package; import*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.NgramLanguageModel; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections.Iterators; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.util.Logger; /** * Computes the log probability of a list of files. With the <code>-g</code> * option, it interprets the next two arguments as a <code>vocab_cs.gz</code> * file (see {@link LmReaders} for more detail) and a Berkeley LM binary, * respectively. Without <code>-g</code>, it interprets the next file as a * Berkeley LM binary. All remaining files are treated as plain-text (possibly * gzipped) files which have one sentence per line; a dash is used to indicate * that text should from standard input. If no files are given, reads from * standard input. * * @author adampauls */ public class ComputeLogProbabilityOfTextStream { private static PrintStream writer = null; private static void usage() { System.err.println("Usage: [-o output_file] [-g <vocab_cs file>] <Berkeley LM binary file> <input_file>*\n" + "-s prints per sentence probability"); System.exit(1); } public static void main(final String[] argv) throws IOException { int i = 0; if (i >= argv.length) usage(); String vocabFile = null; if (argv[i].equals("-o")) { if (++i >= argv.length) usage(); writer = new PrintStream(new File(argv[i++])); } if (argv[i].equals("-g")) { if (++i >= argv.length) usage(); vocabFile = argv[i++]; } if (i >= argv.length) usage(); String binaryFile = argv[i++]; List<String> files = Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(argv, i, argv.length)); if (files.isEmpty()) files = Collections.singletonList("-"); Logger.setGlobalLogger(new Logger.SystemLogger(System.out, System.err)); NgramLanguageModel<String> lm = readBinary(vocabFile, binaryFile); double prob = computeProb(files, lm); System.out.println(String.format("Normalized Log probability of text is: %f", prob)); if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } /** * @param files * @param lm * @throws IOException */ public static double computeProb(List<String> files, NgramLanguageModel<String> lm) throws IOException { double logProb = 0.0; long wordCount = 0; for (String file : files) { Logger.startTrack("Scoring file " + file + "; current log probability is " + logProb); final InputStream is = (file.equals("-")) ? : (file.endsWith(".gz") ? new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) : new FileInputStream(file)); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(is))); for (String line : { List<String> words = Arrays.asList(line.trim().split("\\s+")); double sentenceProb = lm.scoreSentence(words); if (writer != null) writer.println(String.format("%f;%f", sentenceProb, sentenceProb / words.size())); logProb += sentenceProb; wordCount += words.size(); } Logger.endTrack(); } if (writer != null) writer.println(String.format("%f;%f", logProb, logProb / wordCount)); return logProb/wordCount; } /** * @param vocabFile * @param binaryFile * @return */ public static NgramLanguageModel<String> readBinary(String vocabFile, String binaryFile) { NgramLanguageModel<String> lm; if (vocabFile != null) { Logger.startTrack("Reading Google Binary " + binaryFile + " with vocab " + vocabFile); lm = LmReaders.readGoogleLmBinary(binaryFile, vocabFile); Logger.endTrack(); } else { Logger.startTrack("Reading LM Binary " + binaryFile); lm = LmReaders.readLmBinary(binaryFile); Logger.endTrack(); } return lm; } }