * @throws org.apache.maven.project.ProjectBuildingException * if any */ private MavenProject getMavenProjectFromRepository( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository ) throws ProjectBuildingException { Artifact projectArtifact = artifact; boolean allowStubModel = false; if ( !"pom".equals( artifact.getType() ) ) { projectArtifact = factory.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getScope() ); allowStubModel = true; } // TODO: we should use the MavenMetadataSource instead return mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( projectArtifact, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(), localRepository, allowStubModel ); } private String getReportString( String key ) { return i18n.getString( "project-info-report", locale, key ); } }