package net.floodlightcontroller.debugevent.web; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.floodlightcontroller.debugevent.IDebugEventService.DebugEventInfo; import net.floodlightcontroller.debugevent.IDebugEventService.EventType; import org.restlet.resource.Get; import org.restlet.resource.Post; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Web interface for Debug Events * * @author Saurav */ public class DebugEventResource extends DebugEventResourceBase { protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugEventResource.class); /** * The output JSON model that contains the counter information */ public static class DebugEventInfoOutput { protected class DEInfo { private final boolean enabled; private final int bufferCapacity; private final EventType eventType; private final String eventDesc; private final String eventName; private final String moduleName; private final String[] metaData; private final List<Map<String,String>> eventHistory; DEInfo(DebugEventInfo dei) { this.moduleName = dei.getEventInfo().getModuleName(); this.eventName = dei.getEventInfo().getEventName(); this.eventDesc = dei.getEventInfo().getEventDesc(); this.metaData = dei.getEventInfo().getMetaData(); this.enabled = dei.getEventInfo().isEnabled(); this.eventType = dei.getEventInfo().getEtype(); this.bufferCapacity = dei.getEventInfo().getBufferCapacity(); this.eventHistory = dei.getEvents(); } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public int getBufferCapacity() { return bufferCapacity; } public String getEventDesc() { return eventDesc; } public String getEventName() { return eventName; } public String getModuleName() { return moduleName; } public String[] getMetaData() { return metaData; } public EventType getEventType() { return eventType; } public List<Map<String,String>> getEventHistory() { return eventHistory; } } public Map<String, DEInfo> eventMap = null; public List<String> names = null; public String error = null; DebugEventInfoOutput(boolean getList) { if (!getList) { eventMap = new HashMap<String, DEInfo>(); } } public Map<String, DEInfo> getEventMap() { return eventMap; } public List<String> getNames() { return names; } public String getError() { return error; } } public enum Option { ALL, ONE_MODULE, ONE_MODULE_EVENT, ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME, ERROR_BAD_PARAM, ERROR_BAD_MODULE_EVENT_NAME } public static class DebugEventPost { public Boolean reset; public Boolean getReset() { return reset; } public void setReset(Boolean reset) { this.reset = reset; } } public static class ResetOutput { String error = null; public String getError() { return error; } public void setError(String error) { this.error = error; } } /** * Reset events * * If using curl: * curl -X POST -d {\"reset\":true} -H "Content-Type: application/json" URL * where URL must be in one of the following forms for resetting registered events: * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/ * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/{param1} * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/{param1}/{param2} * * Not giving {param1} will reset all events * {param1} can be 'all' or the name of a module. The former case will reset * all events, while the latter will reset all events for the moduleName (if * param2 is null).{param2} must be an eventName for the given moduleName to * reset a specific event. */ @Post public ResetOutput postHandler(DebugEventPost postData) { ResetOutput output = new ResetOutput(); String param1 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param1"); String param2 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param2"); if (postData.getReset() != null && postData.getReset()) { Option choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_PARAM; if (param1 == null) { param1 = "all"; choice = Option.ALL; } else if (param1.equals("all")) { choice = Option.ALL; } else if (param2 == null) { boolean isRegistered = debugEvent.containsModuleName(param1); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.ONE_MODULE; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME; } } else { // differentiate between disabled and non-existing events boolean isRegistered = debugEvent.containsModuleEventName(param1, param2); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.ONE_MODULE_EVENT; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_EVENT_NAME; } } switch (choice) { case ALL: debugEvent.resetAllEvents(); break; case ONE_MODULE: debugEvent.resetAllModuleEvents(param1); break; case ONE_MODULE_EVENT: debugEvent.resetSingleEvent(param1, param2); break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME: output.error = "Module name has no corresponding registered events"; break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_EVENT_NAME: output.error = "Event not registered"; break; case ERROR_BAD_PARAM: output.error = "Bad param"; } } return output; } /** * Return the debug event data for the get rest-api call * * URL must be in one of the following forms for retrieving a list * moduleNames "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/ * counterNames "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/{moduleName} * * URL must be in one of the following forms for retrieving event data: * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/{param1} * "http://{controller-hostname}:8080/wm/debugevent/{param1}/{param2} * * where {param1} must be one of (no quotes): * null if nothing is given then by default the list * of all moduleNames is returned for which * events have been registered * "all" can return value/info on all active events * but is currently disallowed * "{moduleName}" returns value/info on events for the specified module * depending on the value of param2 * and {param2} must be one of (no quotes): * null returns all eventNames registered for the * given moduleName (in param1) * "{eventName}" returns value/info for specific event if it is active. * */ @Get("json") public DebugEventInfoOutput handleEventInfoQuery() { Option choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_PARAM; DebugEventInfoOutput output; String laststr = getQueryValue("last"); int last = Integer.MAX_VALUE; try { if (laststr != null) last = Integer.valueOf(laststr); if (last < 1) last = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(false); output.error = "Expected an integer requesting last X events;" + " received " + laststr; return output; } String param1 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param1"); String param2 = (String)getRequestAttributes().get("param2"); if (param1 == null) { output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(true); return listEvents(output); } else if (param1.equals("all")) { output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(false); //populateEvents(debugEvent.getAllEventHistory(), output); output.error = "Cannot retrieve all events - please select a specific event"; return output; } if (param2 == null) { output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(true); boolean isRegistered = debugEvent.containsModuleName(param1); if (isRegistered) { return listEvents(param1, output); } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME; } } else if (param2.equals("all")) { output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(false); //choice = Option.ONE_MODULE; output.error = "Cannot retrieve all events - please select a specific event"; return output; } else { // differentiate between disabled and non-existing events boolean isRegistered = debugEvent.containsModuleEventName(param1, param2); if (isRegistered) { choice = Option.ONE_MODULE_EVENT; } else { choice = Option.ERROR_BAD_MODULE_EVENT_NAME; } } output = new DebugEventInfoOutput(false); switch (choice) { case ONE_MODULE: populateEvents(debugEvent.getModuleEventHistory(param1), output); break; case ONE_MODULE_EVENT: populateSingleEvent(debugEvent.getSingleEventHistory(param1, param2, last), output); break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_NAME: output.error = "Module name has no corresponding registered events"; break; case ERROR_BAD_MODULE_EVENT_NAME: output.error = "Event not registered"; break; case ERROR_BAD_PARAM: default: output.error = "Bad param"; } return output; } private DebugEventInfoOutput listEvents(DebugEventInfoOutput output) { output.names = debugEvent.getModuleList(); return output; } private DebugEventInfoOutput listEvents(String moduleName, DebugEventInfoOutput output) { output.names = debugEvent.getModuleEventList(moduleName); return output; } private void populateSingleEvent(DebugEventInfo singleEventHistory, DebugEventInfoOutput output) { if (singleEventHistory != null) { output.eventMap.put(singleEventHistory.getEventInfo().getModuleEventName(), DEInfo(singleEventHistory)); } } private void populateEvents(List<DebugEventInfo> eventHistory, DebugEventInfoOutput output) { if (eventHistory != null) { for (DebugEventInfo de : eventHistory) populateSingleEvent(de, output); } } }