package com.ldbc.driver; import; import com.ldbc.driver.control.LoggingService; import com.ldbc.driver.util.ClassLoaderHelper; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static java.lang.String.format; public abstract class Db implements Closeable { private boolean isInitialized = false; private AtomicBoolean isShutdown = new AtomicBoolean( false ); private DbConnectionState dbConnectionState = null; private Map<Class<? extends Operation>,OperationHandler> operationHandlers = new HashMap<>(); private OperationHandler[] operationHandlersArray = null; private OperationHandlerRunnerFactory operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory = null; synchronized public final void init( Map<String,String> params, LoggingService loggingService, Map<Integer,Class<? extends Operation>> operationTypeToClassMapping ) throws DbException { if ( true == isInitialized ) { throw new DbException( "DB may be initialized only once" ); } onInit( params, loggingService ); dbConnectionState = getConnectionState(); operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory = new PoolingOperationHandlerRunnerFactory( new InstantiatingOperationHandlerRunnerFactory() ); operationHandlersArray = toOperationHandlerArray( operationTypeToClassMapping, operationHandlers ); operationHandlers = null; isInitialized = true; } /** * Called once to initialize state for DB client */ protected abstract void onInit( Map<String,String> properties, LoggingService loggingService ) throws DbException; @Override synchronized public final void close() throws IOException { if ( isShutdown.get() ) { throw new IOException( "DB may be cleaned up only once" ); } isShutdown.set( true ); onClose(); try { operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory.shutdown(); } catch ( OperationException e ) { throw new IOException( "Error shutting down operation handler runnable factory", e ); } } // TODO this is a temporary hack to support warmup more easily, because the runnable contexts need to be cleared // TODO ultimately this would be done in another way synchronized public final void reInit() throws DbException { try { operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory.shutdown(); } catch ( OperationException e ) { throw new DbException( "Error shutting down operation handler runnable factory", e ); } operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory = new PoolingOperationHandlerRunnerFactory( new InstantiatingOperationHandlerRunnerFactory() ); } /** * Called once to cleanup state for DB client */ protected abstract void onClose() throws IOException; public final <A extends Operation, H extends OperationHandler<A,?>> void registerOperationHandler( Class<A> operationType, Class<H> operationHandlerType ) throws DbException { if ( operationHandlers.containsKey( operationType ) ) { throw new DbException( format( "Client already has handler registered for %s", operationType.getClass() ) ); } try { OperationHandler operationHandler = ClassLoaderHelper.loadOperationHandler( operationHandlerType ); operationHandlers.put( operationType, operationHandler ); } catch ( OperationException e ) { throw new DbException( format( "%s could not instantiate instance of %s", getClass().getSimpleName(), operationHandlerType.getSimpleName() ), e ); } } public final OperationHandlerRunnableContext getOperationHandlerRunnableContext( Operation operation ) throws DbException { OperationHandler operationHandler = operationHandlersArray[operation.type()]; if ( null == operationHandler ) { throw new DbException( format( "No handler registered for %s", operation.getClass() ) ); } try { OperationHandlerRunnableContext operationHandlerRunnableContext = operationHandlerRunnableContextFactory.newOperationHandlerRunner(); operationHandlerRunnableContext.setOperationHandler( operationHandler ); operationHandlerRunnableContext.setDbConnectionState( dbConnectionState ); return operationHandlerRunnableContext; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new DbException( format( "Unable to instantiate handler for operation:\n%s", operation ), e ); } } private static OperationHandler[] toOperationHandlerArray( Map<Integer,Class<? extends Operation>> operationTypeToClassMapping, Map<Class<? extends Operation>,OperationHandler> operationHandlers ) throws DbException { if ( operationTypeToClassMapping.isEmpty() ) { return new OperationHandler[]{}; } else { int minOperationType = Ordering.<Integer>natural().min( operationTypeToClassMapping.keySet() ); if ( minOperationType < 0 ) { throw new DbException( format( "Operation type code lower than 0: %s", minOperationType ) ); } int maxOperationType = Ordering.<Integer>natural().max( operationTypeToClassMapping.keySet() ); OperationHandler[] operationHandlersArray = new OperationHandler[maxOperationType + 1]; for ( int i = 0; i < operationHandlersArray.length; i++ ) { if ( operationTypeToClassMapping.containsKey( i ) ) { operationHandlersArray[i] = operationHandlers.get( operationTypeToClassMapping.get( i ) ); } } return operationHandlersArray; } } /** * Should return any state related to the database connection that can be * reused by all operation handlers */ protected abstract DbConnectionState getConnectionState() throws DbException; }