package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import; /** * * <pre> * 类名称:CategoryDaoImpl * 类描述: 博客类型数据访问模型 * 创建人:陈国祥 (kingschan) * 创建时间:2016-2-20 上午10:15:00 * 修改人:Administrator * 修改时间:2016-2-20 上午10:15:00 * 修改备注: * @version V1.0 * </pre> */ @Repository("CategoryDaoImpl") @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class CategoryDaoImpl extends HibernateBaseDao implements CategoryDao { @Override public void addObj(Category obj) throws Exception { save(obj); } @Override public void deleteObj(Category obj) throws Exception { delete(obj); } @Override public void updateObj(Category obj) throws Exception { update(obj); } @Override public Category getObj(Object id) throws Exception { return (Category) get(Category.class, id); } @Override public List<Category> getCategoryList(String websiteid) throws Exception { String hql="from Category c where c.categoryWebsiteid=? order by c.categoryPosition "; return (List<Category>) queryForListByHql(hql,true,false, websiteid); } @Override public boolean uniqueCategoryName(String websiteid, String name,String id)throws Exception { String hql="select count(*) as total from Category c where c.categoryWebsiteid=? and c.categoryName =?"; Object[] args = {websiteid,name,id}; if (null!=id) { hql+=" and <> ? "; }else{ args = new Object[]{websiteid,name}; } Object val= uniqueQueryByHql(hql, true, args); return Integer.valueOf(val.toString())==0; } @Override public void saveCategory(Category po) throws Exception { String id=(null==po.getId()||po.getId().isEmpty())?null:po.getId(); if (!uniqueCategoryName(po.getCategoryWebsiteid(), po.getCategoryName(),id)) { throw new Exception(String.format("名称%s已被占用", po.getCategoryName())); } if (null==po.getId()||po.getId().isEmpty()) { save(po); }else{ update(po); } } @Override public int delCategory(String[] ids,String websiteId) throws Exception { String total_hql="select count(*) from Article a where in(:ids)"; String del_hql="delete from Category c where in(:ids) and c.categoryWebsiteid=:webid"; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("ids", ids); Object val=uniqueQueryByHQL(total_hql, false, map); if (Integer.valueOf(val.toString())>0) { throw new Exception("要删除的类型中还有文章,操作失败!"); } map.put("webid", websiteId); return executeHQL(del_hql, map); } @Override public Category getCategoryByKeyword(String website, String keyword) throws Exception { if(keyword.matches("\\w{32}")){ return (Category)get(Category.class,keyword); } String hql=" from Category where categoryWebsiteid =? and categoryName=?"; List<Category> list= (List<Category>)queryForListByHql(hql,true,false,website,keyword); if (null!=list&&list.size()>0)return list.get(0); return null; } @Override public List<Map<String,Object>> countCategory(String websiteid) throws Exception { String hql ="select as id,a.category.categoryName as name,a.category.categoryRemark as remark,count(1) as total from Article a where a.websiteid=? and a.articleStatus=1 group by a.category order by a.category.categoryPosition "; List<Map<String,Object>> lis= (List<Map<String, Object>>) queryForListByHql(hql, false,true,websiteid); return lis; } }