package com.ldbc.driver.runtime; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static java.lang.String.format; // TODO rewrite like sync GCT tracker class, to be more threadsafe public class ConcurrentErrorReporter { public static String stackTraceToString( Throwable e ) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( sw ); e.printStackTrace( pw ); return sw.toString(); } public static String whoAmI( Object caller ) { Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread(); return format( "%s [%s] (Thread: ID=%s, Name=%s, Priority=%s)", caller.getClass().getSimpleName(), Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].getLineNumber(), myThread.getId(), myThread.getName(), myThread.getPriority() ); } public static String formatErrors( List<ErrorReport> errors ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "\n- Start Error Log -" ); // Do this to avoid ConcurrentModificationException in case error is reported while iterating through errors Iterator<ErrorReport> errorsIterator = ImmutableList.copyOf( errors ).iterator(); while ( errorsIterator.hasNext() ) { ErrorReport error =; sb.append( "\n\tSOURCE:\t" ).append( error.source() ); sb.append( "\n\tERROR:\t" ).append( error.error() ); } sb.append( "\n- End Error Log -\n" ); return sb.toString(); } private final List<ErrorReport> errorMessages = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized public void reportError( Object caller, String errMsg ) { syncGetErrorMessages().add( new ErrorReport( whoAmI( caller ), errMsg ) ); } public boolean errorEncountered() { return !syncGetErrorMessages().isEmpty(); } public List<ErrorReport> errorMessages() { return syncGetErrorMessages(); } @Override public String toString() { if ( syncGetErrorMessages().isEmpty() ) { return "No Reported Errors"; } else { return formatErrors( syncGetErrorMessages() ); } } private synchronized List<ErrorReport> syncGetErrorMessages() { return errorMessages; } public static class ErrorReport { private final String source; private final String error; public ErrorReport( String source, String error ) { this.source = source; this.error = error; } public String source() { return source; } public String error() { return error; } } }