package net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter.web; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.Post; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter.DebugCounter.DebugCounterInfo; import net.floodlightcontroller.debugcounter.IDebugCounterService.CounterType; /** * Web interface for Debug Counters * * @author Saurav */ public class DebugCounterResource extends DebugCounterResourceBase { protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugCounterResource.class); /** * The output JSON model that contains the counter information */ public class DebugCounterInfoOutput { protected class DCInfo { private final Long counterValue; private final CounterType counterType; private final String counterDesc; private final boolean enabled; private final String counterHierarchy; private final String moduleName; private final String[] metaData; DCInfo(DebugCounterInfo dci) { this.moduleName = dci.getCounterInfo().getModuleName(); this.counterHierarchy = dci.getCounterInfo().getCounterHierarchy(); this.counterDesc = dci.getCounterInfo().getCounterDesc(); this.metaData = dci.getCounterInfo().getMetaData(); this.enabled = dci.getCounterInfo().isEnabled(); this.counterType = dci.getCounterInfo().getCtype(); this.counterValue = dci.getCounterValue(); } public Long getCounterValue() { return counterValue; } public CounterType getCounterType() { return counterType; } public String getCounterDesc() { return counterDesc; } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public String getCounterHierarchy() { return counterHierarchy; } public String getModuleName() { return moduleName; } public String[] getMetaData() { return metaData; } } // complete counter information - null if only names are requested or // if an error occurs public Map<String, DCInfo> counterMap; // list of names could be just moduleNames or counter hierarchical names // for a specific module public List<String> names; public String error; DebugCounterInfoOutput(boolean getList) { if (!getList) { counterMap = new HashMap<String, DCInfo>(); } error = null; } public Map<String, DCInfo> getCounterMap() { return counterMap; } public String getError() { return error; } public List<String> getNames() { return names; } } public enum Option { ALL, ONE_MODULE, MODULE_COUNTER_HIERARCHY, ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME, ERROR_BAD_PARAM, ERROR_BAD_MODULE_COUNTER_NAME } public static class CounterPost { public Boolean reset; public Boolean enable; public Boolean getReset() { return reset; } public void setReset(Boolean reset) { this.reset = reset; } public Boolean getEnable() { return enable; } public void setEnable(Boolean enable) { this.enable = enable; } } public static class ResetOutput { String error = null; public String getError() { return error; } public void setError(String error) { this.error = error; } } /** * Reset or enable/disable counters * * If using curl: * curl -X POST -d DATA -H "Content-Type: application/json" URL * where DATA must be one of the following: * {\"reset\":true} to reset counters * {\"enable\":true} to enable counter * {\"enable\":false} to disable counter * and URL must be in one of the following forms: * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugcounter/{param1}/{param2}/{param3}/{param4} * * {param1} can be null, 'all' or the name of a module {moduleName}. * {param2}/{param3}/{param4} refer to hierarchical counter names. * * The Reset command will reset the counter specified as well as all counters * in the hierarchical levels below. For example, if a counter hierarchy exists * as switch/00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops, then a reset command with just * the moduleName (param1=switch) and counterHierarchy (param2=00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04) * will reset all counters for that switch. Continuing the example - * for a counterHierarchy (param2=00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04 and param3=pktin), the reset * command will remove all pktin counters for that switch. * * The enable/disable command will ONLY disable a specific counter (and only if * that counter is of CounterType.ON_DEMAND) * It will not enable/disable counters at any other hierarchical level. * */ @Post public ResetOutput postHandler(CounterPost postData) { ResetOutput output = new ResetOutput(); Option choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_PARAM; String param1 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param1"); String param2 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param2"); String param3 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param3"); String param4 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param4"); String moduleName = ""; if (param1 == null) { moduleName = "all"; choice = Option.ALL; } else if (param1.equals("all")) { moduleName = "all"; choice = Option.ALL; } else { moduleName = param1; } String counterHierarchy = ""; if (param2 != null) { counterHierarchy += param2; if (param3 != null) { counterHierarchy += "/" + param3; if (param4 != null) { counterHierarchy += "/" + param4; } } } if (!moduleName.equals("all") && counterHierarchy.equals("")) { // only module name specified boolean isRegistered = debugCounter.containsModuleName(param1); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.ONE_MODULE; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME; } } else if (!moduleName.equals("all") && !counterHierarchy.equals("")) { // both module and counter names specified boolean isRegistered = debugCounter. containsModuleCounterHierarchy(moduleName, counterHierarchy); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.MODULE_COUNTER_HIERARCHY; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_COUNTER_NAME; } } boolean reset = false; boolean turnOnOff = false; if (postData.getReset() != null && postData.getReset()) { reset = true; } if (postData.getEnable() != null) { turnOnOff = true; } switch (choice) { case ALL: if (reset) debugCounter.resetAllCounters(); break; case ONE_MODULE: if (reset) debugCounter.resetAllModuleCounters(moduleName); break; case MODULE_COUNTER_HIERARCHY: if (reset) debugCounter.resetCounterHierarchy(moduleName, counterHierarchy); else if (turnOnOff && postData.getEnable()) debugCounter.enableCtrOnDemand(moduleName, counterHierarchy); else if (turnOnOff && !postData.getEnable()) debugCounter.disableCtrOnDemand(moduleName, counterHierarchy); break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME: output.error = "Module name has no corresponding registered counters"; break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_COUNTER_NAME: output.error = "Counter not registered"; break; case ERROR_BAD_PARAM: output.error = "Bad param"; } return output; } /** * Return the debug counter data for the get rest-api call * * URI must be in one of the following forms: * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugcounter/{param1}/{param2}/{param3}/{param4}" * * where {param1} must be one of (no quotes): * null if nothing is given then by default all * module names are returned for which counters * have been registered * "all" returns value/info on all counters. * "{moduleName}" returns value/info on all counters for * the specified module 'moduelName'. * & {param2}/{param3}/{param4} refer to hierarchical counter names. * eg. 00:00:00:00:01:02:03:04/pktin/drops * where leaving out any of the params returns * all counters in the hierarchical level below. * So giving just the switch dpid will fetch * all counters for that switch. * A special case => if param2 is null, then * all hierarchical counterNames are returned * for the given moduleName (in param1) */ @Get public DebugCounterInfoOutput handleCounterInfoQuery() { DebugCounterInfoOutput output; Option choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_PARAM; String param1 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param1"); String param2 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param2"); String param3 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param3"); String param4 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param4"); if (param1 == null) { output = new DebugCounterInfoOutput(true); return listCounters(output); } else if (param1.equals("all")) { output = new DebugCounterInfoOutput(false); populateCounters(debugCounter.getAllCounterValues(), output); return output; } output = new DebugCounterInfoOutput(false); String counterHierarchy = ""; if (param2 == null) { // param2 is null -- return list of counternames for param1 boolean isRegistered = debugCounter.containsModuleName(param1); output = new DebugCounterInfoOutput(true); if (isRegistered) { return listCounters(param1, output); } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME; } } else if (param2.equals("all")) { // get all counter info for a single module boolean isRegistered = debugCounter.containsModuleName(param1); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.ONE_MODULE; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME; } } else { counterHierarchy += param2; if (param3 != null) { counterHierarchy += "/" + param3; if (param4 != null) { counterHierarchy += "/" + param4; } } boolean isRegistered = debugCounter. containsModuleCounterHierarchy(param1, counterHierarchy); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.MODULE_COUNTER_HIERARCHY; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_COUNTER_NAME; } } switch (choice) { case ONE_MODULE: populateCounters(debugCounter.getModuleCounterValues(param1), output); break; case MODULE_COUNTER_HIERARCHY: populateCounters(debugCounter.getCounterHierarchy(param1, counterHierarchy), output); break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME: output.error = "Module name is not registered for debug-counters"; break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_COUNTER_NAME: output.error = "Counter not registered"; break; case ERROR_BAD_PARAM: default: output.error = "Bad param"; } return output; } private DebugCounterInfoOutput listCounters(String moduleName, DebugCounterInfoOutput output) { output.names = debugCounter.getModuleCounterList(moduleName); return output; } private DebugCounterInfoOutput listCounters(DebugCounterInfoOutput output) { output.names = debugCounter.getModuleList(); return output; } private void populateSingleCounter(DebugCounterInfo debugCounterInfo, DebugCounterInfoOutput output) { if (debugCounterInfo != null) output.counterMap.put(debugCounterInfo.getCounterInfo(). getModuleCounterHierarchy(), DCInfo(debugCounterInfo)); } private void populateCounters(List<DebugCounterInfo> counterValues, DebugCounterInfoOutput output) { for (DebugCounterInfo dci : counterValues) { populateSingleCounter(dci, output); } } }