/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2003-2015 JNode.org * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.jnode.test.shell.syntax; import org.jnode.shell.CommandLine; import org.jnode.shell.NoTokensAvailableException; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.CommandSyntaxException; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuAlternation; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuBackReference; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuParser; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuSequence; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuSymbol; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.MuSyntax; import org.jnode.shell.syntax.SyntaxFailureException; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MuParserTest { @Test public void testInstantiation() { new MuParser(); } @Test public void testStatelessParsing1() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <start> ::= 'a' MuSyntax syntax = new MuSymbol("a"); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("parse didn't fail"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("parse didn't fail"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testStatelessParsing2() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <start> ::= 'a' 'b' MuSyntax syntax = new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuSymbol("b")); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("parse didn't fail"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("parse didn't fail"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testStatelessParsing3() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <start> :: = 'a' | 'b' MuSyntax syntax = new MuAlternation(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuSymbol("b")); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"c"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("parse didn't fail"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testStatelessParsing4() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <root> ::= 'b' | ( 'a' <root> ) MuSyntax syntax = new MuAlternation("root", new MuSymbol("b"), new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuBackReference("root"))); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("expected SFE"); } catch (SyntaxFailureException ex) { // expected } syntax.resolveBackReferences(); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "c"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("expected SEE"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testStatelessParsing5() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <root> ::= ( 'a' <root> ) | 'b' MuSyntax syntax = new MuAlternation("root", new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuBackReference( "root")), new MuSymbol("b")); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; syntax.resolveBackReferences(); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); syntax.resolveBackReferences(); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "c"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("expected SEE"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testStatelessParsing6() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // <root> ::= ( ( 'a' <root> ) | ( 'b' 'c' ) ) | ( ( 'a' <root> ) | 'b' // ) ) MuSyntax syntax = new MuAlternation("root", new MuAlternation(new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuBackReference("root")), new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("b"), new MuSymbol("c"))), new MuAlternation(new MuSequence(new MuSymbol("a"), new MuBackReference("root")), new MuSymbol("b"))); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; syntax.resolveBackReferences(); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); syntax.resolveBackReferences(); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "b", "c"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); try { cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a", "a", "c"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("expected SEE"); } catch (CommandSyntaxException ex) { // expected } } @Test public void testPathological() throws NoTokensAvailableException, CommandSyntaxException { // Pathological grammar. // <root> ::= 'b' | ( <root> <root> ) MuSyntax syntax = new MuAlternation("root", new MuSymbol("b"), new MuSequence(new MuBackReference( "root"), new MuBackReference("root"))); MuParser parser = new MuParser(); CommandLine cl; syntax.resolveBackReferences(); // This doesn't hit the infinite loop ... cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"b"}); parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); // But this does ... cl = new CommandLine(new String[] {"a"}); try { parser.parse(syntax, null, cl.tokenIterator(), null); Assert.fail("expected SFE"); } catch (SyntaxFailureException ex) { Assert.assertEquals( "Parse exceeded the step limit (" + MuParser.DEFAULT_STEP_LIMIT + "). " + "Either the command line is too large, or the syntax is too complex (or pathological)", ex.getMessage()); } } }