package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import; import; /** * * <pre> * 类名称:LableDaoImpl * 类描述: * 创建人:陈国祥 (kingschan) * 创建时间:2016-2-20 下午2:49:56 * 修改人:Administrator * 修改时间:2016-2-20 下午2:49:56 * 修改备注: * @version V1.0 * </pre> */ @Repository("LableDaoImpl") public class LableDaoImpl extends HibernateBaseDao implements LableDao { @Override public void addObj(Lable obj) throws Exception { save(obj); } @Override public void deleteObj(Lable obj) throws Exception { delete(obj); } @Override public void updateObj(Lable obj) throws Exception { update(obj); } @Override public Lable getObj(Object id) throws Exception { return getObj(id); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> getHotLableList(String websiteid,int limit,String orderby ) throws Exception { String hql ="select new Map ( lableName as lableName,COUNT(*) as total ) from Lable a where group by a.lableName order by "; hql+=null==orderby?"total desc":orderby; List<Map<String, Object>> list =null; if (limit==0) { list=(List<Map<String, Object>>) queryForListByHql(hql, true,false, websiteid); }else{ list =(List<Map<String, Object>>) PaginationByHql(hql, 1, limit,true, websiteid); } return list; } @Override public int delArticleLable(String id) throws Exception { String hql ="delete from Lable l where"; return executeHQL(hql, id); } @Override public int getLableQuantityByName(String websiteId, String labName) throws Exception { String hql =" select count(1) from Lable where =? and lableName=?"; Object val= uniqueQueryByHql(hql,true,websiteId,labName); Integer quantity=Integer.valueOf(val.toString()); return quantity; } @Override public Pagination getLableArticleItemList(String lableName,String websiteid,int limit,int page, String orderby) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT a.lable_name as lable_name, b.article_title as article_title, as id FROM blog_label a inner JOIN blog_article b ON a.lable_articleid = and b.article_private=false WHERE a.websiteid = ? "); if (null!=lableName) { sb.append("and lable_name='").append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(lableName)).append("'"); } sb.append(" ORDER BY a.lable_name,b.article_title"); return PaginationsBySQL(sb.toString(), page, limit, false, websiteid); } }