package org.bsc.maven.plugin.confluence; import org.bsc.markdown.ToConfluenceSerializer; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; import org.pegdown.ast.AnchorLinkNode; import org.pegdown.ast.ExpLinkNode; import org.pegdown.ast.Node; import org.pegdown.ast.RefLinkNode; import org.pegdown.ast.RootNode; import org.pegdown.ast.StrongEmphSuperNode; import org.pegdown.ast.VerbatimNode; import org.pegdown.ast.Visitor; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /* public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int SMARTS = 1; public static final int QUOTES = 2; public static final int SMARTYPANTS = 3; public static final int ABBREVIATIONS = 4; public static final int HARDWRAPS = 8; public static final int AUTOLINKS = 16; public static final int TABLES = 32; public static final int DEFINITIONS = 64; public static final int FENCED_CODE_BLOCKS = 128; public static final int WIKILINKS = 256; public static final int STRIKETHROUGH = 512; public static final int ANCHORLINKS = 768; public static final int ALL = 65535; public static final int SUPPRESS_HTML_BLOCKS = 65536; public static final int SUPPRESS_INLINE_HTML = 131072; public static final int SUPPRESS_ALL_HTML = 196608; */ /** * * @author bsorrentino */ public abstract class PegdownParse { interface F<P extends Node> { void f( P node ); } //private static final String FILE0 = ""; protected char[] loadResource( String name ) throws IOException { final ClassLoader cl = PegdownParse.class.getClassLoader(); final is = cl.getResourceAsStream(name); try { caw = new; for( int c =; c!=-1; c = ) { caw.write( c ); } return caw.toCharArray(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } protected abstract char[] loadResource() throws IOException; static class IfContext { static final IfContext IsTrue = new IfContext(true); static final IfContext IsFalse = new IfContext(false); final boolean condition ; public IfContext(boolean condition) { this.condition = condition; } <T extends Node> IfContext elseIf( Object n, Class<T> clazz, F<T> cb ) { return ( condition ) ? IsTrue : iF( n, clazz, cb ); } static <T extends Node> IfContext iF( Object n, Class<T> clazz, F<T> cb ) { if( clazz.isInstance(n)) { cb.f( clazz.cast(n)); return IsTrue; } return IsFalse; } } final F<StrongEmphSuperNode> sesn = new F<StrongEmphSuperNode>() { @Override public void f(StrongEmphSuperNode node) { System.out.printf( " chars=[%s], strong=%b, closed=%b", node.getChars(), node.isStrong(), node.isClosed() ); } }; final F<ExpLinkNode> eln = new F<ExpLinkNode>() { @Override public void f(ExpLinkNode node) { System.out.printf( " title=[%s], url=[%s]", node.title, node.url ); } }; final F<AnchorLinkNode> aln = new F<AnchorLinkNode>() { @Override public void f(AnchorLinkNode node) { System.out.printf( " name=[%s], text=[%s]", node.getName(), node.getText()); } }; final F<VerbatimNode> vln = new F<VerbatimNode>() { @Override public void f(VerbatimNode node) { System.out.printf( " text=[%s], type=[%s]", node.getText(), node.getType()); } }; final F<RefLinkNode> rln = new F<RefLinkNode>() { @Override public void f(RefLinkNode node) { System.out.printf( " separatorSpace=[%s]", node.separatorSpace); if( node.referenceKey != null ) { System.out.println(); node.referenceKey.accept(newVisitor(4)); } } }; Visitor newVisitor( final int start_indent ) { final ClassLoader cl = PegdownParse.class.getClassLoader(); final InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler() { int indent; { this.indent = start_indent; } protected void visitChildren(Object proxy, Node node ) { for (Node child : node.getChildren()) { child.accept((Visitor) proxy); } } @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { for( int i = 0; i <indent ; ++i ) System.out.print('\t'); final Object n = args[0]; System.out.printf( "[%s]", n ); IfContext.iF(n, StrongEmphSuperNode.class, sesn) .elseIf(n, ExpLinkNode.class, eln) .elseIf(n, AnchorLinkNode.class, aln) .elseIf(n, VerbatimNode.class, vln) .elseIf(n, RefLinkNode.class, rln) ; System.out.println(); if( n instanceof Node ) { ++indent; visitChildren(proxy, (Node)args[0]); --indent; } return null; } }; final Visitor proxy = (Visitor) Proxy.newProxyInstance( cl, new Class[] { Visitor.class }, handler); return proxy; } @Test public void parseTest() throws IOException { final PegDownProcessor p = new PegDownProcessor(ToConfluenceSerializer.extensions() ); final RootNode root = p.parseMarkdown(loadResource()); root.accept(newVisitor(0)); } @Test public void serializerTest() throws IOException { final PegDownProcessor p = new PegDownProcessor(ToConfluenceSerializer.extensions()); final RootNode root = p.parseMarkdown(loadResource()); ToConfluenceSerializer ser = new ToConfluenceSerializer() { @Override protected void notImplementedYet(Node node) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("Node [%s] not supported yet. ", node.getClass().getSimpleName()) ); } @Override protected String getHomePageTitle() { return "Parent Page Title"; } }; root.accept( ser ); System.out.println( ser.toString() ); } }