package; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import; import; import; import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription; import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy; import net.bytebuddy.utility.RandomString; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * <p> * A class loading strategy that allows to load a dynamically created class at the runtime of an Android * application. For this, a {@link dalvik.system.DexClassLoader} is used under the covers. * </p> * <p> * This class loader requires to write files to the file system which are then processed by the Android VM. It is * <b>not</b> permitted by Android's security checks to store these files in a shared folder where they could be * manipulated by a third application what would break Android's sandbox model. An example for a forbidden storage * would therefore be the external storage. Instead, the class loading application must either supply a designated * directory, such as by creating a directory using {@link android.content.Context#getDir(String, int)} with specifying * {@link android.content.Context#MODE_PRIVATE} visibility for the created folder or by using the * {@code getCodeCacheDir} directory which is exposed for Android API versions 21 or higher. * </p> * <p> * By default, this Android {@link net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.ClassLoadingStrategy} uses the Android SDK's dex compiler in * <i>version 1.7</i> which requires the Java class files in version {@link net.bytebuddy.ClassFileVersion#JAVA_V6} as * its input. This version is slightly outdated but newer versions are not available in Maven Central which is why this * outdated version is included with this class loading strategy. Newer version can however be easily adapted by * implementing the methods of a {@link} to * appropriately delegate to the newer dex compiler. In case that the dex compiler's API was not altered, it would * even be sufficient to include the newer dex compiler to the Android application's build path while also excluding * the version that ships with this class loading strategy. While most parts of the Android SDK's components are * licensed under the <i>Apache 2.0 license</i>, please also note * <a href="">their terms and conditions</a>. * </p> */ public abstract class AndroidClassLoadingStrategy implements ClassLoadingStrategy<ClassLoader> { /** * The name of the dex file that the {@link dalvik.system.DexClassLoader} expects to find inside of a jar file * that is handed to it as its argument. */ private static final String DEX_CLASS_FILE = "classes.dex"; /** * The file name extension of a jar file. */ private static final String JAR_FILE_EXTENSION = ".jar"; /** * A value for a {@link dalvik.system.DexClassLoader} to indicate that the library path is empty. */ private static final String EMPTY_LIBRARY_PATH = null; /** * The dex creator to be used by this Android class loading strategy. */ private final DexProcessor dexProcessor; /** * A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing generated classes and * their processed forms. */ protected final File privateDirectory; /** * A generator for random string values. */ protected final RandomString randomString; /** * Creates a new Android class loading strategy that uses the given folder for storing classes. The directory is not cleared * by Byte Buddy after the application terminates. This remains the responsibility of the user. * * @param privateDirectory A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing * generated classes and their processed forms. * @param dexProcessor The dex processor to be used for creating a dex file out of Java files. */ protected AndroidClassLoadingStrategy(File privateDirectory, DexProcessor dexProcessor) { if (!privateDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a directory " + privateDirectory); } this.privateDirectory = privateDirectory; this.dexProcessor = dexProcessor; randomString = new RandomString(); } @Override public Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> load(ClassLoader classLoader, Map<TypeDescription, byte[]> types) { DexProcessor.Conversion conversion = dexProcessor.create(); for (Map.Entry<TypeDescription, byte[]> entry : types.entrySet()) { conversion.register(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue()); } File jar = new File(privateDirectory, randomString.nextString() + JAR_FILE_EXTENSION); try { if (!jar.createNewFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create " + jar); } JarOutputStream zipOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jar)); try { zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(DEX_CLASS_FILE)); conversion.drainTo(zipOutputStream); zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } finally { zipOutputStream.close(); } return doLoad(classLoader, types.keySet(), jar); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to zip file " + jar, exception); } finally { if (!jar.delete()) { Logger.getLogger("net.bytebuddy").warning("Could not delete " + jar); } } } /** * Applies the actual class loading. * * @param classLoader The target class loader. * @param typeDescriptions Descriptions of the loaded types. * @param jar A jar file containing the supplied types as dex files. * @return A mapping of all type descriptions to their loaded types. * @throws IOException If an I/O exception occurs. */ protected abstract Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> doLoad(ClassLoader classLoader, Set<TypeDescription> typeDescriptions, File jar) throws IOException; /** * A dex processor is responsible for converting a collection of Java class files into a Android dex file. */ public interface DexProcessor { /** * Creates a new conversion process which allows to store several Java class files in the created dex * file before writing this dex file to a specified {@link}. * * @return A mutable conversion process. */ Conversion create(); /** * Represents an ongoing conversion of several Java class files into an Android dex file. */ interface Conversion { /** * Adds a Java class to the generated dex file. * * @param name The binary name of the Java class. * @param binaryRepresentation The binary representation of this class. */ void register(String name, byte[] binaryRepresentation); /** * Writes an Android dex file containing all registered Java classes to the provided output stream. * * @param outputStream The output stream to write the generated dex file to. * @throws IOException If an error occurs while writing the file. */ void drainTo(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException; } /** * An implementation of a dex processor based on the Android SDK's <i>dx.jar</i> with an API that is * compatible to version 1.7. */ @EqualsAndHashCode class ForSdkCompiler implements DexProcessor { /** * An API version for a DEX file that ensures compatibility to the underlying compiler. */ private static final int DEX_COMPATIBLE_API_VERSION = 13; /** * Creates a default dex processor that ensures API version compatibility. * * @return A dex processor using an SDK compiler that ensures compatibility. */ protected static DexProcessor makeDefault() { DexOptions dexOptions = new DexOptions(); dexOptions.targetApiLevel = DEX_COMPATIBLE_API_VERSION; return new ForSdkCompiler(dexOptions, new CfOptions()); } /** * The file name extension of a Java class file. */ private static final String CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".class"; /** * Indicates that a dex file should be written without providing a human readable output. */ private static final Writer NO_PRINT_OUTPUT = null; /** * Indicates that the dex file creation should not be verbose. */ private static final boolean NOT_VERBOSE = false; /** * The dex file options to be applied when converting a Java class file. */ private final DexOptions dexFileOptions; /** * The dex compiler options to be applied when converting a Java class file. */ private final CfOptions dexCompilerOptions; /** * Creates a new Android SDK dex compiler-based dex processor. * * @param dexFileOptions The dex file options to apply. * @param dexCompilerOptions The dex compiler options to apply. */ public ForSdkCompiler(DexOptions dexFileOptions, CfOptions dexCompilerOptions) { this.dexFileOptions = dexFileOptions; this.dexCompilerOptions = dexCompilerOptions; } @Override public DexProcessor.Conversion create() { return new Conversion(new DexFile(dexFileOptions)); } /** * Represents a to-dex-file-conversion of a * {@link}. */ protected class Conversion implements DexProcessor.Conversion { /** * Indicates non-strict parsing of a class file. */ private static final boolean NON_STRICT = false; /** * The dex file that is created by this conversion. */ private final DexFile dexFile; /** * Creates a new ongoing to-dex-file conversion. * * @param dexFile The dex file that is created by this conversion. */ protected Conversion(DexFile dexFile) { this.dexFile = dexFile; } @Override public void register(String name, byte[] binaryRepresentation) { DirectClassFile directClassFile = new DirectClassFile(binaryRepresentation, name.replace('.', '/') + CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION, NON_STRICT); directClassFile.setAttributeFactory(new StdAttributeFactory()); dexFile.add(CfTranslator.translate(directClassFile, binaryRepresentation, dexCompilerOptions, dexFileOptions, new DexFile(dexFileOptions))); } @Override public void drainTo(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { dexFile.writeTo(outputStream, NO_PRINT_OUTPUT, NOT_VERBOSE); } /** * Returns the outer instance. * * @return The outer instance. */ private ForSdkCompiler getOuter() { return ForSdkCompiler.this; } @Override // HE: Remove when Lombok support for getOuter is added. public boolean equals(Object other) { return this == other || !(other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()) && ForSdkCompiler.this.equals(((Conversion) other).getOuter()) && dexFile.equals(((Conversion) other).dexFile); } @Override // HE: Remove when Lombok support for getOuter is added. public int hashCode() { return dexFile.hashCode() + 31 * ForSdkCompiler.this.hashCode(); } } } } /** * An Android class loading strategy that creates a wrapper class loader that loads any type. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.CUPCAKE) public static class Wrapping extends AndroidClassLoadingStrategy { /** * Creates a new wrapping class loading strategy for Android that uses the default SDK-compiler based dex processor. * * @param privateDirectory A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing * generated classes and their processed forms. */ public Wrapping(File privateDirectory) { this(privateDirectory, DexProcessor.ForSdkCompiler.makeDefault()); } /** * Creates a new wrapping class loading strategy for Android. * * @param privateDirectory A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing * generated classes and their processed forms. * @param dexProcessor The dex processor to be used for creating a dex file out of Java files. */ public Wrapping(File privateDirectory, DexProcessor dexProcessor) { super(privateDirectory, dexProcessor); } @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "DP_CREATE_CLASSLOADER_INSIDE_DO_PRIVILEGED", justification = "Android discourages the use of access controllers") protected Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> doLoad(ClassLoader classLoader, Set<TypeDescription> typeDescriptions, File jar) { ClassLoader dexClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(jar.getAbsolutePath(), privateDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), EMPTY_LIBRARY_PATH, classLoader); Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> loadedTypes = new HashMap<TypeDescription, Class<?>>(); for (TypeDescription typeDescription : typeDescriptions) { try { loadedTypes.put(typeDescription, Class.forName(typeDescription.getName(), false, dexClassLoader)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load " + typeDescription, exception); } } return loadedTypes; } } /** * An Android class loading strategy that injects types into the target class loader. */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.CUPCAKE) public static class Injecting extends AndroidClassLoadingStrategy { /** * A constant indicating the use of no flags. */ private static final int NO_FLAGS = 0; /** * A file extension used for holding Android's optimized data. */ private static final String EXTENSION = ".data"; /** * Creates a new injecting class loading strategy for Android that uses the default SDK-compiler based dex processor. * * @param privateDirectory A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing * generated classes and their processed forms. */ public Injecting(File privateDirectory) { this(privateDirectory, DexProcessor.ForSdkCompiler.makeDefault()); } /** * Creates a new injecting class loading strategy for Android. * * @param privateDirectory A directory that is <b>not shared with other applications</b> to be used for storing * generated classes and their processed forms. * @param dexProcessor The dex processor to be used for creating a dex file out of Java files. */ public Injecting(File privateDirectory, DexProcessor dexProcessor) { super(privateDirectory, dexProcessor); } @Override public Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> load(ClassLoader classLoader, Map<TypeDescription, byte[]> types) { if (classLoader == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot inject classes into the bootstrap class loader on Android"); } return super.load(classLoader, types); } @Override protected Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> doLoad(ClassLoader classLoader, Set<TypeDescription> typeDescriptions, File jar) throws IOException { dalvik.system.DexFile dexFile = dalvik.system.DexFile.loadDex(jar.getAbsolutePath(), new File(privateDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), randomString.nextString() + EXTENSION).getAbsolutePath(), NO_FLAGS); Map<TypeDescription, Class<?>> loadedTypes = new HashMap<TypeDescription, Class<?>>(); for (TypeDescription typeDescription : typeDescriptions) { synchronized (classLoader) { // Guaranteed to be non-null by check in 'load' method. Class<?> type = dexFile.loadClass(typeDescription.getName(), classLoader); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load " + typeDescription); } loadedTypes.put(typeDescription, type); } } return loadedTypes; } } }