package jimm; import jimm.comm.StringUtils; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * <p/> * Date: 16.07.13 23:19 * * @author vladimir */ public class PhoneInfo { public static final byte PHONE_SE = 0; public static final byte PHONE_SE_SYMBIAN = 1; public static final byte PHONE_NOKIA = 2; public static final byte PHONE_NOKIA_S40 = 3; public static final byte PHONE_NOKIA_S60 = 4; public static final byte PHONE_NOKIA_S60v8 = 5; public static final byte PHONE_NOKIA_N80 = 6; public static final byte PHONE_INTENT_JTE = 7; public static final byte PHONE_JBED = 8; public static final byte PHONE_SAMSUNG = 9; public static final byte PHONE_ANDROID = 10; public final String microeditionProfiles; public final String microeditionPlatform; public final byte generalPhoneType; public PhoneInfo() { microeditionProfiles = getSystemProperty("microedition.profiles", null); microeditionPlatform = getPhone(); generalPhoneType = getGeneralPhone(); } // #sijapp cond.if target is "MIDP2"# public boolean isS60v5() { String platform = StringUtils.notNull(Jimm.getJimm().phone.microeditionPlatform); return hasSubStr(platform, "sw_platform_version=5."); } // #sijapp cond.end# private String getPhone() { final String platform = getSystemProperty("microedition.platform", null); // #sijapp cond.if target is "MIDP2" # if (null == platform) { try { Class.forName(""); return "Nokia"; } catch (Exception ignored) { } } // #sijapp cond.end # // #sijapp cond.if modules_ANDROID is "true" # String android = getSystemProperty("device.model", "") + "/" + getSystemProperty("", "") + "/" + getSystemProperty("", ""); if (2 < android.length()) { return "android/" + android; } // #sijapp cond.end # return platform; } private byte getGeneralPhone() { String device = getPhone(); if (null == device) { return -1; } device = device.toLowerCase(); // #sijapp cond.if target is "MIDP2" # // #sijapp cond.if modules_ANDROID is "true" # if (hasSubStr(device, "android")) { return PHONE_ANDROID; } // #sijapp cond.end# if (hasSubStr(device, "ericsson")) { if (hasSubStr(getSystemProperty("", "").toLowerCase(), "sjp")) { return PHONE_SE_SYMBIAN; } return PHONE_SE; } if (hasSubStr(device, "platform=s60")) { return PHONE_NOKIA_S60; } if (hasSubStr(device, "nokia")) { if (hasSubStr(device, "nokian80")) { return PHONE_NOKIA_N80; } if (null != getSystemProperty("", null)) { // S60 3rd Edition return PHONE_NOKIA_S60; } String dir = getSystemProperty("fileconn.dir.private", ""); // s40 (6233) does not have this property if (hasSubStr(dir, "/private/")) { // it is s60 v3 fp1 return PHONE_NOKIA_S60; } if (-1 != device.indexOf(';')) { return PHONE_NOKIA_S60; } return PHONE_NOKIA_S40; } if (hasSubStr(device, "samsung")) { return PHONE_SAMSUNG; } if (hasSubStr(device, "jbed")) { return PHONE_JBED; } if (hasSubStr(device, "intent")) { return PHONE_INTENT_JTE; } // #sijapp cond.end # return -1; } private boolean hasSubStr(String str, String subStr) { int index = str.indexOf(subStr); return -1 != index; } private String getSystemProperty(String key, String defVal) { String res = null; try { res = System.getProperty(key); } catch (Exception ignored) { } return StringUtils.isEmpty(res) ? defVal : res; } public boolean isPhone(final byte phone) { // #sijapp cond.if target is "MIDP2" # if (PHONE_NOKIA_S60v8 == phone) { return (PHONE_NOKIA_S60 == generalPhoneType) && (-1 == microeditionPlatform.indexOf(';')); } if (PHONE_NOKIA == phone) { return (PHONE_NOKIA_S40 == generalPhoneType) || (PHONE_NOKIA_S60 == generalPhoneType) || (PHONE_NOKIA_N80 == generalPhoneType); } if (PHONE_SE == phone) { return (PHONE_SE_SYMBIAN == generalPhoneType) || (PHONE_SE == generalPhoneType); } // #sijapp cond.end # return phone == generalPhoneType; } public int getSeVersion() { String sJava = getSystemProperty("", ""); // sJava has format "JP-x.x" or "JP-x.x.x", e.g. "JP-8.5" or "JP-8.5.2". // The next code also correct parse string with format "JP-x". // On all uncorrect strings, sonyJava set to 0. if ((null != sJava) && sJava.startsWith("JP-")) { int major = 0; int minor = 0; int micro = 0; if (sJava.length() >= 4) { major = sJava.charAt(3) - '0'; } if (sJava.length() >= 6) { minor = sJava.charAt(5) - '0'; } if (sJava.length() >= 8) { micro = sJava.charAt(7) - '0'; } if ((0 <= major) && (major <= 9) && (0 <= minor) && (minor <= 9) && (0 <= micro) && (micro <= 9)) { return major * 100 + minor * 10 + micro; } } return 0; } public boolean hasMemory(int requared) { // #sijapp cond.if target is "MIDP2" # if (isPhone(PHONE_SE)) { return true; } if (isPhone(PHONE_NOKIA_S60)) { return true; } if (isPhone(PHONE_JBED)) { return true; } if (isPhone(PHONE_INTENT_JTE)) { return true; } // #sijapp cond.if modules_ANDROID is "true" # if (isPhone(PHONE_ANDROID)) { return true; } // #sijapp cond.end # // #sijapp cond.end # Jimm.gc(); long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); return (requared < free); } public boolean isCedar() { return hasSubStr(StringUtils.notNull(microeditionPlatform), "EricssonJ108i"); } public boolean isCollapsible() { // #sijapp cond.if modules_ANDROID is "true" # if (true) return true; // #sijapp cond.end # return isPhone(PhoneInfo.PHONE_SE) || isPhone(PhoneInfo.PHONE_NOKIA_S60); } }