package edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.util.MurmurHash; /** * Open address hash map with linear probing. Assumes keys are non-negative * (uses -1 internally for empty key). Returns 0.0 for keys not in the map. * * @author adampauls * */ public final class LongToIntHashMap { private long[] keys; private int[] values; private int size = 0; private static final int EMPTY_VAL = -1; private double maxLoadFactor = 0.5; private boolean sorted = false; // private int deflt = -1; public LongToIntHashMap() { this(5); } public void setLoadFactor(double loadFactor) { this.maxLoadFactor = loadFactor; ensureCapacity(values.length); } public LongToIntHashMap(int initCapacity_) { int initCapacity = toSize(initCapacity_); keys = new long[initCapacity]; values = new int[initCapacity]; Arrays.fill(values, EMPTY_VAL); } public String toString() { String s = "["; for (Entry entry : primitiveEntries()) { s += s.length() == 1 ? "" : " "; s += "(" + entry.key + "," + entry.value + ")"; } s += "]"; return s; } public void toSorted() { sorted = true; long[] newKeys = new long[size]; int[] newValues = new int[size]; List<Entry> sortedEntries = new ArrayList<Entry>(size); for (java.util.Map.Entry<Long, Integer> e : entries()) { sortedEntries.add((Entry) e); } Collections.sort(sortedEntries, new Comparator<Entry>() { public int compare(Entry o1, Entry o2) { return, o2.key); } }); int k = 0; for (Entry e : sortedEntries) { newKeys[k] = e.getKey(); newValues[k] = e.getValue(); k++; } keys = newKeys; values = newValues; } /** * @param initCapacity_ * @return */ private int toSize(int initCapacity_) { return Math.max(5, (int) (initCapacity_ / maxLoadFactor) + 1); } public void put(Long k, int v) { checkNotImmutable(); if (size / (double) keys.length > maxLoadFactor) { rehash(); } putHelp(k, v, keys, values); } public void incrementCount(long k, int d) { checkNotImmutable(); if (d == 0) return; int pos = find(k, false); if (pos == EMPTY_VAL || pos == EMPTY_VAL) put(k, d); else values[pos] += d; } /** * */ private void checkNotImmutable() { if (keys == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot change wrapped IntCounter"); if (sorted) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot change sorted IntCounter"); } /** * */ private void rehash() { final int length = keys.length * 2 + 1; rehash(length); } /** * @param length */ private void rehash(final int length) { checkNotImmutable(); long[] newKeys = new long[length]; int[] newValues = new int[length]; Arrays.fill(newValues, EMPTY_VAL); size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { long curr = keys[i]; int val = values[i]; if (val != EMPTY_VAL) { putHelp(curr, val, newKeys, newValues); } } keys = newKeys; values = newValues; } /** * @param k * @param v */ private boolean putHelp(long k, int v, long[] keyArray, int[] valueArray) { checkNotImmutable(); assert v >= 0; int pos = find(k, true, keyArray, valueArray); // int pos = getInitialPos(k, keyArray); // long currKey = keyArray[pos]; // while (currKey != EMPTY_KEY && currKey != k) { // pos++; // if (pos == keyArray.length) pos = 0; // currKey = keyArray[pos]; // } // boolean wasEmpty = valueArray[pos] == EMPTY_VAL; valueArray[pos] = v; if (wasEmpty) { size++; keyArray[pos] = k; return true; } return false; } /** * @param k * @param keyArray * @return */ private static int getInitialPos(final long k, final int length) { if (length < 0) return (int) k; long hash = MurmurHash.hashOneLong(k, 31); if (hash < 0) hash = -hash; int pos = (int) (hash % length); return pos; } public int get(long k, int def) { int pos = find(k, false); if (pos == EMPTY_VAL) return def; return values[pos]; } private int find(long k, boolean returnLastEmpty) { return find(k, returnLastEmpty, keys, values); } /** * @param k * @return */ private int find(long k, boolean returnLastEmpty, long[] keyArray, int[] valueArray) { if (keyArray == null) { return (int) (k < valueArray.length ? k : EMPTY_VAL); } else if (sorted) { final int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(keyArray, k); return pos < 0 ? EMPTY_VAL : pos; } else { final int[] localValues = valueArray; final int length = localValues.length; int pos = getInitialPos(k, localValues.length); int currVal = localValues[pos]; long curr = keyArray[pos]; while (currVal != EMPTY_VAL && curr != k) { pos++; if (pos == length) pos = 0; currVal = localValues[pos]; curr = keyArray[pos]; } return returnLastEmpty ? pos : (currVal == EMPTY_VAL ? EMPTY_VAL : pos); } } // public void setDefault(int d) { // this.deflt = d; // } public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } public class Entry implements Map.Entry<Long, Integer>, Comparable<Entry> { private int index; public long key; public int value; public Entry(long key, int value, int index) { super(); this.key = key; assert value >= 0; this.value = value; this.index = index; } public Long getKey() { return key; } public Integer getValue() { return value; } public Integer setValue(Integer value) { this.value = value; values[index] = value; return this.value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { // sortable by *value* return, o.value); } } private class EntryIterator extends MapIterator<Map.Entry<Long, Integer>> { public Entry next() { final int nextIndex = nextIndex(); return new Entry(keys == null ? nextIndex : keys[nextIndex], values[nextIndex], nextIndex); } } private class KeyIterator extends MapIterator<Long> { public Long next() { final int nextIndex = nextIndex(); return keys == null ? nextIndex : keys[nextIndex]; } } private class PrimitiveEntryIterator extends MapIterator<Entry> { public Entry next() { final int nextIndex = nextIndex(); return new Entry(keys == null ? nextIndex : keys[nextIndex], values[nextIndex], nextIndex); } } private abstract class MapIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> { public MapIterator() { end = keys == null ? size : values.length; next = -1; nextIndex(); } public boolean hasNext() { return end > 0 && next < end; } int nextIndex() { int curr = next; do { next++; } while (next < end && keys != null && values[next] == EMPTY_VAL); return curr; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private int next, end; } public Iterable<Map.Entry<Long, Integer>> entries() { return EntryIterator()); } public void ensureCapacity(int capacity) { checkNotImmutable(); int newSize = toSize(capacity); if (newSize > keys.length) { rehash(newSize); } } public int size() { return size; } public Iterable<Entry> primitiveEntries() { return new Iterable<Entry>() { public Iterator<Entry> iterator() { return (new PrimitiveEntryIterator()); } }; } public Iterable<Long> keySet() { return KeyIterator()); } public void clear() { // Arrays.fill(keys, EMPTY_KEY); Arrays.fill(values, EMPTY_VAL); size = 0; } public List<Entry> getObjectsSortedByValue(boolean descending) { List<edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections.LongToIntHashMap.Entry> l = new ArrayList<edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections.LongToIntHashMap.Entry>(); for (final edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.collections.LongToIntHashMap.Entry entry : primitiveEntries()) { l.add(entry); } Collections.sort(l); if (descending) Collections.reverse(l); return l; } public LongToIntHashMap copy() { LongToIntHashMap ret = new LongToIntHashMap(); // ret.deflt = deflt; ret.keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, keys.length); ret.values = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length); ret.size = size; ret.sorted = sorted; ret.maxLoadFactor = maxLoadFactor; return ret; } }