package weibo4j; import java.util.List; import weibo4j.model.Paging; import weibo4j.model.PostParameter; import weibo4j.model.Trends; import weibo4j.model.UserTrend; import weibo4j.model.WeiboException; import; import; import weibo4j.util.WeiboConfig; public class Trend extends Weibo { private static final long serialVersionUID = 903299515334415487L; public Trend(String access_token) { this.access_token = access_token; } /*----------------------------话题接口----------------------------------------*/ /** * 获取某人的话题列表 * * @param uid * 需要获取话题的用户的UID * @return list of the userTrend * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public List<UserTrend> getTrends(String uid) throws WeiboException { return UserTrend.constructTrendList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("uid", uid) }, access_token)); } /** * 获取某人的话题列表 * * @param uid * 需要获取话题的用户的UID * @param page * 返回结果的页码,默认为1 * @return list of the userTrend * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public List<UserTrend> getTrends(String uid, Paging page) throws WeiboException { return UserTrend.constructTrendList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("uid", uid) }, page, access_token)); } /** * 判断当前用户是否关注某话题 * * @param trend_name * 话题关键字,必须做URLencode * @return jsonobject * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public JSONObject isFollow(String trend_name) throws WeiboException { return client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/is_follow.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("trend_name", trend_name) }, access_token).asJSONObject(); } /** * 返回最近一小时内的热门话题 * * @param base_app * 是否只获取当前应用的数据。0为否(所有数据),1为是(仅当前应用),默认为0 * @return list of trends * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public List<Trends> getTrendsHourly() throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/hourly.json", access_token)); } public List<Trends> getTrendsHourly(Integer base_app) throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/hourly.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("base_app", base_app .toString()) }, access_token)); } /** * 返回最近一天内的热门话题 * * @param base_app * 是否只获取当前应用的数据。0为否(所有数据),1为是(仅当前应用),默认为0 * @return list of trends * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public List<Trends> getTrendsDaily() throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/daily.json", access_token)); } public List<Trends> getTrendsDaily(Integer base_app) throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/daily.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("base_app", base_app .toString()) }, access_token)); } /** * 返回最近一周内的热门话题 * * @param base_app * 是否只获取当前应用的数据。0为否(所有数据),1为是(仅当前应用),默认为0 * @return list of trends * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public List<Trends> getTrendsWeekly() throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/weekly.json", access_token)); } public List<Trends> getTrendsWeekly(Integer base_app) throws WeiboException { return Trends.constructTrendsList(client.get( WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/weekly.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("base_app", base_app .toString()) }, access_token)); } /** * 关注某话题 * * @param trend_name * 要关注的话题关键词。 * @return UserTrend * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public UserTrend trendsFollow(String trend_name) throws WeiboException { return new UserTrend("baseURL") + "trends/follow.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("trend_name", trend_name) }, access_token)); } /** * 取消对某话题的关注 * * @param trend_id * 要取消关注的话题ID * @return jsonobject * @throws WeiboException * when Weibo service or network is unavailable * @version weibo4j-V2 1.0.1 * @throws JSONException * @see * @since JDK 1.5 */ public JSONObject trendsDestroy(Integer trend_id) throws WeiboException { return WeiboConfig.getValue("baseURL") + "trends/destroy.json", new PostParameter[] { new PostParameter("trend_id", trend_id .toString()) }, access_token).asJSONObject(); } }