/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 DataStax Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder; import com.datastax.driver.core.*; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.CodecNotFoundException; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException; import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.Bytes; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.*; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.fail; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class QueryBuilderTest { @Test(groups = "unit") public void selectTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement select; query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND c>'a' AND c<='z';"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(gt("c", "a")).and(lte("c", "z")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); // Ensure where() and where(...) are equal select = select().all().from("foo").where().and(eq("k", 4)).and(gt("c", "a")).and(lte("c", "z")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT a,b,\"C\" FROM foo WHERE a IN ('','') AND \"C\"='foo' ORDER BY a ASC,b DESC LIMIT 42;"; select = select("a", "b", quote("C")).from("foo") .where(in("a", InetAddress.getByName(""), InetAddress.getByName(""))) .and(eq(quote("C"), "foo")) .orderBy(asc("a"), desc("b")) .limit(42); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT writetime(a),ttl(a) FROM foo ALLOW FILTERING;"; select = select().writeTime("a").ttl("a").from("foo").allowFiltering(); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT DISTINCT longName AS a,ttl(longName) AS ttla FROM foo LIMIT :limit;"; select = select().distinct().column("longName").as("a").ttl("longName").as("ttla").from("foo").limit(bindMarker("limit")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT DISTINCT longName AS a,ttl(longName) AS ttla FROM foo WHERE k IN () LIMIT :limit;"; select = select().distinct().column("longName").as("a").ttl("longName").as("ttla").from("foo").where(in("k")).limit(bindMarker("limit")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar=:barmark AND baz=:bazmark LIMIT :limit;"; select = select().all().from("foo").where().and(eq("bar", bindMarker("barmark"))).and(eq("baz", bindMarker("bazmark"))).limit(bindMarker("limit")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT a FROM foo WHERE k IN ();"; select = select("a").from("foo").where(in("k")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT a FROM foo WHERE k IN ?;"; select = select("a").from("foo").where(in("k", bindMarker())); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT DISTINCT a FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; select = select("a").distinct().from("foo").where(eq("k", 1)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT DISTINCT a,b FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; select = select("a", "b").distinct().from("foo").where(eq("k", 1)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT count(*) FROM foo;"; select = select().countAll().from("foo"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT intToBlob(b) FROM foo;"; select = select().fcall("intToBlob", column("b")).from("foo"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k>42 LIMIT 42;"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(gt("k", 42)).limit(42); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE token(k)>token(42);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(gt(token("k"), fcall("token", 42))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo2 WHERE token(a,b)>token(42,101);"; select = select().all().from("foo2").where(gt(token("a", "b"), fcall("token", 42, 101))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE w='):,ydL ;O,D';"; select = select().all().from("words").where(eq("w", "):,ydL ;O,D")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE w='WA(!:gS)r(UfW';"; select = select().all().from("words").where(eq("w", "WA(!:gS)r(UfW")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); Date date = new Date(); date.setTime(1234325); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE d=1234325;"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("d", date)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE b=0xcafebabe;"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("b", Bytes.fromHexString("0xCAFEBABE"))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE e CONTAINS 'text';"; select = select().from("foo").where(contains("e", "text")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE e CONTAINS KEY 'key1';"; select = select().from("foo").where(containsKey("e", "key1")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT CAST(writetime(country) AS text) FROM artists LIMIT 2;"; select = select().cast(fcall("writetime", column("country")), DataType.text()).from("artists").limit(2); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT avg(CAST(v AS float)) FROM e;"; select = select().fcall("avg", cast(column("v"), DataType.cfloat())).from("e"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT CAST(writetime(country) AS text) FROM artists LIMIT 2;"; select = select().raw("CAST(writetime(country) AS text)").from("artists").limit(2); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE e LIKE 'a%';"; select = select().from("foo").where(like("e", "a%")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); try { select().countAll().from("foo").orderBy(asc("a"), desc("b")).orderBy(asc("a"), desc("b")); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "An ORDER BY clause has already been provided"); } try { select().column("a").all().from("foo"); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Some columns ([a]) have already been selected."); } try { select().column("a").countAll().from("foo"); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Some columns ([a]) have already been selected."); } try { select().all().from("foo").limit(-42); fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Invalid LIMIT value, must be strictly positive"); } try { select().all().from("foo").limit(42).limit(42); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "A LIMIT value has already been provided"); } } @Test(groups = "unit") @SuppressWarnings({"serial", "deprecation"}) public void insertTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement insert; query = "INSERT INTO foo (a,b,\"C\",d) VALUES (123,'','foo''bar',{'x':3,'y':2}) USING TIMESTAMP 42 AND TTL 24;"; insert = insertInto("foo") .value("a", 123) .value("b", InetAddress.getByName("")) .value(quote("C"), "foo'bar") .value("d", new TreeMap<String, Integer>() {{ put("x", 3); put("y", 2); }}) .using(timestamp(42)).and(ttl(24)); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); query = "INSERT INTO foo (a,b) VALUES (2,null);"; insert = insertInto("foo") .value("a", 2) .value("b", null); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); query = "INSERT INTO foo (a,b) VALUES ({2,3,4},3.4) USING TTL 24 AND TIMESTAMP 42;"; insert = insertInto("foo").values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }}, 3.4}).using(ttl(24)).and(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); query = "INSERT INTO foo.bar (a,b) VALUES ({2,3,4},3.4) USING TTL ? AND TIMESTAMP ?;"; insert = insertInto("foo", "bar") .values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }}, 3.4}) .using(ttl(bindMarker())) .and(timestamp(bindMarker())); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); // commutative result of TIMESTAMP query = "INSERT INTO foo.bar (a,b,c) VALUES ({2,3,4},3.4,123) USING TIMESTAMP 42;"; insert = insertInto("foo", "bar") .using(timestamp(42)) .values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }}, 3.4}) .value("c", 123); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); // commutative result of value() and values() query = "INSERT INTO foo (c,a,b) VALUES (123,{2,3,4},3.4) USING TIMESTAMP 42;"; insert = insertInto("foo") .using(timestamp(42)) .value("c", 123) .values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }}, 3.4}); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); try { insertInto("foo").values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{1, 2, 3}); fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Got 2 names but 3 values"); } // CAS test query = "INSERT INTO foo (k,x) VALUES (0,1) IF NOT EXISTS;"; insert = insertInto("foo").value("k", 0).value("x", 1).ifNotExists(); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); // Tuples: see QueryBuilderTupleExecutionTest // UDT: see QueryBuilderExecutionTest } @Test(groups = "unit") @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void updateTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement update; query = "UPDATE foo.bar USING TIMESTAMP 42 SET a=12,b=[3,2,1],c=c+3 WHERE k=2;"; update = update("foo", "bar").using(timestamp(42)).with(set("a", 12)).and(set("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))).and(incr("c", 3)).where(eq("k", 2)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET b=null WHERE k=2;"; update = update("foo").where().and(eq("k", 2)).with(set("b", null)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET a[2]='foo',b=[3,2,1]+b,c=c-{'a'} WHERE k=2 AND l='foo' AND m<4 AND n>=1;"; update = update("foo").with(setIdx("a", 2, "foo")).and(prependAll("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))).and(remove("c", "a")).where(eq("k", 2)).and(eq("l", "foo")).and(lt("m", 4)).and(gte("n", 1)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET b=[3]+b,c=c+['a'],d=d+[1,2,3],e=e-[1];"; update = update("foo").with().and(prepend("b", 3)).and(append("c", "a")).and(appendAll("d", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3))).and(discard("e", 1)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET b=b-[1,2,3],c=c+{1},d=d+{2,3,4};"; update = update("foo").with(discardAll("b", Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3))).and(add("c", 1)).and(addAll("d", new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }})); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET b=b-{2,3,4},c['k']='v',d=d+{'x':3,'y':2};"; update = update("foo").with(removeAll("b", new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }})) .and(put("c", "k", "v")) .and(putAll("d", new TreeMap<String, Integer>() {{ put("x", 3); put("y", 2); }})); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo USING TTL 400;"; update = update("foo").using(ttl(400)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET a=" + new BigDecimal(3.2) + ",b=42 WHERE k=2;"; update = update("foo").with(set("a", new BigDecimal(3.2))).and(set("b", new BigInteger("42"))).where(eq("k", 2)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo USING TIMESTAMP 42 SET b=[3,2,1]+b WHERE k=2 AND l='foo';"; update = update("foo").where().and(eq("k", 2)).and(eq("l", "foo")).with(prependAll("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))).using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); // Test commutative USING update = update("foo").where().and(eq("k", 2)).and(eq("l", "foo")).using(timestamp(42)).with(prependAll("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); // Test commutative USING update = update("foo").using(timestamp(42)).where(eq("k", 2)).and(eq("l", "foo")).with(prependAll("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); try { update("foo").using(ttl(-400)); fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Invalid ttl, must be positive"); } // CAS test query = "UPDATE foo SET x=4 WHERE k=0 IF x=1;"; update = update("foo").with(set("x", 4)).where(eq("k", 0)).onlyIf(eq("x", 1)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); // IF EXISTS CAS test update = update("foo").with(set("x", 3)).where(eq("k", 2)).ifExists(); assertThat(update.toString()).isEqualTo("UPDATE foo SET x=3 WHERE k=2 IF EXISTS;"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void deleteTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement delete; query = "DELETE a,b,c FROM foo USING TIMESTAMP 0 WHERE k=1;"; delete = delete("a", "b", "c").from("foo").using(timestamp(0)).where(eq("k", 1)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE a[3],b['foo'],c FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; delete = delete().listElt("a", 3).mapElt("b", "foo").column("c").from("foo").where(eq("k", 1)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE a[?],b[?],c FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; delete = delete().listElt("a", bindMarker()).mapElt("b", bindMarker()).column("c").from("foo").where(eq("k", 1)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); // Invalid CQL, testing edge case query = "DELETE a,b,c FROM foo;"; delete = delete("a", "b", "c").from("foo"); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo USING TIMESTAMP 1240003134 WHERE k='value';"; delete = delete().all().from("foo").using(timestamp(1240003134L)).where(eq("k", "value")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); delete = delete().from("foo").using(timestamp(1240003134L)).where(eq("k", "value")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE a,b,c FROM foo.bar USING TIMESTAMP 1240003134 WHERE k=1;"; delete = delete("a", "b", "c").from("foo", "bar").where().and(eq("k", 1)).using(timestamp(1240003134L)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo.bar WHERE k1='foo' AND k2=1;"; delete = delete().from("foo", "bar").where(eq("k1", "foo")).and(eq("k2", 1)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); try { delete().column("a").all().from("foo"); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Some columns ([a]) have already been selected."); } try { delete().from("foo").using(timestamp(-1240003134L)); fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "Invalid timestamp, must be positive"); } query = "DELETE FROM foo.bar WHERE k1='foo' IF EXISTS;"; delete = delete().from("foo", "bar").where(eq("k1", "foo")).ifExists(); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo.bar WHERE k1='foo' IF a=1 AND b=2;"; delete = delete().from("foo", "bar").where(eq("k1", "foo")).onlyIf(eq("a", 1)).and(eq("b", 2)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE k=:key;"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(eq("k", bindMarker("key"))); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void batchTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement batch; query = "BEGIN BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "INSERT INTO foo (a,b) VALUES ({2,3,4},3.4);"; query += "UPDATE foo SET a[2]='foo',b=[3,2,1]+b,c=c-{'a'} WHERE k=2;"; query += "DELETE a[3],b['foo'],c FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(insertInto("foo").values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<Integer>() {{ add(2); add(3); add(4); }}, 3.4})) .add(update("foo").with(setIdx("a", 2, "foo")).and(prependAll("b", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))).and(remove("c", "a")).where(eq("k", 2))) .add(delete().listElt("a", 3).mapElt("b", "foo").column("c").from("foo").where(eq("k", 1))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); // Test passing batch(statement) query = "BEGIN BATCH "; query += "DELETE a[3] FROM foo WHERE k=1;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch(delete().listElt("a", 3).from("foo").where(eq("k", 1))); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); assertEquals(batch().toString(), "BEGIN BATCH APPLY BATCH;"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void batchCounterTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement batch; // Test value increments query = "BEGIN COUNTER BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "UPDATE foo SET a=a+1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET b=b+2;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET c=c+3;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(update("foo").with(incr("a", 1))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("b", 2))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("c", 3))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); // Test single increments query = "BEGIN COUNTER BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "UPDATE foo SET a=a+1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET b=b+1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET c=c+1;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(update("foo").with(incr("a"))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("b"))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("c"))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); // Test value decrements query = "BEGIN COUNTER BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "UPDATE foo SET a=a-1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET b=b-2;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET c=c-3;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(update("foo").with(decr("a", 1))) .add(update("foo").with(decr("b", 2))) .add(update("foo").with(decr("c", 3))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); // Test single decrements query = "BEGIN COUNTER BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "UPDATE foo SET a=a-1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET b=b-1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET c=c-1;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(update("foo").with(decr("a"))) .add(update("foo").with(decr("b"))) .add(update("foo").with(decr("c"))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); // Test negative decrements and negative increments query = "BEGIN COUNTER BATCH USING TIMESTAMP 42 "; query += "UPDATE foo SET a=a+1;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET b=b+-2;"; query += "UPDATE foo SET c=c-3;"; query += "APPLY BATCH;"; batch = batch() .add(update("foo").with(decr("a", -1))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("b", -2))) .add(update("foo").with(decr("c", 3))) .using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(batch.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = {IllegalArgumentException.class}) public void batchMixedCounterTest() throws Exception { batch() .add(update("foo").with(incr("a", 1))) .add(update("foo").with(set("b", 2))) .add(update("foo").with(incr("c", 3))) .using(timestamp(42)); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void markerTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement insert; query = "INSERT INTO test (k,c) VALUES (0,?);"; insert = insertInto("test") .value("k", 0) .value("c", bindMarker()); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void rawEscapingTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement select; query = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c='C''est la vie!';"; select = select().from("t").where(eq("c", "C'est la vie!")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c=C'est la vie!;"; select = select().from("t").where(eq("c", raw("C'est la vie!"))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c=now();"; select = select().from("t").where(eq("c", fcall("now"))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c='now()';"; select = select().from("t").where(eq("c", raw("'now()'"))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void selectInjectionTests() throws Exception { String query; Statement select; query = "SELECT * FROM \"foo WHERE k=4\";"; select = select().all().from("foo WHERE k=4"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k='4 AND c=5';"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4 AND c=5")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k='4'' AND c=''5';"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4' AND c='5")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k='4'' OR ''1''=''1';"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4' OR '1'='1")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k='4; --test comment;';"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4; --test comment;")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT \"*\" FROM foo;"; select = select("*").from("foo"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT a,b FROM foo WHERE a IN ('b','c''); --comment');"; select = select("a", "b").from("foo").where(in("a", "b", "c'); --comment")); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); // User Injection? query = "SELECT * FROM bar; --(b) FROM foo;"; select = select().fcall("* FROM bar; --", column("b")).from("foo"); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT writetime(\"a) FROM bar; --\"),ttl(a) FROM foo ALLOW FILTERING;"; select = select().writeTime("a) FROM bar; --").ttl("a").from("foo").allowFiltering(); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT writetime(a),ttl(\"a) FROM bar; --\") FROM foo ALLOW FILTERING;"; select = select().writeTime("a").ttl("a) FROM bar; --").from("foo").allowFiltering(); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE \"k=1 OR k\">42 LIMIT 42;"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(gt("k=1 OR k", 42)).limit(42); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE token(\"k)>0 OR token(k\")>token(42);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(gt(token("k)>0 OR token(k"), fcall("token", 42))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void insertInjectionTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement insert; query = "INSERT INTO foo (a) VALUES ('123); --comment');"; insert = insertInto("foo").value("a", "123); --comment"); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); query = "INSERT INTO foo (\"a,b\") VALUES (123);"; insert = insertInto("foo").value("a,b", 123); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); query = "INSERT INTO foo (a,b) VALUES ({'2''} space','3','4'},3.4) USING TTL 24 AND TIMESTAMP 42;"; insert = insertInto("foo").values(new String[]{"a", "b"}, new Object[]{new TreeSet<String>() {{ add("2'} space"); add("3"); add("4"); }}, 3.4}).using(ttl(24)).and(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(insert.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void updateInjectionTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement update; query = "UPDATE foo.bar USING TIMESTAMP 42 SET a=12 WHERE k='2 OR 1=1';"; update = update("foo", "bar").using(timestamp(42)).with(set("a", 12)).where(eq("k", "2 OR 1=1")); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo SET b='null WHERE k=1; --comment' WHERE k=2;"; update = update("foo").where().and(eq("k", 2)).with(set("b", "null WHERE k=1; --comment")); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); query = "UPDATE foo USING TIMESTAMP 42 SET \"b WHERE k=1; --comment\"=[3,2,1]+\"b WHERE k=1; --comment\" WHERE k=2;"; update = update("foo").where().and(eq("k", 2)).with(prependAll("b WHERE k=1; --comment", Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1))).using(timestamp(42)); assertEquals(update.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void deleteInjectionTests() throws Exception { String query; Statement delete; query = "DELETE FROM \"foo WHERE k=4\";"; delete = delete().from("foo WHERE k=4"); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE k='4 AND c=5';"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4 AND c=5")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE k='4'' AND c=''5';"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4' AND c='5")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE k='4'' OR ''1''=''1';"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4' OR '1'='1")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE k='4; --test comment;';"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(eq("k", "4; --test comment;")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE \"*\" FROM foo;"; delete = delete("*").from("foo"); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE a,b FROM foo WHERE a IN ('b','c''); --comment');"; delete = delete("a", "b").from("foo") .where(in("a", "b", "c'); --comment")); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE \"k=1 OR k\">42;"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(gt("k=1 OR k", 42)); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); query = "DELETE FROM foo WHERE token(\"k)>0 OR token(k\")>token(42);"; delete = delete().from("foo").where(gt(token("k)>0 OR token(k"), fcall("token", 42))); assertEquals(delete.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void statementForwardingTest() throws Exception { Update upd = update("foo"); upd.setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM); upd.enableTracing(); Statement query = upd.using(timestamp(42)).with(set("a", 12)).and(incr("c", 3)).where(eq("k", 2)); assertEquals(query.getConsistencyLevel(), ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM); assertTrue(query.isTracing()); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = CodecNotFoundException.class) public void rejectUnknownValueTest() throws Exception { RegularStatement s = update("foo").with(set("a", new byte[13])).where(eq("k", 2)) .setForceNoValues(true); s.getQueryString(); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void truncateTest() throws Exception { assertEquals(truncate("foo").toString(), "TRUNCATE foo;"); assertEquals(truncate("foo", quote("Bar")).toString(), "TRUNCATE foo.\"Bar\";"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void quotingTest() { assertEquals(select().from("Metrics", "epochs").toString(), "SELECT * FROM Metrics.epochs;"); assertEquals(select().from("Metrics", quote("epochs")).toString(), "SELECT * FROM Metrics.\"epochs\";"); assertEquals(select().from(quote("Metrics"), "epochs").toString(), "SELECT * FROM \"Metrics\".epochs;"); assertEquals(select().from(quote("Metrics"), quote("epochs")).toString(), "SELECT * FROM \"Metrics\".\"epochs\";"); assertEquals(insertInto("Metrics", "epochs").toString(), "INSERT INTO Metrics.epochs () VALUES ();"); assertEquals(insertInto("Metrics", quote("epochs")).toString(), "INSERT INTO Metrics.\"epochs\" () VALUES ();"); assertEquals(insertInto(quote("Metrics"), "epochs").toString(), "INSERT INTO \"Metrics\".epochs () VALUES ();"); assertEquals(insertInto(quote("Metrics"), quote("epochs")).toString(), "INSERT INTO \"Metrics\".\"epochs\" () VALUES ();"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void compoundWhereClauseTest() throws Exception { String query; Statement select; query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2)=('a',2);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(eq(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"), Arrays.<Object>asList("a", 2))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2)>('a',2);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(gt(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"), Arrays.<Object>asList("a", 2))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2)>=('a',2) AND (c1,c2)<('b',0);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(gte(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"), Arrays.<Object>asList("a", 2))) .and(lt(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"), Arrays.<Object>asList("b", 0))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2)<=('a',2);"; select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(lte(Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"), Arrays.<Object>asList("a", 2))); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2) IN ((1,'foo'),(2,'bar'),(3,'qix'));"; List<String> names = ImmutableList.of("c1", "c2"); List<?> values = ImmutableList.<List<?>>of( ImmutableList.of(1, "foo"), ImmutableList.of(2, "bar"), ImmutableList.of(3, "qix")); select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(names, values)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1,c2) IN ((1,'foo'),(2,?),?);"; names = ImmutableList.of("c1", "c2"); values = ImmutableList.of( ImmutableList.of(1, "foo"), ImmutableList.of(2, bindMarker()), bindMarker()); select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(names, values)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); // special case, single element list with bind marker should be (?) instead of ((?)) query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE k=4 AND (c1) IN (?);"; names = ImmutableList.of("c1"); values = ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of(bindMarker())); select = select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(names, values)); assertEquals(select.toString(), query); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Too many values for IN clause, the maximum allowed is 65535") public void should_fail_if_compound_in_clause_has_too_many_values() { List<Object> values = Collections.<Object>nCopies(65536, "a"); select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(ImmutableList.of("name"), values)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Missing values for IN clause") public void should_fail_if_compound_in_clause_given_null_values() { select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(ImmutableList.of("name"), null)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "The number of names \\(4\\) and values \\(3\\) don't match") public void should_fail_if_compound_in_clause_has_mismatch_of_names_and_values() { select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c", "d"), ImmutableList.of( ImmutableList.of(1, 2, 3, 4), // Adequately sized (4) ImmutableList.of(1, 2, 3) // Inadequately sized (3) ))); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Wrong element type for values list, expected List or BindMarker, got java.lang.Integer") public void shoud_fail_if_compound_in_clause_has_value_pair_that_is_not_list_or_bind_marker() { select().all().from("foo").where(eq("k", 4)).and(in(ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c", "d"), ImmutableList.of(1))); // Invalid value 1, must be list or bind marker. } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Missing values for IN clause") public void should_fail_if_in_clause_has_null_values() { select().all().from("foo").where(in("bar", (List<?>) null)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void should_fail_if_in_clause_has_too_many_values() { List<Object> values = Collections.<Object>nCopies(65536, "a"); select().all().from("foo").where(in("bar", values.toArray())); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void should_fail_if_built_statement_has_too_many_values() { List<Object> values = Collections.<Object>nCopies(65535, "a"); // If the excessive count results from successive DSL calls, we don't check it on the fly so this statement works: BuiltStatement statement = select().all().from("foo") .where(eq("bar", "a")) .and(in("baz", values.toArray())); // But we still want to check it client-side, to fail fast instead of sending a bad query to Cassandra. // getValues() is called on any RegularStatement before we send it (see SessionManager.makeRequestMessage). statement.getValues(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_nested_collections() { String query; Statement statement; query = "UPDATE foo SET l=[[1],[2]] WHERE k=1;"; ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Integer>> list = ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of(1), ImmutableList.of(2)); statement = update("foo").with(set("l", list)).where(eq("k", 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); query = "UPDATE foo SET m={1:[[1],[2]],2:[[1],[2]]} WHERE k=1;"; statement = update("foo").with(set("m", ImmutableMap.of(1, list, 2, list))).where(eq("k", 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); query = "UPDATE foo SET m=m+{1:[[1],[2]],2:[[1],[2]]} WHERE k=1;"; statement = update("foo").with(putAll("m", ImmutableMap.of(1, list, 2, list))).where(eq("k", 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); query = "UPDATE foo SET l=[[1]]+l WHERE k=1;"; statement = update("foo").with(prepend("l", ImmutableList.of(1))).where(eq("k", 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); query = "UPDATE foo SET l=[[1],[2]]+l WHERE k=1;"; statement = update("foo").with(prependAll("l", list)).where(eq("k", 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = InvalidQueryException.class) public void should_not_allow_bind_marker_for_add() { // This generates the query "UPDATE foo SET s = s + {?} WHERE k = 1", which is invalid in Cassandra update("foo").with(add("s", bindMarker())).where(eq("k", 1)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = InvalidQueryException.class) public void should_now_allow_bind_marker_for_prepend() { update("foo").with(prepend("l", bindMarker())).where(eq("k", 1)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = InvalidQueryException.class) public void should_not_allow_bind_marker_for_append() { update("foo").with(append("l", bindMarker())).where(eq("k", 1)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = InvalidQueryException.class) public void should_not_allow_bind_marker_for_remove() { update("foo").with(remove("s", bindMarker())).where(eq("k", 1)); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = InvalidQueryException.class) public void should_not_allow_bind_marker_for_discard() { update("foo").with(discard("l", bindMarker())).where(eq("k", 1)); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_quote_complex_column_names() { // A column name can be anything as long as it's quoted, so "foo.bar" is a valid name String query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE \"foo.bar\"=1;"; Statement statement = select().from("foo").where(eq(quote("foo.bar"), 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_quote_column_names_with_escaped_quotes() { // A column name can include quotes as long as it is escaped with another set of quotes, so "foo""bar" is a valid name. String query = "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE \"foo \"\" bar\"=1;"; Statement statement = select().from("foo").where(eq(quote("foo \" bar"), 1)); assertThat(statement.toString()).isEqualTo(query); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_serialize_raw_query_values() { RegularStatement select = select().from("test").where(gt("i", raw("1"))); assertThat(select.getQueryString()).doesNotContain("?"); assertThat(select.getValues(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE)).isNull(); } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = {IllegalStateException.class}) public void should_throw_ISE_if_getObject_called_on_statement_without_values() { select().from("test").where(eq("foo", 42)).getObject(0); // integers are appended to the CQL string } @Test(groups = "unit", expectedExceptions = {IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}) public void should_throw_IOOBE_if_getObject_called_with_wrong_index() { select().from("test").where(eq("foo", new Object())).getObject(1); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_return_object_at_ith_index() { Object expected = new Object(); Object actual = select().from("test").where(eq("foo", expected)).getObject(0); assertThat(actual).isSameAs(expected); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_serialize_collections_of_serializable_elements() { Set<UUID> set = Sets.newHashSet(UUID.randomUUID()); List<Date> list = Lists.newArrayList(new Date()); Map<BigInteger, String> map = ImmutableMap.of(new BigInteger("1"), "foo"); BuiltStatement query = insertInto("foo").value("v", set); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES (?);"); assertThat(query.getObject(0)).isEqualTo(set); query = insertInto("foo").value("v", list); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES (?);"); assertThat(query.getObject(0)).isEqualTo(list); query = insertInto("foo").value("v", map); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES (?);"); assertThat(query.getObject(0)).isEqualTo(map); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_attempt_to_serialize_function_calls_in_collections() { BuiltStatement query = insertInto("foo").value("v", Sets.newHashSet(fcall("func", 1))); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ({func(1)});"); assertThat(query.getValues(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE)).isNullOrEmpty(); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_attempt_to_serialize_bind_markers_in_collections() { BuiltStatement query = insertInto("foo").value("v", Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, bindMarker())); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ([1,2,?]);"); assertThat(query.getValues(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE)).isNullOrEmpty(); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_attempt_to_serialize_raw_values_in_collections() { BuiltStatement query = insertInto("foo").value("v", ImmutableMap.of(1, raw("x"))); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ({1:x});"); assertThat(query.getValues(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE)).isNullOrEmpty(); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_attempt_to_serialize_collections_containing_numbers() { BuiltStatement query; // lists List<Integer> list = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3); query = insertInto("foo").value("v", list); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ([1,2,3]);"); assertThat(query.hasValues()).isFalse(); // sets Set<Integer> set = Sets.newHashSet(1, 2, 3); query = insertInto("foo").value("v", set); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ({1,2,3});"); assertThat(query.hasValues()).isFalse(); // maps Map<Integer, Float> map = ImmutableMap.of(1, 12.34f); query = insertInto("foo").value("v", map); assertThat(query.getQueryString()).isEqualTo("INSERT INTO foo (v) VALUES ({1:12.34});"); assertThat(query.hasValues()).isFalse(); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_include_original_cause_when_arguments_invalid() { // Collection elements in protocol v2 must be at most 65535 bytes ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(65536); // too big List<ByteBuffer> value = Lists.newArrayList(bb); BuiltStatement s = insertInto("foo").value("l", value); try { s.getValues(ProtocolVersion.V2, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE); fail("Expected an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (InvalidTypeException e) { assertThat(e.getCause()).isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); e.getCause().printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); String stackTrace = writer.toString(); assertThat(stackTrace).contains( "Native protocol version 2 supports only elements with size up to 65535 bytes - " + "but element size is 65536 bytes"); } } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_per_partition_limit_clause() { assertThat( select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(2).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo PER PARTITION LIMIT 2;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(bindMarker()).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo PER PARTITION LIMIT ?;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(bindMarker("limit")).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo PER PARTITION LIMIT :limit;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(2).limit(bindMarker()).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo PER PARTITION LIMIT 2 LIMIT ?;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").where(in("a", 2, 4)).perPartitionLimit(2).limit(3).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a IN (2,4) PER PARTITION LIMIT 2 LIMIT 3;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").where(eq("a", bindMarker())).perPartitionLimit(bindMarker()).limit(3).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a=? PER PARTITION LIMIT ? LIMIT 3;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").where(eq("a", bindMarker())).orderBy(desc("b")).perPartitionLimit(2).limit(3).toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a=? ORDER BY b DESC PER PARTITION LIMIT 2 LIMIT 3;"); assertThat( select().all().from("foo").where(eq("a", bindMarker())).and(gt("b", bindMarker())) .orderBy(desc("b")).perPartitionLimit(bindMarker()).limit(3).allowFiltering().toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a=? AND b>? ORDER BY b DESC PER PARTITION LIMIT ? LIMIT 3 ALLOW FILTERING;"); try { select().distinct().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(3); fail("Should not allow DISTINCT + PER PARTITION LIMIT"); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("PER PARTITION LIMIT is not allowed with SELECT DISTINCT queries"); } try { select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(-1); fail("Should not allow negative limit"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("Invalid PER PARTITION LIMIT value, must be strictly positive"); } try { select().all().from("foo").perPartitionLimit(1).perPartitionLimit(bindMarker()); fail("Should not allow to set limit twice"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertThat(e).hasMessage("A PER PARTITION LIMIT value has already been provided"); } } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_select_json() throws Exception { assertThat( select().json().from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT JSON * FROM users;"); assertThat( select("id", "age").json().from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT JSON id,age FROM users;"); assertThat( select().json().column("id").writeTime("age").ttl("state").as("ttl").from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT JSON id,writetime(age),ttl(state) AS ttl FROM users;"); assertThat( select().distinct().json().column("id").from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT JSON DISTINCT id FROM users;"); // note that the correct syntax is JSON DISTINCT } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_insert_json() throws Exception { assertThat( insertInto("example").json("{\"id\": 0, \"tupleval\": [1, \"abc\"], \"numbers\": [1, 2, 3], \"letters\": [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]}").toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO example JSON '{\"id\": 0, \"tupleval\": [1, \"abc\"], \"numbers\": [1, 2, 3], \"letters\": [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]}';"); assertThat( insertInto("users").json("{\"id\": \"user123\", \"\\\"Age\\\"\": 42, \"\\\"State\\\"\": \"TX\"}").toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users JSON '{\"id\": \"user123\", \"\\\"Age\\\"\": 42, \"\\\"State\\\"\": \"TX\"}';"); assertThat( insertInto("users").json(bindMarker()).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users JSON ?;"); assertThat( insertInto("users").json(bindMarker("json")).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users JSON :json;"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_to_json() throws Exception { assertThat( select().toJson("id").as("id").toJson("age").as("age").from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT toJson(id) AS id,toJson(age) AS age FROM users;"); assertThat( select().distinct().toJson("id").as("id").from("users").toString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT DISTINCT toJson(id) AS id FROM users;"); } @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_from_json() throws Exception { assertThat( update("users").with(set("age", fromJson("42"))).where(eq("id", fromJson("\"user123\""))).toString()) .isEqualTo("UPDATE users SET age=fromJson('42') WHERE id=fromJson('\"user123\"');"); assertThat( insertInto("users").value("id", fromJson("\"user123\"")).value("age", fromJson("42")).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users (id,age) VALUES (fromJson('\"user123\"'),fromJson('42'));"); assertThat( insertInto("users").value("id", fromJson(bindMarker())).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES (fromJson(?));"); assertThat( insertInto("users").value("id", fromJson(bindMarker("id"))).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES (fromJson(:id));"); } static class Foo { int bar; public Foo(int bar) { this.bar = bar; } } static class FooCodec extends TypeCodec<Foo> { public FooCodec() { super(DataType.cint(), Foo.class); } @Override public ByteBuffer serialize(Foo value, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidTypeException { // not relevant for this test return null; } @Override public Foo deserialize(ByteBuffer bytes, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidTypeException { // not relevant for this test return null; } @Override public Foo parse(String value) throws InvalidTypeException { // not relevant for this test return null; } @Override public String format(Foo foo) throws InvalidTypeException { return Integer.toString(foo.bar); } } /** * Ensures that a statement can be printed with and without * a required custom codec. * The expectation is that if the codec is not registered, * then the query string should contain bind markers for all variables; * if however all codecs are properly registered, then * the query string should contain all variables inlined and formatted properly. * * @jira_ticket JAVA-1272 */ @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_inline_custom_codec() throws Exception { assertThat( insertInto("users").value("id", new Foo(42)).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES (?);"); CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.register(new FooCodec()); assertThat( insertInto("users").value("id", new Foo(42)).toString()) .isEqualTo("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES (42);"); } /** * @jira_ticket JAVA-1312 */ @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_not_append_last_column_twice() throws Exception { Select.SelectionOrAlias select = select().column("a").column("b"); Select fromUsers1 = select.from("users"); Select fromUsers2 = select.from("users"); assertThat(fromUsers1.getQueryString()) .isEqualTo(fromUsers2.getQueryString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT a,b FROM users;"); } /** * @test_category queries:builder * @jira_ticket JAVA-1286 * @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7423 */ @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_setting_udt_fields() throws Exception { assertThat( update("tbl") .with(set(path("a", quote("B")), "foo")) .and(set(raw("c.\"D\""), "bar")) .where(eq("k", 0)).getQueryString()) .isEqualTo("UPDATE tbl SET a.\"B\"=?,c.\"D\"=? WHERE k=0;"); } /** * @test_category queries:builder * @jira_ticket JAVA-1286 * @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7423 */ @Test(groups = "unit") public void should_handle_retrieving_udt_fields() throws Exception { assertThat( select() .path("a", Metadata.quote("B")) .raw("c.\"D\"") .from("tbl").getQueryString()) .isEqualTo("SELECT a.\"B\",c.\"D\" FROM tbl;"); } }