/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mahout.classifier.df.data; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.mahout.common.MahoutTestCase; import org.apache.mahout.common.RandomUtils; import org.apache.mahout.classifier.df.data.Dataset.Attribute; import org.junit.Test; public final class DataLoaderTest extends MahoutTestCase { private Random rng; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); rng = RandomUtils.getRandom(); } @Test public void testLoadDataWithDescriptor() throws Exception { int nbAttributes = 10; int datasize = 100; // prepare the descriptors String descriptor = Utils.randomDescriptor(rng, nbAttributes); Attribute[] attrs = DescriptorUtils.parseDescriptor(descriptor); // prepare the data double[][] data = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, false, datasize); Collection<Integer> missings = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] sData = prepareData(data, attrs, missings); Dataset dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); Data loaded = DataLoader.loadData(dataset, sData); testLoadedData(data, attrs, missings, loaded); testLoadedDataset(data, attrs, missings, loaded); // regression data = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, true, datasize); missings = Lists.newArrayList(); sData = prepareData(data, attrs, missings); dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, true, sData); loaded = DataLoader.loadData(dataset, sData); testLoadedData(data, attrs, missings, loaded); testLoadedDataset(data, attrs, missings, loaded); } /** * Test method for * {@link DataLoader#generateDataset(CharSequence, boolean, String[])} */ @Test public void testGenerateDataset() throws Exception { int nbAttributes = 10; int datasize = 100; // prepare the descriptors String descriptor = Utils.randomDescriptor(rng, nbAttributes); Attribute[] attrs = DescriptorUtils.parseDescriptor(descriptor); // prepare the data double[][] data = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, false, datasize); Collection<Integer> missings = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] sData = prepareData(data, attrs, missings); Dataset expected = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); Dataset dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); assertEquals(expected, dataset); // regression data = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, true, datasize); missings = Lists.newArrayList(); sData = prepareData(data, attrs, missings); expected = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, true, sData); dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, true, sData); assertEquals(expected, dataset); } /** * Converts the data to an array of comma-separated strings and adds some * missing values in all but IGNORED attributes * * @param missings indexes of vectors with missing values */ private String[] prepareData(double[][] data, Attribute[] attrs, Collection<Integer> missings) { int nbAttributes = attrs.length; String[] sData = new String[data.length]; for (int index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { int missingAttr; if (rng.nextDouble() < 0.0) { // add a missing value missings.add(index); // choose a random attribute (not IGNORED) do { missingAttr = rng.nextInt(nbAttributes); } while (attrs[missingAttr].isIgnored()); } else { missingAttr = -1; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int attr = 0; attr < nbAttributes; attr++) { if (attr == missingAttr) { // add a missing value here builder.append('?').append(','); } else { builder.append(data[index][attr]).append(','); } } sData[index] = builder.toString(); } return sData; } /** * Test if the loaded data matches the source data * * @param missings indexes of instance with missing values */ static void testLoadedData(double[][] data, Attribute[] attrs, Collection<Integer> missings, Data loaded) { int nbAttributes = attrs.length; // check the vectors assertEquals("number of instance", data.length - missings.size(), loaded .size()); // make sure that the attributes are loaded correctly int lind = 0; for (int index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { if (missings.contains(index)) { continue; }// this vector won't be loaded double[] vector = data[index]; Instance instance = loaded.get(lind); int aId = 0; for (int attr = 0; attr < nbAttributes; attr++) { if (attrs[attr].isIgnored()) { continue; } if (attrs[attr].isNumerical()) { assertEquals(vector[attr], instance.get(aId), EPSILON); aId++; } else if (attrs[attr].isCategorical()) { checkCategorical(data, missings, loaded, attr, aId, vector[attr], instance.get(aId)); aId++; } else if (attrs[attr].isLabel()) { if (loaded.getDataset().isNumerical(aId)) { assertEquals(vector[attr], instance.get(aId), EPSILON); } else { checkCategorical(data, missings, loaded, attr, aId, vector[attr], instance.get(aId)); } aId++; } } lind++; } } /** * Test if the loaded dataset matches the source data * * @param missings indexes of instance with missing values */ static void testLoadedDataset(double[][] data, Attribute[] attrs, Collection<Integer> missings, Data loaded) { int nbAttributes = attrs.length; int iId = 0; for (int index = 0; index < data.length; index++) { if (missings.contains(index)) { continue; } Instance instance = loaded.get(iId++); int aId = 0; for (int attr = 0; attr < nbAttributes; attr++) { if (attrs[attr].isIgnored()) { continue; } if (attrs[attr].isLabel()) { if (!loaded.getDataset().isNumerical(aId)) { double nValue = instance.get(aId); String oValue = Double.toString(data[index][attr]); assertEquals(loaded.getDataset().valueOf(aId, oValue), nValue, EPSILON); } } else { assertEquals(attrs[attr].isNumerical(), loaded.getDataset().isNumerical(aId)); if (attrs[attr].isCategorical()) { double nValue = instance.get(aId); String oValue = Double.toString(data[index][attr]); assertEquals(loaded.getDataset().valueOf(aId, oValue), nValue, EPSILON); } } aId++; } } } @Test public void testLoadDataFromFile() throws Exception { int nbAttributes = 10; int datasize = 100; // prepare the descriptors String descriptor = Utils.randomDescriptor(rng, nbAttributes); Attribute[] attrs = DescriptorUtils.parseDescriptor(descriptor); // prepare the data double[][] source = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, false, datasize); Collection<Integer> missings = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] sData = prepareData(source, attrs, missings); Dataset dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); Path dataPath = Utils.writeDataToTestFile(sData); FileSystem fs = dataPath.getFileSystem(getConfiguration()); Data loaded = DataLoader.loadData(dataset, fs, dataPath); testLoadedData(source, attrs, missings, loaded); // regression source = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, true, datasize); missings = Lists.newArrayList(); sData = prepareData(source, attrs, missings); dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, true, sData); dataPath = Utils.writeDataToTestFile(sData); fs = dataPath.getFileSystem(getConfiguration()); loaded = DataLoader.loadData(dataset, fs, dataPath); testLoadedData(source, attrs, missings, loaded); } /** * Test method for * {@link DataLoader#generateDataset(CharSequence, boolean, FileSystem, Path)} */ @Test public void testGenerateDatasetFromFile() throws Exception { int nbAttributes = 10; int datasize = 100; // prepare the descriptors String descriptor = Utils.randomDescriptor(rng, nbAttributes); Attribute[] attrs = DescriptorUtils.parseDescriptor(descriptor); // prepare the data double[][] source = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, false, datasize); Collection<Integer> missings = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] sData = prepareData(source, attrs, missings); Dataset expected = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); Path path = Utils.writeDataToTestFile(sData); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(getConfiguration()); Dataset dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, fs, path); assertEquals(expected, dataset); // regression source = Utils.randomDoubles(rng, descriptor, false, datasize); missings = Lists.newArrayList(); sData = prepareData(source, attrs, missings); expected = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, sData); path = Utils.writeDataToTestFile(sData); fs = path.getFileSystem(getConfiguration()); dataset = DataLoader.generateDataset(descriptor, false, fs, path); assertEquals(expected, dataset); } /** * each time oValue appears in data for the attribute 'attr', the nValue must * appear in vectors for the same attribute. * * @param attr attribute's index in source * @param aId attribute's index in loaded * @param oValue old value in source * @param nValue new value in loaded */ static void checkCategorical(double[][] source, Collection<Integer> missings, Data loaded, int attr, int aId, double oValue, double nValue) { int lind = 0; for (int index = 0; index < source.length; index++) { if (missings.contains(index)) { continue; } if (source[index][attr] == oValue) { assertEquals(nValue, loaded.get(lind).get(aId), EPSILON); } else { assertFalse(nValue == loaded.get(lind).get(aId)); } lind++; } } }