/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * http://glassfish.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package org.glassfish.jersey.client.proxy; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.security.AccessController; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.CookieParam; import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue; import javax.ws.rs.FormParam; import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam; import javax.ws.rs.HttpMethod; import javax.ws.rs.MatrixParam; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity; import javax.ws.rs.client.Invocation; import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget; import javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie; import javax.ws.rs.core.Form; import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericEntity; import javax.ws.rs.core.GenericType; import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedHashMap; import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap; import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.util.ReflectionHelper; /** * Factory for client-side representation of a resource. * See the <a href="package-summary.html">package overview</a> * for an example on how to use this class. * * @author Martin Matula */ public final class WebResourceFactory implements InvocationHandler { private static final String[] EMPTY = {}; private final WebTarget target; private final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers; private final List<Cookie> cookies; private final Form form; private static final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> EMPTY_HEADERS = new MultivaluedHashMap<>(); private static final Form EMPTY_FORM = new Form(); private static final List<Class> PARAM_ANNOTATION_CLASSES = Arrays.<Class>asList(PathParam.class, QueryParam.class, HeaderParam.class, CookieParam.class, MatrixParam.class, FormParam.class); /** * Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by * the interface passed in the first argument. * <p/> * Calling this method has the same effect as calling {@code WebResourceFactory.newResource(resourceInterface, rootTarget, *false)}. * * @param <C> Type of the resource to be created. * @param resourceInterface Interface describing the resource to be created. * @param target WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource. * @return Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can * be used for making requests to the server. */ public static <C> C newResource(final Class<C> resourceInterface, final WebTarget target) { return newResource(resourceInterface, target, false, EMPTY_HEADERS, Collections.<Cookie>emptyList(), EMPTY_FORM); } /** * Creates a new client-side representation of a resource described by * the interface passed in the first argument. * * @param <C> Type of the resource to be created. * @param resourceInterface Interface describing the resource to be created. * @param target WebTarget pointing to the resource or the parent of the resource. * @param ignoreResourcePath If set to true, ignores path annotation on the resource interface (this is used when creating * sub-resources) * @param headers Header params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource) * @param cookies Cookie params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource) * @param form Form params collected from parent resources (used when creating a sub-resource) * @return Instance of a class implementing the resource interface that can * be used for making requests to the server. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <C> C newResource(final Class<C> resourceInterface, final WebTarget target, final boolean ignoreResourcePath, final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers, final List<Cookie> cookies, final Form form) { return (C) Proxy.newProxyInstance(AccessController.doPrivileged(ReflectionHelper.getClassLoaderPA(resourceInterface)), new Class[] {resourceInterface}, new WebResourceFactory(ignoreResourcePath ? target : addPathFromAnnotation(resourceInterface, target), headers, cookies, form)); } private WebResourceFactory(final WebTarget target, final MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers, final List<Cookie> cookies, final Form form) { this.target = target; this.headers = headers; this.cookies = cookies; this.form = form; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (args == null && method.getName().equals("toString")) { return toString(); } if (args == null && method.getName().equals("hashCode")) { //unique instance in the JVM, and no need to override return hashCode(); } if (args != null && args.length == 1 && method.getName().equals("equals")) { //unique instance in the JVM, and no need to override return equals(args[0]); } // get the interface describing the resource final Class<?> proxyIfc = proxy.getClass().getInterfaces()[0]; // response type final Class<?> responseType = method.getReturnType(); // determine method name String httpMethod = getHttpMethodName(method); if (httpMethod == null) { for (final Annotation ann : method.getAnnotations()) { httpMethod = getHttpMethodName(ann.annotationType()); if (httpMethod != null) { break; } } } // create a new UriBuilder appending the @Path attached to the method WebTarget newTarget = addPathFromAnnotation(method, target); if (httpMethod == null) { if (newTarget == target) { // no path annotation on the method -> fail throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not a resource method."); } else if (!responseType.isInterface()) { // the method is a subresource locator, but returns class, // not interface - can't help here throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Return type not an interface"); } } // process method params (build maps of (Path|Form|Cookie|Matrix|Header..)Params // and extract entity type final MultivaluedHashMap<String, Object> headers = new MultivaluedHashMap<String, Object>(this.headers); final LinkedList<Cookie> cookies = new LinkedList<>(this.cookies); final Form form = new Form(); form.asMap().putAll(this.form.asMap()); final Annotation[][] paramAnns = method.getParameterAnnotations(); Object entity = null; Type entityType = null; for (int i = 0; i < paramAnns.length; i++) { final Map<Class, Annotation> anns = new HashMap<>(); for (final Annotation ann : paramAnns[i]) { anns.put(ann.annotationType(), ann); } Annotation ann; Object value = args[i]; if (!hasAnyParamAnnotation(anns)) { entityType = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[i]; entity = value; } else { if (value == null && (ann = anns.get(DefaultValue.class)) != null) { value = ((DefaultValue) ann).value(); } if (value != null) { if ((ann = anns.get(PathParam.class)) != null) { newTarget = newTarget.resolveTemplate(((PathParam) ann).value(), value); } else if ((ann = anns.get((QueryParam.class))) != null) { if (value instanceof Collection) { newTarget = newTarget.queryParam(((QueryParam) ann).value(), convert((Collection) value)); } else { newTarget = newTarget.queryParam(((QueryParam) ann).value(), value); } } else if ((ann = anns.get((HeaderParam.class))) != null) { if (value instanceof Collection) { headers.addAll(((HeaderParam) ann).value(), convert((Collection) value)); } else { headers.addAll(((HeaderParam) ann).value(), value); } } else if ((ann = anns.get((CookieParam.class))) != null) { final String name = ((CookieParam) ann).value(); Cookie c; if (value instanceof Collection) { for (final Object v : ((Collection) value)) { if (!(v instanceof Cookie)) { c = new Cookie(name, v.toString()); } else { c = (Cookie) v; if (!name.equals(((Cookie) v).getName())) { // is this the right thing to do? or should I fail? or ignore the difference? c = new Cookie(name, c.getValue(), c.getPath(), c.getDomain(), c.getVersion()); } } cookies.add(c); } } else { if (!(value instanceof Cookie)) { cookies.add(new Cookie(name, value.toString())); } else { c = (Cookie) value; if (!name.equals(((Cookie) value).getName())) { // is this the right thing to do? or should I fail? or ignore the difference? cookies.add(new Cookie(name, c.getValue(), c.getPath(), c.getDomain(), c.getVersion())); } } } } else if ((ann = anns.get((MatrixParam.class))) != null) { if (value instanceof Collection) { newTarget = newTarget.matrixParam(((MatrixParam) ann).value(), convert((Collection) value)); } else { newTarget = newTarget.matrixParam(((MatrixParam) ann).value(), value); } } else if ((ann = anns.get((FormParam.class))) != null) { if (value instanceof Collection) { for (final Object v : ((Collection) value)) { form.param(((FormParam) ann).value(), v.toString()); } } else { form.param(((FormParam) ann).value(), value.toString()); } } } } } if (httpMethod == null) { // the method is a subresource locator return WebResourceFactory.newResource(responseType, newTarget, true, headers, cookies, form); } // accepted media types Produces produces = method.getAnnotation(Produces.class); if (produces == null) { produces = proxyIfc.getAnnotation(Produces.class); } final String[] accepts = (produces == null) ? EMPTY : produces.value(); // determine content type String contentType = null; if (entity != null) { final List<Object> contentTypeEntries = headers.get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE); if ((contentTypeEntries != null) && (!contentTypeEntries.isEmpty())) { contentType = contentTypeEntries.get(0).toString(); } else { Consumes consumes = method.getAnnotation(Consumes.class); if (consumes == null) { consumes = proxyIfc.getAnnotation(Consumes.class); } if (consumes != null && consumes.value().length > 0) { contentType = consumes.value()[0]; } } } Invocation.Builder builder = newTarget.request() .headers(headers) // this resets all headers so do this first .accept(accepts); // if @Produces is defined, propagate values into Accept header; empty array is NO-OP for (final Cookie c : cookies) { builder = builder.cookie(c); } final Object result; if (entity == null && !form.asMap().isEmpty()) { entity = form; contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED; } else { if (contentType == null) { contentType = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } if (!form.asMap().isEmpty()) { if (entity instanceof Form) { ((Form) entity).asMap().putAll(form.asMap()); } else { // TODO: should at least log some warning here } } } final GenericType responseGenericType = new GenericType(method.getGenericReturnType()); if (entity != null) { if (entityType instanceof ParameterizedType) { entity = new GenericEntity(entity, entityType); } result = builder.method(httpMethod, Entity.entity(entity, contentType), responseGenericType); } else { result = builder.method(httpMethod, responseGenericType); } return result; } private boolean hasAnyParamAnnotation(final Map<Class, Annotation> anns) { for (final Class paramAnnotationClass : PARAM_ANNOTATION_CLASSES) { if (anns.containsKey(paramAnnotationClass)) { return true; } } return false; } private Object[] convert(final Collection value) { return value.toArray(); } private static WebTarget addPathFromAnnotation(final AnnotatedElement ae, WebTarget target) { final Path p = ae.getAnnotation(Path.class); if (p != null) { target = target.path(p.value()); } return target; } @Override public String toString() { return target.toString(); } private static String getHttpMethodName(final AnnotatedElement ae) { final HttpMethod a = ae.getAnnotation(HttpMethod.class); return a == null ? null : a.value(); } }