package edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.phrasetable; import; import java.util.Arrays; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.WordIndexer; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections.Iterators; import; import; import; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.util.Logger; public class MosesPhraseTableReader<W> implements LmReader<PhraseTableCounts, MosesPhraseTableReaderCallback<W>> { static final String SEP_WORD = "<<sep>>"; private final WordIndexer<W> wordIndexer; private final String file; public MosesPhraseTableReader(final String file, final WordIndexer<W> wordIndexer) { this.file = file; this.wordIndexer = wordIndexer; } @Override public void parse(final MosesPhraseTableReaderCallback<W> callback) { readFromFiles(callback); } private void readFromFiles(final LmReaderCallback<PhraseTableCounts> callback) { Logger.startTrack("Reading from file " + file); try { final Iterable<String> allLinesIterator =; countPhrases(allLinesIterator, callback); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Logger.endTrack(); } /** * @param <W> * @param wordIndexer * @param maxOrder * @param allLinesIterator * @param callback * @param ngrams * @return */ private void countPhrases(final Iterable<String> allLinesIterator, final LmReaderCallback<PhraseTableCounts> callback) { long numLines = 0; for (final String line : allLinesIterator) { if (numLines % 10000 == 0) Logger.logs("On line " + numLines); numLines++; final String[] parts = line.trim().split("\\|\\|\\|"); if (parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad Moses phrase table file line " + line); assert (parts.length == 3 || parts.length == 5); // ingore alignments if they exist if (parts.length == 5) parts[2] = parts[4]; final String[] src = parts[0].trim().split("\\s+"); final int[] srcInts = WordIndexer.StaticMethods.toArrayFromStrings(wordIndexer, Arrays.asList(src)); final String[] trg = parts[1].trim().split("\\s+"); final int[] trgInts = WordIndexer.StaticMethods.toArrayFromStrings(wordIndexer, Arrays.asList(trg)); final int sepIndex = wordIndexer.getOrAddIndexFromString(SEP_WORD); final String[] featStrings = parts[2].trim().split("\\s+"); final float[] features = new float[featStrings.length]; // we skip the last feature since it is the bias, and is always the same. for (int i = 0; i < featStrings.length - 1; i++) { try { final Float val = Float.parseFloat(featStrings[i]); if (val.isInfinite() || val.isNaN()) { Logger.warn("Non-finite feature: " + featStrings[i]); continue; } features[i] = (float) -Math.log(val); } catch (final NumberFormatException n) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad Moses phrase table file line: " + line); } } final int[] concat = new int[srcInts.length + trgInts.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(srcInts, 0, concat, 0, srcInts.length); concat[srcInts.length] = sepIndex; System.arraycopy(trgInts, 0, concat, srcInts.length + 1, trgInts.length);, 0, concat.length, new PhraseTableCounts(features), line); } callback.cleanup(); } }