package com.ldbc.driver.generator; import; import; import; import com.ldbc.driver.Operation; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Function0; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Function1; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Function2; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Tuple; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Tuple2; import com.ldbc.driver.util.Tuple3; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static java.lang.String.format; public class GeneratorFactory { private final RandomDataGeneratorFactory randomDataGeneratorFactory; public GeneratorFactory( RandomDataGeneratorFactory randomDataGeneratorFactory ) { this.randomDataGeneratorFactory = randomDataGeneratorFactory; } private RandomDataGenerator randomDataGenerator = null; // Every returned generator (that takes a RandomDataGenerator as input) will use a different RandomDataGenerator // UPDATE (2014/08/11): for performance (random data generator instantiation seems to be expensive), one // generator shared among all generators RandomDataGenerator getRandom() { if ( null == randomDataGenerator ) { randomDataGenerator = randomDataGeneratorFactory.newRandom(); } return randomDataGenerator; } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------- UTILS ----------------------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public enum OperationStreamComparisonResultType { PASS, FAIL_ONE_STREAM_IS_EMPTY, FAIL_STREAMS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_LENGTH, FAIL_ONE_OPERATION_IS_NULL, FAIL_OPERATIONS_NOT_EQUAL, FAIL_ONE_START_TIME_IS_NULL, FAIL_ONE_DEPENDENCY_TIME_IS_NULL, FAIL_START_TIMES_NOT_EQUAL, FAIL_TIME_STAMPS_NOT_EQUAL, FAIL_DEPENDENCY_TIME_STAMPS_NOT_EQUAL } public class OperationStreamComparisonResult { private final String errorMessage; private final OperationStreamComparisonResultType result; public OperationStreamComparisonResult( String errorMessage, OperationStreamComparisonResultType result ) { this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.result = result; } public String errorMessage() { return errorMessage; } public OperationStreamComparisonResultType resultType() { return result; } } /** * Compare operation streams by stream lengths and equality of the operations they contain * * @param operationStream1 * @param operationStream2 * @param compareTimes * @return */ // TODO move into a separate class, test that class separately, use that class here // TODO add check for timeStamp() public OperationStreamComparisonResult compareOperationStreams( Iterator<Operation> operationStream1, Iterator<Operation> operationStream2, boolean compareTimes ) { int operationNumber = 0; if ( operationStream1.hasNext() != operationStream2.hasNext() ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( "", OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_ONE_STREAM_IS_EMPTY ); } while ( operationStream1.hasNext() ) { operationNumber++; if ( false == operationStream2.hasNext() ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\nstream 2 is shorter", operationNumber ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_STREAMS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_LENGTH ); } Operation next1 =; Operation next2 =; if ( null == next1 && null == next2 ) { continue; } if ( null == next1 || null == next2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\none operation is null\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", operationNumber, next1, next2 ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_ONE_OPERATION_IS_NULL ); } else if ( false == next1.equals( next2 ) ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\noperations not equal\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", operationNumber, next1, next2 ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_OPERATIONS_NOT_EQUAL ); } if ( compareTimes ) { long scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1 = next1.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli(); long scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2 = next2.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli(); if ( -1 == scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1 && -1 == scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2 ) { // do nothing } else if ( -1 == scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1 || -1 == scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\none start time is null\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1, scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2, operationNumber ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_ONE_START_TIME_IS_NULL ); } else if ( scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1 != scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\nstart times not equal\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", operationNumber, scheduledStartTimeAsMilli1, scheduledStartTimeAsMilli2 ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_START_TIMES_NOT_EQUAL ); } long timeStamp1 = next1.timeStamp(); long timeStamp2 = next2.timeStamp(); if ( -1 == timeStamp1 && -1 == timeStamp2 ) { // do nothing } else if ( -1 == timeStamp1 || -1 == timeStamp2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\none time stamp is null\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", timeStamp1, timeStamp2, operationNumber ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_ONE_START_TIME_IS_NULL ); } else if ( timeStamp1 != timeStamp2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\ntime stamps not equal\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", operationNumber, timeStamp1, timeStamp2 ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_TIME_STAMPS_NOT_EQUAL ); } long dependencyTimeStamp1 = next1.dependencyTimeStamp(); long dependencyTimeStamp2 = next2.dependencyTimeStamp(); if ( -1 == dependencyTimeStamp1 && -1 == dependencyTimeStamp2 ) { // do nothing } else if ( -1 == dependencyTimeStamp1 || -1 == dependencyTimeStamp2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\none dependency time is null\nstream1: %s\nstream2: %s", dependencyTimeStamp1, dependencyTimeStamp2, operationNumber ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_ONE_DEPENDENCY_TIME_IS_NULL ); } else if ( dependencyTimeStamp1 != dependencyTimeStamp2 ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\ndependency times not equal\nstream 1: %s\nstream 2: %s", operationNumber, dependencyTimeStamp1, dependencyTimeStamp2 ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_DEPENDENCY_TIME_STAMPS_NOT_EQUAL ); } } } if ( operationStream2.hasNext() ) { return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( format( "operation %s\nstream 1 is shorter", operationNumber ), OperationStreamComparisonResultType.FAIL_STREAMS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_LENGTH ); } return new OperationStreamComparisonResult( "", OperationStreamComparisonResultType.PASS ); } public <T> void consume( Iterator<T> generator, long count ) { for ( long consumed = 0; generator.hasNext() && consumed < count; consumed++ ) {; } } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------- DECORATORS ------------------------------------------------ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Wraps any number generator and keeps track of the minimum and maximum numbers returned by that generator. * * @param generator * @param initialMin * @param initialMax * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> MinMaxGenerator<T> minMaxGenerator( Iterator<T> generator, T initialMin, T initialMax ) { return new MinMaxGenerator<T>( generator, initialMin, initialMax ); } /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------- GENERATORS ------------------------------------------------ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public <T1> Iterator<T1> includeOnly( Iterator<T1> generator, T1... includedItems ) { return includeOnly( generator, new IncludeOnlyPredicate<>( includedItems ) ); } public <T1> Iterator<T1> includeOnly( Iterator<T1> generator, Predicate<T1> isIncludedPredicate ) { return Iterators.filter( generator, isIncludedPredicate ); } private class IncludeOnlyPredicate<T1> implements Predicate<T1> { private final Set<T1> includedItems; private IncludeOnlyPredicate( T1... includedItems ) { this.includedItems = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList( includedItems ) ); } @Override public boolean apply( T1 input ) { return true == includedItems.contains( input ); } } public <T1> Iterator<T1> excludeAll( Iterator<T1> generator, T1... excludedItems ) { return excludeAll( generator, new ExcludeAllPredicate<>( excludedItems ) ); } public <T1> Iterator<T1> excludeAll( Iterator<T1> generator, Predicate<T1> isExcludedPredicate ) { return Iterators.filter( generator, isExcludedPredicate ); } private class ExcludeAllPredicate<T1> implements Predicate<T1> { private final Set<T1> excludedItems; private ExcludeAllPredicate( T1... excludedItems ) { this.excludedItems = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList( excludedItems ) ); } @Override public boolean apply( T1 input ) { return false == excludedItems.contains( input ); } } /** * Maps/transforms one iterator into another, using input function to perform the transformation on each individual * element. * Returned iterator will have the same length input iterator. * * @param original * @param fun * @param <IN> * @param <OUT> * @return */ public <IN, OUT> Iterator<OUT> map( Iterator<IN> original, Function1<IN,OUT,RuntimeException> fun ) { return new MappingGenerator<>( original, fun ); } /** * Takes two iterators as input and outputs one, using the merge function to 'merge' the head elements of each * input iterator into one element in the output iterator. * Returned iterator will have the same length as the shortest of the two input iterators * * @param in1 * @param in2 * @param mergeFun * @param <IN_1> * @param <IN_2> * @param <OUT> * @return */ public <IN_1, IN_2, OUT> Iterator<OUT> merge( Iterator<IN_1> in1, Iterator<IN_2> in2, Function2<IN_1,IN_2,OUT,RuntimeException> mergeFun ) { return new MergingGenerator<>( in1, in2, mergeFun ); } /** * Assigns dependency times to all operations that do not yet have one assigned, * or to all if canOverwriteDependencyTime is true. * The dependency time assigned is equal to the scheduled start time of the previous operation, * starting with initialDependencyTime. * All operations in the returned iterator will have dependency times assigned to them. * * @param operations * @param initialDependencyTimeAsMilli * @param canOverwriteDependencyTime * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> assignConservativeDependencyTimes( Iterator<Operation> operations, final long initialDependencyTimeAsMilli, final boolean canOverwriteDependencyTime ) { Function1<Operation,Boolean,RuntimeException> isDependency = new Function1<Operation,Boolean,RuntimeException>() { @Override public Boolean apply( Operation operation ) { return true; } }; return assignDependencyTimesEqualToLastEncounteredDependencyTimeStamp( operations, isDependency, initialDependencyTimeAsMilli, canOverwriteDependencyTime ); } /** * Assigns dependency times to all operations that do not yet have one assigned, * or to all if canOverwriteDependencyTime is true. * The dependency time assigned is equal to the scheduled start time of the last operation for which the * isDependency predicate returned true, starting with initialDependencyTime, as long as that time is lower than * current operations start time. * All operations in the returned iterator will have dependency times assigned to them. * * @param operations * @param isDependency * @param initialDependencyTimeAsMilli * @param canOverwriteDependencyTime * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> assignDependencyTimesEqualToLastEncounteredLowerDependencyTimeStamp( Iterator<Operation> operations, final Function1<Operation,Boolean,RuntimeException> isDependency, final long initialDependencyTimeAsMilli, final boolean canOverwriteDependencyTime ) { Function1<Operation,Operation,RuntimeException> dependencyTimeAssigningFun = new Function1<Operation,Operation,RuntimeException>() { private long secondMostRecentDependencyAsMilli = initialDependencyTimeAsMilli; private long mostRecentDependencyAsMilli = initialDependencyTimeAsMilli; @Override public Operation apply( Operation operation ) { if ( -1 == operation.dependencyTimeStamp() || canOverwriteDependencyTime ) { if ( operation.timeStamp() > mostRecentDependencyAsMilli ) { operation.setDependencyTimeStamp( mostRecentDependencyAsMilli ); } else { operation.setDependencyTimeStamp( secondMostRecentDependencyAsMilli ); } } if ( isDependency.apply( operation ) ) { if ( operation.timeStamp() > mostRecentDependencyAsMilli ) { secondMostRecentDependencyAsMilli = mostRecentDependencyAsMilli; mostRecentDependencyAsMilli = operation.timeStamp(); } } return operation; } }; return new MappingGenerator<>( operations, dependencyTimeAssigningFun ); } /** * Assigns dependency times to all operations that do not yet have one assigned, * or to all if canOverwriteDependencyTime is true. * The dependency time assigned is equal to the scheduled start time of the last operation for which the * isDependency predicate returned true, starting with initialDependencyTime. * All operations in the returned iterator will have dependency times assigned to them. * * @param operations * @param isDependency * @param initialDependencyTimeAsMilli * @param canOverwriteDependencyTime * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> assignDependencyTimesEqualToLastEncounteredDependencyTimeStamp( Iterator<Operation> operations, final Function1<Operation,Boolean,RuntimeException> isDependency, final long initialDependencyTimeAsMilli, final boolean canOverwriteDependencyTime ) { Function1<Operation,Operation,RuntimeException> dependencyTimeAssigningFun = new Function1<Operation,Operation,RuntimeException>() { private long mostRecentDependencyAsMilli = initialDependencyTimeAsMilli; @Override public Operation apply( Operation operation ) { if ( -1 == operation.dependencyTimeStamp() || canOverwriteDependencyTime ) { operation.setDependencyTimeStamp( mostRecentDependencyAsMilli ); } if ( isDependency.apply( operation ) ) { mostRecentDependencyAsMilli = operation.timeStamp(); } return operation; } }; return new MappingGenerator<>( operations, dependencyTimeAssigningFun ); } /** * Returns the same operation generator, with start times assigned to each operation taken from the start time * generator. Generator stops as soon as either of the generators, start times or operations, stops. * * @param startTimesAsMilli * @param operations * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> assignStartTimes( Iterator<Long> startTimesAsMilli, Iterator<Operation> operations ) { Function2<Long,Operation,Operation,RuntimeException> startTimeAssigningFun = new Function2<Long,Operation,Operation,RuntimeException>() { @Override public Operation apply( Long timeAsMilli, Operation operation ) { operation.setScheduledStartTimeAsMilli( timeAsMilli ); operation.setTimeStamp( timeAsMilli ); return operation; } }; return new MergingGenerator<>( startTimesAsMilli, operations, startTimeAssigningFun ); } /** * Returns the same operation generator, with dependency times assigned to each operation taken from the dependency * time * generator. Generator stops as soon as either of the generators, dependency times or operations, stops. * * @param dependencyTimesAsMilli * @param operations * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> assignDependencyTimes( Iterator<Long> dependencyTimesAsMilli, Iterator<Operation> operations ) { Function2<Long,Operation,Operation,RuntimeException> dependencyTimeAssigningFun = new Function2<Long,Operation,Operation,RuntimeException>() { @Override public Operation apply( Long timeAsMilli, Operation operation ) { operation.setDependencyTimeStamp( timeAsMilli ); return operation; } }; return new MergingGenerator<>( dependencyTimesAsMilli, operations, dependencyTimeAssigningFun ); } /** * Returns numbers, starting at specified number, and thereafter incrementing by a uniformly random amount * between the minimum and maximum amounts specified * * @param start * @param minIncrement * @param maxIncrement * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> randomIncrement( T start, T minIncrement, T maxIncrement ) { Iterator<T> incrementAmountGenerator = uniform( minIncrement, maxIncrement ); return incrementing( start, incrementAmountGenerator ); } /** * Returned generator will merge all input generators into one, sorting on the scheduled start time of operations, * ascending * * @param generators * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> mergeSortOperationsByScheduledStartTime( Iterator<Operation>... generators ) { return mergeSort( new Comparator<Operation>() { @Override public int compare( Operation o1, Operation o2 ) { if ( o1.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli() > o2.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli() ) { return 1; } else if ( o1.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli() < o2.scheduledStartTimeAsMilli() ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }, generators ); } /** * Returned generator will merge all input generators into one, sorting on the time stamp of operations, ascending * * @param generators * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> mergeSortOperationsByTimeStamp( Iterator<Operation>... generators ) { return mergeSort( new Comparator<Operation>() { @Override public int compare( Operation o1, Operation o2 ) { if ( o1.timeStamp() > o2.timeStamp() ) { return 1; } else if ( o1.timeStamp() < o2.timeStamp() ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }, generators ); } /** * Returned generator will merge all input generators into one, sorting by value, ascending * * @param generators * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> mergeSortNumbers( Iterator<T>... generators ) { return mergeSort( new Comparator<T>() { @Override public int compare( T t1, T t2 ) { if ( t1.longValue() > t2.longValue() ) { return 1; } else if ( t1.longValue() < t2.longValue() ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }, generators ); } /** * Returned generator will merge all input generators into one, using provided comparator for sorting * * @param comparator * @param generators * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> mergeSort( Comparator<T> comparator, Iterator<T>... generators ) { return Iterators.mergeSorted( Lists.newArrayList( generators ), comparator ); } /** * Returned generator will merge all input generators into one, using provided comparator for sorting, * and looking ahead a bounded distance in case nearby elements of any one input generator are out of order * * @param comparator * @param lookAheadDistance * @param generators * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> mergeSort( Comparator<T> comparator, int lookAheadDistance, Iterator<T>... generators ) { return new OrderedMultiGenerator<>( comparator, lookAheadDistance, generators ); } /** * Returned generator will loop over input iterator indefinitely. * <p/> * CAUTION: the returned generator does NOT (can not) do a deep copy on the elements of the original generator. * As such, if elements of the original generator are not primitives the repeating generator will simply return * many references to the elements of the original generator, i.e., modifying any of them will modify the content * of all returned elements that are referenced by that element(/reference). * * @param generator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> repeating( Iterator<T> generator ) { return new RepeatingGenerator<>( generator ); } /** * Returned generator will iterate over all of the things, once * * @param things * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> identity( T... things ) { return new IdentityGenerator<>( things ); } /** * Interleave every element from base generator with specific amount of elements from interleave with generator. * Returned generator will run until either base generator or interleave generator are exhausted. * * @param baseGenerator * @param interleaveWithGenerator * @param amountToInterleave * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> interleave( Iterator<? extends T> baseGenerator, Iterator<? extends T> interleaveWithGenerator, final int amountToInterleave ) { Function0<Integer,RuntimeException> amountToInterleaveFun = new Function0<Integer,RuntimeException>() { @Override public Integer apply() { return amountToInterleave; } }; return new InterleaveGenerator<>( baseGenerator, interleaveWithGenerator, amountToInterleaveFun ); } /** * Interleave every element from base generator with specific amount of elements from interleave with generator. * Returned generator will run until either base generator or interleave generator are exhausted. * * @param base * @param interleaveWith * @param amountToInterleaveFun * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> interleave( Iterator<? extends T> base, Iterator<? extends T> interleaveWith, Function0<Integer,RuntimeException> amountToInterleaveFun ) { return new InterleaveGenerator<>( base, interleaveWith, amountToInterleaveFun ); } /** * Offset start times of operations in stream such that first operation is now scheduled at new start time. * * @param generator * @param newStartTimeAsMilli * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> timeOffset( Iterator<Operation> generator, long newStartTimeAsMilli ) { return timeOffsetAndCompress( generator, newStartTimeAsMilli, null ); } // TODO timeCompress (without offset) /** * Offset start times of operations in stream such that first operation is now scheduled at new start time. * Compress/expand duration between start times by a fixed ratio. * E.g. 2.0 = 2x slower, 0.5 = 2x faster * * @param generator * @param newStartTimeAsMilli * @param compressionRatio * @return */ public Iterator<Operation> timeOffsetAndCompress( Iterator<Operation> generator, long newStartTimeAsMilli, Double compressionRatio ) { return new TimeMappingOperationGenerator( generator, newStartTimeAsMilli, compressionRatio ); } /** * Prefix every generated item with prefix string * * @param generator * @param prefix * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<String> prefix( Iterator<T> generator, final String prefix ) { Function1<T,String,RuntimeException> prefixingFun = new Function1<T,String,RuntimeException>() { @Override public String apply( T item ) { return prefix + item.toString(); } }; return new MappingGenerator<>( generator, prefixingFun ); } /** * Caps the amount of things generator can return * * @param generator * @param limit * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> limit( Iterator<T> generator, long limit ) { return new LimitGenerator<T>( generator, limit ); } /** * next() returns single item from set of items. Each item has equal probability of being chosen. * * @param items * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> discrete( Iterable<T> items ) { List<Tuple2<Double,Iterator<T>>> weightedIteratorItems = new ArrayList<>(); for ( T item : items ) { weightedIteratorItems.add( Tuple.tuple2( 1d, constant( item ) ) ); } return weightedDiscreteDereferencing( weightedIteratorItems ); } /** * next() retrieves single iterator from set of iterators, then returns the next() element from that iterator. * All iterators are selected with equal probability * * @param itemIterators * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> discreteDereferencing( Iterable<Iterator<T>> itemIterators ) { List<Tuple2<Double,Iterator<T>>> weightedIteratorItems = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Iterator<T> itemIterator : itemIterators ) { weightedIteratorItems.add( Tuple.tuple2( 1d, itemIterator ) ); } return weightedDiscreteDereferencing( weightedIteratorItems ); } /** * next() returns single item from set of items. Probability of selecting an item depends on weight assigned to * that * element. * * @param weightedItems * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> weightedDiscrete( Iterable<Tuple2<Double,T>> weightedItems ) { List<Tuple2<Double,Iterator<T>>> weightedIteratorItems = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Tuple2<Double,T> item : weightedItems ) { weightedIteratorItems.add( Tuple.tuple2( item._1(), constant( item._2() ) ) ); } return weightedDiscreteDereferencing( weightedIteratorItems ); } /** * next() retrieves single iterator from set of iterators, then returns the next() element from that iterator. * Probability of selecting an iterator depends on weight assigned to that iterator. * * @param weightedIteratorItems * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> weightedDiscreteDereferencing( Iterable<Tuple2<Double,Iterator<T>>> weightedIteratorItems ) { Iterator<Iterator<T>> discreteIteratorGenerator = new DiscreteGenerator<>( getRandom(), weightedIteratorItems ); return new IteratorDereferencingGenerator<T>( discreteIteratorGenerator ); } // TODO discreteList /** * next() returns list of multiple items from a collection of items. * Probability of selecting an item depends on weight assigned to that item. * amountToRetrieve specifies the size of the returned list * * @param items * @param amountToRetrieve * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<List<T>> weightedDiscreteList( Iterable<Tuple2<Double,T>> items, Integer amountToRetrieve ) { Iterator<Integer> amountToRetrieveGenerator = constant( amountToRetrieve ); return weightedDiscreteList( items, amountToRetrieveGenerator ); } /** * next() returns list of multiple items from a collection of items. * Probability of selecting an item depends on weight assigned to that item. * specifies the size of the returned list, so may vary between calls * * @param pairs * @param amountToRetrieveGenerator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<List<T>> weightedDiscreteList( Iterable<Tuple2<Double,T>> pairs, Iterator<Integer> amountToRetrieveGenerator ) { return new DiscreteListGenerator<T>( getRandom(), pairs, amountToRetrieveGenerator ); } // TODO weightedDiscreteListDereferencing /** * next() returns a map. * Number of keys is specified by amountToRetrieve. * Values are generated by calling next() on the corresponding item's tuple. * The probability of a key (and its generated value) being returned depends on the weight assigned to its item * tuple. * * @param items * @param amountToRetrieve * @param <K> * @param <V> * @return */ public <K, V> Iterator<Map<K,V>> weightedDiscreteMap( Iterable<Tuple3<Double,K,Iterator<V>>> items, Integer amountToRetrieve ) { Iterator<Integer> amountToRetrieveGenerator = constant( amountToRetrieve ); return weightedDiscreteMap( items, amountToRetrieveGenerator ); } /** * next() returns a map. * Number of keys is specified by * Values are generated by calling next() on the corresponding item's tuple. * The probability of a key (and its generated value) being returned depends on the weight assigned to its item * tuple. * * @param items * @param amountToRetrieveGenerator * @param <K> * @param <V> * @return */ public <K, V> Iterator<Map<K,V>> weightedDiscreteMap( Iterable<Tuple3<Double,K,Iterator<V>>> items, Iterator<Integer> amountToRetrieveGenerator ) { List<Tuple2<Double,Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>>> probabilityItems = new ArrayList<Tuple2<Double,Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>>>(); for ( Tuple3<Double,K,Iterator<V>> item : items ) { double thingProbability = item._1(); Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>> thingGeneratorPair = Tuple.tuple2( item._2(), item._3() ); probabilityItems.add( Tuple.tuple2( thingProbability, thingGeneratorPair ) ); } Iterator<List<Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>>> discreteListGenerator = weightedDiscreteList( probabilityItems, amountToRetrieveGenerator ); Function1<List<Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>>,Map<K,V>,RuntimeException> pairsToMap = new Function1<List<Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>>,Map<K,V>,RuntimeException>() { @Override public Map<K,V> apply( List<Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>>> pairs ) { Map<K,V> keyedValues = new HashMap<>(); for ( Tuple2<K,Iterator<V>> pair : pairs ) { keyedValues.put( pair._1(), pair._2().next() ); } return keyedValues; } }; return new MappingGenerator<>( discreteListGenerator, pairsToMap ); } public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> naiveBoundedNumberRange( T lowerBound, T upperBound, Iterator<T> unboundedGenerator ) { MinMaxGenerator<T> lowerBoundGenerator = minMaxGenerator( constant( lowerBound ), lowerBound, lowerBound ); MinMaxGenerator<T> upperBoundGenerator = minMaxGenerator( constant( upperBound ), upperBound, upperBound ); return new NaiveBoundedRangeNumberGenerator<T>( unboundedGenerator, lowerBoundGenerator, upperBoundGenerator ); } /** * Wraps a number generator and ensures it only returns numbers within a min-max range. * Range is defined by lowerBoundGenerator and upperBoundGenerator. * Generator is naive because it simply calls next() on inner generator until a suitable (in range) number is * returned. * * @param lowerBoundGenerator * @param upperBoundGenerator * @param unboundedGenerator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> naiveBoundedNumberRange( MinMaxGenerator<T> lowerBoundGenerator, MinMaxGenerator<T> upperBoundGenerator, Iterator<T> unboundedGenerator ) { return new NaiveBoundedRangeNumberGenerator<T>( unboundedGenerator, lowerBoundGenerator, upperBoundGenerator ); } /** * next() returns a uniform random number within a min-max range. * Range is defined by lowerBound and upperBound. * * @param lowerBound * @param upperBound * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> uniform( T lowerBound, T upperBound ) { MinMaxGenerator<T> lowerBoundGenerator = minMaxGenerator( constant( lowerBound ), lowerBound, lowerBound ); MinMaxGenerator<T> upperBoundGenerator = minMaxGenerator( constant( upperBound ), upperBound, upperBound ); return dynamicRangeUniform( lowerBoundGenerator, upperBoundGenerator ); } /** * next() returns an iterator that in turn returns uniform random bytes * * @return */ public Iterator<Iterator<Byte>> sizedUniformBytesGenerator( Iterator<Long> lengths ) { return new SizedUniformByteGeneratorGenerator( lengths, this ); } /** * next() returns a uniform random byte * * @return */ public Iterator<Byte> uniformBytes() { return new UniformByteGenerator( getRandom() ); } /** * next() returns a uniform random number within a min-max range. * Range is defined by boundingGenerator. * * @param boundingGenerator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> dynamicRangeUniform( MinMaxGenerator<T> boundingGenerator ) { return dynamicRangeUniform( boundingGenerator, boundingGenerator ); } /** * next() returns a uniform random number within a min-max range. * Range is defined by lowerBoundGenerator and upperBoundGenerator. * * @param lowerBoundGenerator * @param upperBoundGenerator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> dynamicRangeUniform( MinMaxGenerator<T> lowerBoundGenerator, MinMaxGenerator<T> upperBoundGenerator ) { return new DynamicRangeUniformNumberGenerator<T>( getRandom(), lowerBoundGenerator, upperBoundGenerator ); } /** * next() always returns the same value, constant * <p/> * CAUTION: the returned generator does NOT (can not) do a deep copy on the constant parameter. * As such, if constant is not a primitives the generator will simply return many references to that same constant, * i.e., modifying any of them will modify all returned elements that are referenced by that element(/reference). * * @param constant * @param <T> * @return */ public <T> Iterator<T> constant( T constant ) { return new ConstantGenerator<T>( constant ); } /** * next() returns start the first time it is called. * Subsequent calls return the number value returned in previous call increment by incrementBy. * * @param start * @param incrementBy * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> incrementing( T start, T incrementBy ) { return boundedIncrementing( start, new ConstantGenerator<T>( incrementBy ), null ); } /** * next() returns start the first time it is called. * Subsequent calls return the number value returned in previous call increment by the result of calling next() on * incrementByGenerator. * * @param start * @param incrementByGenerator * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> incrementing( T start, Iterator<T> incrementByGenerator ) { return boundedIncrementing( start, incrementByGenerator, null ); } /** * next() returns start the first time it is called. * Subsequent calls return the number value returned in previous call increment by incrementBy. * When max is reached the generator will be exhausted (hasNext()==false) * * @param start * @param incrementBy * @param max * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> boundedIncrementing( T start, T incrementBy, T max ) { return boundedIncrementing( start, new ConstantGenerator<T>( incrementBy ), max ); } /** * next() returns start the first time it is called. * Subsequent calls return the number value returned in previous call increment by the result of calling next() on * incrementByGenerator. * When max is reached the generator will be exhausted (hasNext()==false) * * @param start * @param incrementByGenerator * @param max * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> boundedIncrementing( T start, Iterator<T> incrementByGenerator, T max ) { return new IncrementingGenerator<T>( start, incrementByGenerator, max ); } /** * next() returns an exponential random number with given mean. * * @param mean * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> exponential( T mean ) { return new ExponentialNumberGenerator<T>( getRandom(), mean ); } /** * next() returns an exponential random number with given mean, in given min-max range. * Range is defined by lowerBoundGenerator and upperBoundGenerator. * * @param lowerBoundGenerator * @param upperBoundGenerator * @param mean * @param <T> * @return */ public <T extends Number> Iterator<T> boundedRangeExponential( MinMaxGenerator<T> lowerBoundGenerator, MinMaxGenerator<T> upperBoundGenerator, T mean ) { Iterator<T> generator = new ExponentialNumberGenerator<T>( getRandom(), mean ); return naiveBoundedNumberRange( lowerBoundGenerator, upperBoundGenerator, generator ); } }