/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 DataStax Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder; import com.datastax.driver.core.DataType; import com.datastax.driver.core.Metadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.RegularStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.TableMetadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException; import java.util.*; /** * Builds CQL3 query via a fluent API. * <p/> * The queries built by this builder will provide a value for the * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.Statement#getRoutingKey} method only when a * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.TableMetadata} is provided to the builder. * It is thus advised to do so if a {@link com.datastax.driver.core.policies.TokenAwarePolicy} * is in use. * <p/> * The provider builders perform very little validation of the built query. * There is thus no guarantee that a built query is valid, and it is * definitively possible to create invalid queries. * <p/> * Note that it could be convenient to use an 'import static' to bring the static methods of * this class into scope. */ public final class QueryBuilder { private QueryBuilder() { } /** * Start building a new SELECT query that selects the provided names. * <p/> * Note that {@code select(c1, c2)} is just a shortcut for {@code select().column(c1).column(c2) }. * * @param columns the columns names that should be selected by the query. * @return an in-construction SELECT query (you will need to provide at * least a FROM clause to complete the query). */ public static Select.Builder select(String... columns) { return new Select.Builder(Arrays.asList((Object[]) columns)); } /** * Start building a new SELECT query. * * @return an in-construction SELECT query (you will need to provide a * column selection and at least a FROM clause to complete the query). */ public static Select.Selection select() { // Note: the fact we return Select.Selection as return type is on purpose. return new Select.SelectionOrAlias(); } /** * Start building a new INSERT query. * * @param table the name of the table in which to insert. * @return an in-construction INSERT query. */ public static Insert insertInto(String table) { return new Insert(null, table); } /** * Start building a new INSERT query. * * @param keyspace the name of the keyspace to use. * @param table the name of the table to insert into. * @return an in-construction INSERT query. */ public static Insert insertInto(String keyspace, String table) { return new Insert(keyspace, table); } /** * Start building a new INSERT query. * * @param table the name of the table to insert into. * @return an in-construction INSERT query. */ public static Insert insertInto(TableMetadata table) { return new Insert(table); } /** * Start building a new UPDATE query. * * @param table the name of the table to update. * @return an in-construction UPDATE query (at least a SET and a WHERE * clause needs to be provided to complete the query). */ public static Update update(String table) { return new Update(null, table); } /** * Start building a new UPDATE query. * * @param keyspace the name of the keyspace to use. * @param table the name of the table to update. * @return an in-construction UPDATE query (at least a SET and a WHERE * clause needs to be provided to complete the query). */ public static Update update(String keyspace, String table) { return new Update(keyspace, table); } /** * Start building a new UPDATE query. * * @param table the name of the table to update. * @return an in-construction UPDATE query (at least a SET and a WHERE * clause needs to be provided to complete the query). */ public static Update update(TableMetadata table) { return new Update(table); } /** * Start building a new DELETE query that deletes the provided names. * * @param columns the columns names that should be deleted by the query. * @return an in-construction DELETE query (At least a FROM and a WHERE * clause needs to be provided to complete the query). */ public static Delete.Builder delete(String... columns) { return new Delete.Builder(columns); } /** * Start building a new DELETE query. * * @return an in-construction SELECT query (you will need to provide a * column selection and at least a FROM and a WHERE clause to complete the * query). */ public static Delete.Selection delete() { return new Delete.Selection(); } /** * Built a new BATCH query on the provided statements. * <p/> * This method will build a logged batch (this is the default in CQL3). To * create unlogged batches, use {@link #unloggedBatch}. Also note that * for convenience, if the provided statements are counter statements, this * method will create a COUNTER batch even though COUNTER batches are never * logged (so for counters, using this method is effectively equivalent to * using {@link #unloggedBatch}). * * @param statements the statements to batch. * @return a new {@code RegularStatement} that batch {@code statements}. */ public static Batch batch(RegularStatement... statements) { return new Batch(statements, true); } /** * Built a new UNLOGGED BATCH query on the provided statements. * <p/> * Compared to logged batches (the default), unlogged batch don't * use the distributed batch log server side and as such are not * guaranteed to be atomic. In other words, if an unlogged batch * timeout, some of the batched statements may have been persisted * while some have not. Unlogged batch will however be slightly * faster than logged batch. * <p/> * If the statements added to the batch are counter statements, the * resulting batch will be a COUNTER one. * * @param statements the statements to batch. * @return a new {@code RegularStatement} that batch {@code statements} without * using the batch log. */ public static Batch unloggedBatch(RegularStatement... statements) { return new Batch(statements, false); } /** * Creates a new TRUNCATE query. * * @param table the name of the table to truncate. * @return the truncation query. */ public static Truncate truncate(String table) { return new Truncate(null, table); } /** * Creates a new TRUNCATE query. * * @param keyspace the name of the keyspace to use. * @param table the name of the table to truncate. * @return the truncation query. */ public static Truncate truncate(String keyspace, String table) { return new Truncate(keyspace, table); } /** * Creates a new TRUNCATE query. * * @param table the table to truncate. * @return the truncation query. */ public static Truncate truncate(TableMetadata table) { return new Truncate(table); } /** * Quotes a columnName to make it case sensitive. * * @param columnName the column name to quote. * @return the quoted column name. * @see Metadata#quote(String) */ public static String quote(String columnName) { return Metadata.quote(columnName); } /** * The token of a column name. * * @param columnName the column name to take the token of. * @return {@code "token(" + columnName + ")"}. */ public static String token(String columnName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("token("); Utils.appendName(columnName, sb); sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } /** * The token of column names. * <p/> * This variant is most useful when the partition key is composite. * * @param columnNames the column names to take the token of. * @return a string representing the token of the provided column names. */ public static String token(String... columnNames) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("token("); Utils.joinAndAppendNames(sb, null, Arrays.asList((Object[]) columnNames)); sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates an "equal" where clause stating the provided column must be * equal to the provided value. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause eq(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, "=", value); } /** * Creates an "equal" where clause for a group of clustering columns. * <p/> * For instance, {@code eq(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(2, "test"))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) = (2, 'test') }. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.6. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code names.size() != values.size()}. */ public static Clause eq(List<String> names, List<?> values) { if (names.size() != values.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The number of names (%d) and values (%d) don't match", names.size(), values.size())); return new Clause.CompoundClause(names, "=", values); } /** * Creates a "like" where clause stating that the provided column must be equal to the provided value. * * @param name the column name. * @param value the value. * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause like(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, " LIKE ", value); } /** * Create an "in" where clause stating the provided column must be equal * to one of the provided values. * * @param name the column name * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause in(String name, Object... values) { return new Clause.InClause(name, Arrays.asList(values)); } /** * Create an "in" where clause stating the provided column must be equal * to one of the provided values. * * @param name the column name * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause in(String name, List<?> values) { return new Clause.InClause(name, values); } /** * Creates an "in" where clause for a group of clustering columns (a.k.a. "multi-column IN restriction"). * <p/> * For instance, {@code in(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(1, "foo"), Arrays.asList(2, "bar")))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) IN ((1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar'))}. * <p/> * Each element in {@code values} must be either a {@link List list} containing exactly as many values * as there are columns to match in {@code names}, * or a {@link #bindMarker() bind marker} – in which case, that marker is to be considered as * a placeholder for one whole tuple of values to match. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.9. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of any tuple in {@code values} is not equal to {@code names.size()}, * or if {@code values} contains elements that are neither {@link List lists} nor {@link #bindMarker() bind markers}. */ public static Clause in(List<String> names, List<?> values) { return new Clause.CompoundInClause(names, values); } /** * Creates a "contains" where clause stating the provided column must contain * the value provided. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause contains(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.ContainsClause(name, value); } /** * Creates a "contains key" where clause stating the provided column must contain * the key provided. * * @param name the column name * @param key the key * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause containsKey(String name, Object key) { return new Clause.ContainsKeyClause(name, key); } /** * Creates a "lesser than" where clause stating the provided column must be less than * the provided value. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause lt(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, "<", value); } /** * Creates a "lesser than" where clause for a group of clustering columns. * <p/> * For instance, {@code lt(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(2, "test"))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) < (2, 'test') }. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.6. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code names.size() != values.size()}. */ public static Clause lt(List<String> names, List<?> values) { if (names.size() != values.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The number of names (%d) and values (%d) don't match", names.size(), values.size())); return new Clause.CompoundClause(names, "<", values); } /** * Creates a "lesser than or equal" where clause stating the provided column must * be lesser than or equal to the provided value. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause lte(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, "<=", value); } /** * Creates a "lesser than or equal" where clause for a group of clustering columns. * <p/> * For instance, {@code lte(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(2, "test"))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) <e; (2, 'test') }. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.6. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code names.size() != values.size()}. */ public static Clause lte(List<String> names, List<?> values) { if (names.size() != values.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The number of names (%d) and values (%d) don't match", names.size(), values.size())); return new Clause.CompoundClause(names, "<=", values); } /** * Creates a "greater than" where clause stating the provided column must * be greater to the provided value. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause gt(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, ">", value); } /** * Creates a "greater than" where clause for a group of clustering columns. * <p/> * For instance, {@code gt(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(2, "test"))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) > (2, 'test') }. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.6. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code names.size() != values.size()}. */ public static Clause gt(List<String> names, List<?> values) { if (names.size() != values.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The number of names (%d) and values (%d) don't match", names.size(), values.size())); return new Clause.CompoundClause(names, ">", values); } /** * Creates a "greater than or equal" where clause stating the provided * column must be greater than or equal to the provided value. * * @param name the column name * @param value the value * @return the corresponding where clause. */ public static Clause gte(String name, Object value) { return new Clause.SimpleClause(name, ">=", value); } /** * Creates a "greater than or equal" where clause for a group of clustering columns. * <p/> * For instance, {@code gte(Arrays.asList("a", "b"), Arrays.asList(2, "test"))} * will generate the CQL WHERE clause {@code (a, b) >e; (2, 'test') }. * <p/> * Please note that this variant is only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.6. * * @param names the column names * @param values the values * @return the corresponding where clause. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code names.size() != values.size()}. */ public static Clause gte(List<String> names, List<?> values) { if (names.size() != values.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The number of names (%d) and values (%d) don't match", names.size(), values.size())); return new Clause.CompoundClause(names, ">=", values); } /** * Ascending ordering for the provided column. * * @param columnName the column name * @return the corresponding ordering */ public static Ordering asc(String columnName) { return new Ordering(columnName, false); } /** * Descending ordering for the provided column. * * @param columnName the column name * @return the corresponding ordering */ public static Ordering desc(String columnName) { return new Ordering(columnName, true); } /** * Option to set the timestamp for a modification query (insert, update or delete). * * @param timestamp the timestamp (in microseconds) to use. * @return the corresponding option * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code timestamp < 0}. */ public static Using timestamp(long timestamp) { if (timestamp < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid timestamp, must be positive"); return new Using.WithValue("TIMESTAMP", timestamp); } /** * Option to prepare the timestamp (in microseconds) for a modification query (insert, update or delete). * * @param marker bind marker to use for the timestamp. * @return the corresponding option. */ public static Using timestamp(BindMarker marker) { return new Using.WithMarker("TIMESTAMP", marker); } /** * Option to set the ttl for a modification query (insert, update or delete). * * @param ttl the ttl (in seconds) to use. * @return the corresponding option * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ttl < 0}. */ public static Using ttl(int ttl) { if (ttl < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ttl, must be positive"); return new Using.WithValue("TTL", ttl); } /** * Option to prepare the ttl (in seconds) for a modification query (insert, update or delete). * * @param marker bind marker to use for the ttl. * @return the corresponding option */ public static Using ttl(BindMarker marker) { return new Using.WithMarker("TTL", marker); } /** * Simple "set" assignment of a value to a column. * <p/> * This will generate: * <pre> * name = value * </pre> * The column name will only be quoted if it contains special characters, as in: * <pre> * "a name that contains spaces" = value * </pre> * Otherwise, if you want to force case sensitivity, use * {@link #quote(String)}: * <pre> * set(quote("aCaseSensitiveName"), value) * </pre> * This method won't work to set UDT fields; use {@link #set(Object, Object)} with a * {@link #path(String...) path} instead: * <pre> * set(path("udt", "field"), value) * </pre> * * @param name the column name * @param value the value to assign * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment set(String name, Object value) { return new Assignment.SetAssignment(name, value); } /** * Advanced "set" assignment of a value to a column or a * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.UserType UDT} field. * <p/> * This method is seldom preferable to {@link #set(String, Object)}; it is only useful: * <ul> * <li>when assigning values to individual fields of a UDT (see {@link #path(String...)}): * <pre> * set(path("udt", "field"), value) * </pre> * </li> * <li>if you wish to pass a "raw" string that will get appended as-is to the query (see {@link #raw(String)}). * There is no practical usage for this the time of writing, but it will serve as a workaround if new features are * added to Cassandra and you're using a older driver version that is not yet aware of them: * <pre> * set(raw("some custom string"), value) * </pre> * </li> * </ul> * If the runtime type of {@code name} is {@code String}, this method is equivalent to {@link #set(String, Object)}. * * @param name the column or UDT field name * @param value the value to assign * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment set(Object name, Object value) { return new Assignment.SetAssignment(name, value); } /** * Incrementation of a counter column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + 1}. * * @param name the column name to increment * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment incr(String name) { return incr(name, 1L); } /** * Incrementation of a counter column by a provided value. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + value}. * * @param name the column name to increment * @param value the value by which to increment * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment incr(String name, long value) { return new Assignment.CounterAssignment(name, value, true); } /** * Incrementation of a counter column by a provided value. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + value}. * * @param name the column name to increment * @param value a bind marker representing the value by which to increment * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment incr(String name, BindMarker value) { return new Assignment.CounterAssignment(name, value, true); } /** * Decrementation of a counter column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - 1}. * * @param name the column name to decrement * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment decr(String name) { return decr(name, 1L); } /** * Decrementation of a counter column by a provided value. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - value}. * * @param name the column name to decrement * @param value the value by which to decrement * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment decr(String name, long value) { return new Assignment.CounterAssignment(name, value, false); } /** * Decrementation of a counter column by a provided value. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - value}. * * @param name the column name to decrement * @param value a bind marker representing the value by which to decrement * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment decr(String name, BindMarker value) { return new Assignment.CounterAssignment(name, value, false); } /** * Prepend a value to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = [ value ] + name}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param value the value to prepend. Using a BindMarker here is not supported. * To use a BindMarker use {@code QueryBuilder#prependAll} with a * singleton list. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment prepend(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof BindMarker) { throw new InvalidQueryException("binding a value in prepend() is not supported, use prependAll() and bind a singleton list"); } return prependAll(name, Collections.singletonList(value)); } /** * Prepend a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = list + name}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list the list of values to prepend. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment prependAll(String name, List<?> list) { return new Assignment.ListPrependAssignment(name, list); } /** * Prepend a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = list + name}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list a bind marker representing the list of values to prepend. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment prependAll(String name, BindMarker list) { return new Assignment.ListPrependAssignment(name, list); } /** * Append a value to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + [value]}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param value the value to append. Using a BindMarker here is not supported. * To use a BindMarker use {@code QueryBuilder#appendAll} with a * singleton list. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment append(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof BindMarker) { throw new InvalidQueryException("Binding a value in append() is not supported, use appendAll() and bind a singleton list"); } return appendAll(name, Collections.singletonList(value)); } /** * Append a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + list}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list the list of values to append * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment appendAll(String name, List<?> list) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, list, true, false); } /** * Append a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + list}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list a bind marker representing the list of values to append * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment appendAll(String name, BindMarker list) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, list, true, false); } /** * Discard a value from a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - [value]}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param value the value to discard. Using a BindMarker here is not supported. * To use a BindMarker use {@code QueryBuilder#discardAll} with a singleton list. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment discard(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof BindMarker) { throw new InvalidQueryException("Binding a value in discard() is not supported, use discardAll() and bind a singleton list"); } return discardAll(name, Collections.singletonList(value)); } /** * Discard a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - list}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list the list of values to discard * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment discardAll(String name, List<?> list) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, list, false); } /** * Discard a list of values to a list column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - list}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param list a bind marker representing the list of values to discard * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment discardAll(String name, BindMarker list) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, list, false); } /** * Sets a list column value by index. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name[idx] = value}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type list). * @param idx the index to set * @param value the value to set * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment setIdx(String name, int idx, Object value) { return new Assignment.ListSetIdxAssignment(name, idx, value); } /** * Adds a value to a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + {value}}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param value the value to add. Using a BindMarker here is not supported. * To use a BindMarker use {@code QueryBuilder#addAll} with a * singleton set. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment add(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof BindMarker) { throw new InvalidQueryException("Binding a value in add() is not supported, use addAll() and bind a singleton list"); } return addAll(name, Collections.singleton(value)); } /** * Adds a set of values to a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + set}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param set the set of values to append * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment addAll(String name, Set<?> set) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, set, true); } /** * Adds a set of values to a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + set}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param set a bind marker representing the set of values to append * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment addAll(String name, BindMarker set) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, set, true); } /** * Remove a value from a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - {value}}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param value the value to remove. Using a BindMarker here is not supported. * To use a BindMarker use {@code QueryBuilder#removeAll} with a singleton set. * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment remove(String name, Object value) { if (value instanceof BindMarker) { throw new InvalidQueryException("Binding a value in remove() is not supported, use removeAll() and bind a singleton set"); } return removeAll(name, Collections.singleton(value)); } /** * Remove a set of values from a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - set}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param set the set of values to remove * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment removeAll(String name, Set<?> set) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, set, false); } /** * Remove a set of values from a set column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name - set}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type set). * @param set a bind marker representing the set of values to remove * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment removeAll(String name, BindMarker set) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, set, false); } /** * Puts a new key/value pair to a map column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name[key] = value}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type map). * @param key the key to put * @param value the value to put * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment put(String name, Object key, Object value) { return new Assignment.MapPutAssignment(name, key, value); } /** * Puts a map of new key/value pairs to a map column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + map}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type map). * @param map the map of key/value pairs to put * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment putAll(String name, Map<?, ?> map) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, map, true); } /** * Puts a map of new key/value pairs to a map column. * <p/> * This will generate: {@code name = name + map}. * * @param name the column name (must be of type map). * @param map a bind marker representing the map of key/value pairs to put * @return the correspond assignment (to use in an update query) */ public static Assignment putAll(String name, BindMarker map) { return new Assignment.CollectionAssignment(name, map, true); } /** * An object representing an anonymous bind marker (a question mark). * <p/> * This can be used wherever a value is expected. For instance, one can do: * <pre> * {@code * Insert i = QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").value("k", 0) * .value("c", QueryBuilder.bindMarker()); * PreparedState p = session.prepare(i.toString()); * } * </pre> * * @return a new bind marker. */ public static BindMarker bindMarker() { return BindMarker.ANONYMOUS; } /** * An object representing a named bind marker. * <p/> * This can be used wherever a value is expected. For instance, one can do: * <pre> * {@code * Insert i = QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").value("k", 0) * .value("c", QueryBuilder.bindMarker("c_val")); * PreparedState p = session.prepare(i.toString()); * } * </pre> * <p/> * Please note that named bind makers are only supported starting with Cassandra 2.0.1. * * @param name the name for the bind marker. * @return an object representing a bind marker named {@code name}. */ public static BindMarker bindMarker(String name) { return new BindMarker(name); } /** * Protects a value from any interpretation by the query builder. * <p/> * The following table exemplify the behavior of this function: * <table border=1> * <caption>Examples of use</caption> * <tr><th>Code</th><th>Resulting query string</th></tr> * <tr><td>{@code select().from("t").where(eq("c", "C'est la vie!")); }</td><td>{@code "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c='C''est la vie!';"}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code select().from("t").where(eq("c", raw("C'est la vie!"))); }</td><td>{@code "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c=C'est la vie!;"}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code select().from("t").where(eq("c", raw("'C'est la vie!'"))); }</td><td>{@code "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c='C'est la vie!';"}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code select().from("t").where(eq("c", "now()")); }</td><td>{@code "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c='now()';"}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@code select().from("t").where(eq("c", raw("now()"))); }</td><td>{@code "SELECT * FROM t WHERE c=now();"}</td></tr> * </table> * <i>Note: the 2nd and 3rd examples in this table are not a valid CQL3 queries.</i> * <p/> * The use of that method is generally discouraged since it lead to security risks. However, * if you know what you are doing, it allows to escape the interpretations done by the * QueryBuilder. * * @param str the raw value to use as a string * @return the value but protected from being interpreted/escaped by the query builder. */ public static Object raw(String str) { return new Utils.RawString(str); } /** * Creates a function call. * * @param name the name of the function to call. * @param parameters the parameters for the function. * @return the function call. */ public static Object fcall(String name, Object... parameters) { return new Utils.FCall(name, parameters); } /** * Creates a Cast of a column using the given dataType. * * @param column the column to cast. * @param dataType the data type to cast to. * @return the casted column. */ public static Object cast(Object column, DataType dataType) { return new Utils.Cast(column, dataType); } /** * Creates a {@code now()} function call. * * @return the function call. */ public static Object now() { return new Utils.FCall("now"); } /** * Creates a {@code uuid()} function call. * * @return the function call. */ public static Object uuid() { return new Utils.FCall("uuid"); } /** * Declares that the name in argument should be treated as a column name. * <p/> * This mainly meant for use with {@link Select.Selection#fcall} when a * function should apply to a column name, not a string value. * * @param name the name of the column. * @return the name as a column name. */ public static Object column(String name) { return new Utils.CName(name); } /** * Creates a path composed of the given path {@code segments}. * <p/> * All provided path segments will be concatenated together with dots. * If any segment contains an identifier that needs quoting, * caller code is expected to call {@link #quote(String)} prior to * invoking this method. * <p/> * This method is currently only useful when accessing individual fields of a * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.UserType user-defined type} (UDT), * which is only possible since CASSANDRA-7423. * <p/> * Note that currently nested UDT fields are not supported and * will be rejected by the server as a * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError syntax error}. * * @param segments the segments of the path to create. * @return the segments concatenated as a single path. * @see <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7423">CASSANDRA-7423</a> */ public static Object path(String... segments) { return new Utils.Path(segments); } /** * Creates a {@code fromJson()} function call. * <p/> * Support for JSON functions has been added in Cassandra 2.2. * The {@code fromJson()} function is similar to {@code INSERT JSON} statements, * but applies to a single column value instead of the entire row, and * converts a JSON object into the normal Cassandra column value. * <p/> * It may be used in {@code INSERT} and {@code UPDATE} statements, * but NOT in the selection clause of a {@code SELECT} statement. * <p/> * The provided object can be of the following types: * <ol> * <li>A raw string. In this case, it will be appended to the query string as is. * <strong>It should NOT be surrounded by single quotes.</strong> * Its format should generally match that returned by a * {@code SELECT JSON} statement on the same table. * Note that it is not possible to insert function calls nor bind markers in a JSON string.</li> * <li>A {@link QueryBuilder#bindMarker() bind marker}. In this case, the statement is meant to be prepared * and no JSON string will be appended to the query string, only a bind marker for the whole JSON parameter.</li> * <li>Any object that can be serialized to JSON. Such objects can be used provided that * a matching {@link com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec codec} is registered with the * {@link com.datastax.driver.core.CodecRegistry CodecRegistry} in use. This allows the usage of JSON libraries, such * as the <a href="https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=353">Java API for JSON processing</a>, * the popular <a href="http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonHome">Jackson</a> library, or * Google's <a href="https://github.com/google/gson">Gson</a> library, for instance.</li> * </ol> * <p/> * When passing raw strings to this method, the following rules apply: * <ol> * <li>String values should be enclosed in double quotes.</li> * <li>Double quotes appearing inside strings should be escaped with a backslash, * but single quotes should be escaped in * the CQL manner, i.e. by another single quote. For example, the column value * {@code foo"'bar} should be inserted in the JSON string * as {@code "foo\"''bar"}.</li> * </ol> * * @param json the JSON string, or a bind marker, or a JSON object handled by a specific {@link com.datastax.driver.core.TypeCodec codec}. * @return the function call. * @see <a href="http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/cql3/CQL-2.2.html#json">JSON Support for CQL</a> * @see <a href="http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/whats-new-in-cassandra-2-2-json-support">JSON Support in Cassandra 2.2</a> */ public static Object fromJson(Object json) { return fcall("fromJson", json); } }