package jimmui.view.roster.items; import jimm.Jimm; import jimmui.view.icons.Icon; import jimm.comm.Sortable; import jimm.comm.Util; import protocol.Contact; import java.util.Vector; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * <p/> * Date: 12.06.13 10:46 * * @author vladimir */ public class GroupBranch implements TreeBranch, Sortable { public static final byte MODE_TOP = 0x10; public static final byte MODE_BOTTOM = 0x20; private Vector<Contact> items = new Vector<Contact>(); private String caption = null; private String name; private byte mode; private boolean expanded = false; public GroupBranch(String name) { setName(name); } // Calculates online/total values for group public final void updateGroupData() { int onlineCount = 0; int total = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i) { Contact item = (Contact)items.elementAt(i); if (item.isOnline()) { onlineCount++; } } caption = getName(); if (0 < total) { caption += " (" + onlineCount + "/" + total + ")"; } } public final String getText() { return caption; } public final void setMode(int newMode) { mode = (byte)newMode; } public final boolean hasMode(byte type) { return (mode & type) != 0; } // Returns the group item name public String getName() { return; } // Sets the group item name public void setName(String name) { = name; } public final int getNodeWeight() { if (hasMode(MODE_TOP)) return -4; if (hasMode(MODE_BOTTOM)) return -2; //if (!hasMode(MODE_EDITABLE)) return -2; //if (!hasMode(MODE_REMOVABLE)) return -1; return -3; } public final void getLeftIcons(Icon[] icons) { } public final void getRightIcons(Icon[] rightIcons) { if (isExpanded()) { return; } rightIcons[0] = Jimm.getJimm().getCL().getUnreadMessageIcon(getContacts()); } public final Vector<Contact> getContacts() { return items; } public void sort() { if (isExpanded()) { Util.sort(items); } } public final boolean isEmpty() { return (0 == items.size()); } public final boolean isExpanded() { return expanded; } public final void setExpandFlag(boolean value) { expanded = value; if (expanded) sort(); } }