package org.bsc.maven.confluence.plugin; import org.bsc.ssl.SSLCertificateInfo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy; import org.apache.maven.settings.Server; import org.bsc.functional.P1; import org.bsc.confluence.ConfluenceProxy; import org.bsc.confluence.ConfluenceService; import org.bsc.confluence.ConfluenceServiceFactory; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.DefaultSecDispatcher; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcher; import org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcherException; import static java.lang.String.format; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.bsc.confluence.ConfluenceService.Model; import rx.functions.Action1; /** * * @author bsorrentino */ public abstract class AbstractBaseConfluenceMojo extends AbstractMojo { /** * additional properties pass to template processor */ @Parameter() private java.util.Map properties; /** * Confluence end point url */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.endPoint", defaultValue = "http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc") private String endPoint; /** * Confluence target confluence spaceKey */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.spaceKey", required = false) private String spaceKey; /** * Confluence parent page title */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.parentPage", defaultValue = "Home") private String parentPageTitle; /** * Confluence parent page id. * If set it is possible to avoid specifying parameters spaceKey and parentPageTitle * * @since 4.10 */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.parentPageId") private String parentPageId; /** * Confluence username */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.userName", required = false) private String username; /** * Confluence password */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.password", required = false) private String password; /** * @parameter expression="${settings}" * @readonly * @since 3.1.1 */ @Parameter(readonly = true, property = "settings") protected org.apache.maven.settings.Settings mavenSettings; /** * Issue 39 * * Server's <code>id</code> in <code>settings.xml</code> to look up username and password. * Defaults to <code>${url}</code> if not given. * * @since 3.1.1 */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.serverId") private String serverId; /** * Issue 39 * * MNG-4384 * * @since 1.5 */ @Component(role = org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcher.class, hint = "default") private SecDispatcher securityDispatcher; /** * if using a https url, configure if the plugin accepts every certifactes or * respects hostnameVerifierClass and trustManagerClass (if set). * * Below the Template * * <pre> * * < sslCertificate> * < ignore>true|false</ignore> // default false * < hostNameVerifierClass>FQN</hostNameVerifierClass> //default null * < trustManagerClass>FQN</trustManagerClass> // default null * < /sslCertificate> * * </pre> * @since 4.1.0 */ @Parameter protected SSLCertificateInfo sslCertificate = new SSLCertificateInfo(); /** * * Indicates whether the build will continue even if there are clean errors. * * @since 5.0-rc1 */ @Parameter(property = "confluence.failOnError",defaultValue = "true") private boolean failOnError = true; /** * * Indicates whether the build will continue even if there are clean errors. * * @return true if build have to fail on error, otherwise false */ public boolean isFailOnError() { return failOnError; } /** * */ public AbstractBaseConfluenceMojo() { } public final String getEndPoint() { return endPoint; } public final String _getSpaceKey() { return spaceKey; } public final String getUsername() { return username; } public final String getPassword() { return password; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final java.util.Map<String, String> getProperties() { if (null == properties) { properties = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>(5); } return properties; } /** * * @param task * @throws MojoExecutionException */ protected <T extends Action1<ConfluenceService>> void confluenceExecute(T task) throws MojoExecutionException { ConfluenceService confluence = null; try { ConfluenceProxy proxyInfo = null; final Proxy activeProxy = mavenSettings.getActiveProxy(); if (activeProxy != null) { proxyInfo = new ConfluenceProxy( activeProxy.getHost(), activeProxy.getPort(), activeProxy.getUsername(), activeProxy.getPassword(), activeProxy.getNonProxyHosts() ); } final ConfluenceService.Credentials credentials = new ConfluenceService.Credentials(getUsername(), getPassword()); confluence = ConfluenceServiceFactory.createInstance( getEndPoint(), credentials, proxyInfo, sslCertificate ); getLog().info( String.valueOf(confluence) );; } catch( RuntimeException re ) { throw re; } catch (Exception e) { final String msg = "has been impossible connect to confluence due exception"; //getLog().error(msg, e); throw new MojoExecutionException(msg, e); } } /** * * @param confluence * @return * @throws MojoExecutionException */ protected Model.Page loadParentPage( ConfluenceService confluence) throws MojoExecutionException { Model.Page result = null; if( parentPageId != null ) { try { result = confluence.getPage( parentPageId ); if( result==null ) { getLog().warn( format( "parentPageId [%s] not found! Try with parentPageTitle [%s] in space [%s]", parentPageId, parentPageTitle, spaceKey)); } } catch (Exception ex) { getLog().warn( format( "cannot get page with parentPageId [%s]! Try with parentPageTitle [%s] in space [%s]\n%s", parentPageId, parentPageTitle, spaceKey, ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(ex)) ); } } if( result == null ) { if( spaceKey == null ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "spaceKey is not set!"); } try { result = confluence.getPage(spaceKey, parentPageTitle); if( result==null ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( format( "parentPageTitle [%s] not found in space [%s]!", parentPageTitle, spaceKey)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException( format( "cannot get page with parentPageTitle [%s] in space [%s]!", parentPageTitle, spaceKey), ex); } } getProperties().put("parentPageTitle", result.getTitle()); return result; } /** * Issue 39 * * Load username password from settings if user has not set them in JVM properties * * @throws MojoExecutionException */ protected void loadUserInfoFromSettings() throws MojoExecutionException { if ((getUsername() == null || getPassword() == null) && (mavenSettings != null)) { if (this.serverId == null) throw new MojoExecutionException("SettingKey must be set! (username and/or password are not provided)"); Server server = this.mavenSettings.getServer(this.serverId); if (server == null) throw new MojoExecutionException(String.format("server with id [%s] not found in settings!", this.serverId)); if (getUsername() == null && server.getUsername() != null) username = server.getUsername(); if (getPassword() == null && server.getPassword() != null) { try { // // FIX to resolve // org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.SecDispatcherException: // ~/.settings-security.xml (No such file or directory) // if (securityDispatcher instanceof DefaultSecDispatcher) { //System.setProperty( DefaultSecDispatcher.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEC_LOCATION, sb.toString() ); ((DefaultSecDispatcher) securityDispatcher).setConfigurationFile("~/.m2/settings-security.xml"); } password = securityDispatcher.decrypt(server.getPassword()); } catch (SecDispatcherException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage()); } } } } }