/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 DataStax Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datastax.driver.core; import com.datastax.driver.core.policies.*; import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.CassandraVersion; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultiset; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.scassandra.http.client.PrimingRequest; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static com.datastax.driver.core.Assertions.assertThat; import static com.datastax.driver.core.CreateCCM.TestMode.PER_METHOD; import static com.datastax.driver.core.ScassandraCluster.SELECT_PEERS; import static com.datastax.driver.core.ScassandraCluster.datacenter; import static com.datastax.driver.core.TestUtils.nonDebouncingQueryOptions; import static com.datastax.driver.core.TestUtils.nonQuietClusterCloseOptions; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import static org.scassandra.http.client.PrimingRequest.then; @CreateCCM(PER_METHOD) @CCMConfig(dirtiesContext = true, createCluster = false) public class ControlConnectionTest extends CCMTestsSupport { static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ControlConnectionTest.class); @Test(groups = "short") @CCMConfig(numberOfNodes = 2) public void should_prevent_simultaneous_reconnection_attempts() throws InterruptedException { // Custom load balancing policy that counts the number of calls to newQueryPlan(). // Since we don't open any session from our Cluster, only the control connection reattempts are calling this // method, therefore the invocation count is equal to the number of attempts. QueryPlanCountingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy = new QueryPlanCountingPolicy(Policies.defaultLoadBalancingPolicy()); AtomicInteger reconnectionAttempts = loadBalancingPolicy.counter; // Custom reconnection policy with a very large delay (longer than the test duration), to make sure we count // only the first reconnection attempt of each reconnection handler. ReconnectionPolicy reconnectionPolicy = new ConstantReconnectionPolicy(60 * 1000); // We pass only the first host as contact point, so we know the control connection will be on this host Cluster cluster = register(Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(getContactPoints().get(0)) .withPort(ccm().getBinaryPort()) .withReconnectionPolicy(reconnectionPolicy) .withLoadBalancingPolicy(loadBalancingPolicy) .build()); cluster.init(); // Kill the control connection host, there should be exactly one reconnection attempt ccm().stop(1); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // Sleep for a while to make sure our final count is not the result of lucky timing assertThat(reconnectionAttempts.get()).isEqualTo(1); ccm().stop(2); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); assertThat(reconnectionAttempts.get()).isEqualTo(2); } /** * Test for JAVA-509: UDT definitions were not properly parsed when using the default protocol version. * <p/> * This did not appear with other tests because the UDT needs to already exist when the driver initializes. * Therefore we use two different driver instances in this test. */ @Test(groups = "short") @CassandraVersion("2.1.0") public void should_parse_UDT_definitions_when_using_default_protocol_version() { // First driver instance: create UDT Cluster cluster = register(Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(getContactPoints().get(0)) .withPort(ccm().getBinaryPort()) .build()); Session session = cluster.connect(); session.execute("create keyspace ks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}"); session.execute("create type ks.foo (i int)"); cluster.close(); // Second driver instance: read UDT definition Cluster cluster2 = register(Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(getContactPoints().get(0)) .withPort(ccm().getBinaryPort()) .build()); UserType fooType = cluster2.getMetadata().getKeyspace("ks").getUserType("foo"); assertThat(fooType.getFieldNames()).containsExactly("i"); } /** * Ensures that if the host that the Control Connection is connected to is removed/decommissioned that the * Control Connection is reestablished to another host. * * @jira_ticket JAVA-597 * @expected_result Control Connection is reestablished to another host. * @test_category control_connection * @since 2.0.9 */ @Test(groups = "long") @CCMConfig(numberOfNodes = 3) public void should_reestablish_if_control_node_decommissioned() throws InterruptedException { InetSocketAddress firstHost = ccm().addressOfNode(1); Cluster cluster = register(Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(firstHost.getAddress()) .withPort(ccm().getBinaryPort()) .withQueryOptions(nonDebouncingQueryOptions()) .build()); cluster.init(); // Ensure the control connection host is that of the first node. InetAddress controlHost = cluster.manager.controlConnection.connectedHost().getAddress(); assertThat(controlHost).isEqualTo(firstHost.getAddress()); // Decommission the node. ccm().decommission(1); // Ensure that the new control connection is not null and it's host is not equal to the decommissioned node. Host newHost = cluster.manager.controlConnection.connectedHost(); assertThat(newHost).isNotNull(); assertThat(newHost.getAddress()).isNotEqualTo(controlHost); } /** * <p> * Ensures that contact points are randomized when determining the initial control connection * by default. Initializes a cluster with 5 contact points 100 times and ensures that all 5 * were used. * </p> * * @jira_ticket JAVA-618 * @expected_result All 5 hosts were chosen within 100 attempts. There is a very small possibility * that this may not be the case and this is not actually an error. * @test_category control_connection * @since 2.0.11, 2.1.8, 2.2.0 */ @Test(groups = "short") @CCMConfig(createCcm = false) public void should_randomize_contact_points_when_determining_control_connection() { int hostCount = 5; int iterations = 100; ScassandraCluster scassandras = ScassandraCluster.builder().withNodes(hostCount).build(); scassandras.init(); try { Collection<InetAddress> contactPoints = newArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= hostCount; i++) { contactPoints.add(scassandras.address(i).getAddress()); } final HashMultiset<InetAddress> occurrencesByHost = HashMultiset.create(hostCount); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(contactPoints) .withPort(scassandras.getBinaryPort()) .withNettyOptions(nonQuietClusterCloseOptions) .build(); try { cluster.init(); occurrencesByHost.add(cluster.manager.controlConnection.connectedHost().getAddress()); } finally { cluster.close(); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Map<InetAddress, Integer> hostCounts = Maps.toMap(occurrencesByHost.elementSet(), new Function<InetAddress, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(InetAddress input) { return occurrencesByHost.count(input); } }); logger.debug("Control Connection Use Counts by Host: {}", hostCounts); } // There is an incredibly low chance that a host may not be used based on randomness. // This probability is very low however. assertThat(occurrencesByHost.elementSet().size()) .as("Not all hosts were used as contact points. There is a very small chance" + " of this happening based on randomness, investigate whether or not this" + " is a bug.") .isEqualTo(hostCount); } finally { scassandras.stop(); } } @DataProvider public static Object[][] disallowedNullColumnsInPeerData() { return new Object[][]{ {"host_id"}, {"data_center"}, {"rack"}, {"tokens"}, {"host_id,data_center,rack,tokens"} }; } /** * Validates that if the com.datastax.driver.EXTENDED_PEER_CHECK system property is set to true that a peer * with null values for host_id, data_center, rack, or tokens is ignored. * * @test_category host:metadata * @jira_ticket JAVA-852 * @since 2.1.10 */ @Test(groups = "isolated", dataProvider = "disallowedNullColumnsInPeerData") @CCMConfig(createCcm = false) public void should_ignore_peer_if_extended_peer_check_is_enabled(String columns) { System.setProperty("com.datastax.driver.EXTENDED_PEER_CHECK", "true"); run_with_null_peer_info(columns, false); } /** * Validates that a peer with null values for host_id, data_center, rack, or tokens is ignored. * * @test_category host:metadata * @jira_ticket JAVA-852 * @since 2.1.10 */ @Test(groups = "short", dataProvider = "disallowedNullColumnsInPeerData") @CCMConfig(createCcm = false) public void should_ignore_and_warn_peers_with_null_entries_by_default(String columns) { run_with_null_peer_info(columns, false); } static void run_with_null_peer_info(String columns, boolean expectPeer2) { // given: A cluster with peer 2 having a null rack. ScassandraCluster.ScassandraClusterBuilder builder = ScassandraCluster.builder() .withNodes(3); StringBuilder columnDataBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String column : columns.split(",")) { builder = builder.forcePeerInfo(1, 2, column, null); columnDataBuilder.append(String.format("%s=null, ", column)); } String columnData = columnDataBuilder.toString(); if (columnData.endsWith(", ")) { columnData = columnData.substring(0, columnData.length() - 2); } ScassandraCluster scassandraCluster = builder.build(); Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(scassandraCluster.address(1).getAddress()) .withPort(scassandraCluster.getBinaryPort()) .withNettyOptions(nonQuietClusterCloseOptions) .build(); // Capture logs to ensure appropriate warnings are logged. org.apache.log4j.Logger cLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("com.datastax.driver.core"); Level originalLevel = cLogger.getLevel(); if (originalLevel != null && !originalLevel.isGreaterOrEqual(Level.WARN)) { cLogger.setLevel(Level.WARN); } MemoryAppender logs = new MemoryAppender(); cLogger.addAppender(logs); try { scassandraCluster.init(); // when: Initializing a cluster instance and grabbing metadata. cluster.init(); InetAddress node2Address = scassandraCluster.address(2).getAddress(); String expectedError = String.format("Found invalid row in system.peers: [peer=%s, %s]. " + "This is likely a gossip or snitch issue, this host will be ignored.", node2Address, columnData); String log = logs.get(); // then: A peer with a null rack should not show up in host metadata, unless allowed via system property. if (expectPeer2) { assertThat(cluster.getMetadata().getAllHosts()) .hasSize(3) .extractingResultOf("getAddress") .contains(node2Address); assertThat(log).doesNotContain(expectedError); } else { assertThat(cluster.getMetadata().getAllHosts()) .hasSize(2) .extractingResultOf("getAddress") .doesNotContain(node2Address); assertThat(log) .containsOnlyOnce(expectedError); } } finally { cLogger.removeAppender(logs); cLogger.setLevel(originalLevel); cluster.close(); scassandraCluster.stop(); } } /** * Ensures that when a node changes its broadcast address (for example, after * a shutdown and startup on EC2 and its public IP has changed), * the driver will be able to detect that change and recognize the host * in the system.peers table in spite of that change. * * @jira_ticket JAVA-1038 * @expected_result The driver should be able to detect that a host has changed its broadcast address * and update its metadata accordingly. * @test_category control_connection * @since 2.1.10 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test(groups = "short") @CCMConfig(createCcm = false) public void should_fetch_whole_peers_table_if_broadcast_address_changed() throws UnknownHostException { ScassandraCluster scassandras = ScassandraCluster.builder().withNodes(2).build(); scassandras.init(); InetSocketAddress node2RpcAddress = scassandras.address(2); Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder() .addContactPoints(scassandras.address(1).getAddress()) .withPort(scassandras.getBinaryPort()) .withNettyOptions(nonQuietClusterCloseOptions) .build(); try { cluster.init(); Host host2 = cluster.getMetadata().getHost(node2RpcAddress); assertThat(host2).isNotNull(); InetAddress node2OldBroadcastAddress = host2.getBroadcastAddress(); InetAddress node2NewBroadcastAddress = InetAddress.getByName(""); // host 2 has the old broadcast_address (which is identical to its rpc_broadcast_address) assertThat(host2.getAddress()) .isEqualTo(node2OldBroadcastAddress); // simulate a change in host 2 public IP Map<String, ?> rows = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder() .put("peer", node2NewBroadcastAddress) // new broadcast address for host 2 .put("rpc_address", host2.getAddress()) // rpc_broadcast_address remains unchanged .put("host_id", UUID.randomUUID()) .put("data_center", datacenter(1)) .put("rack", "rack1") .put("release_version", "2.1.8") .put("tokens", ImmutableSet.of(Long.toString(scassandras.getTokensForDC(1).get(1)))) .build(); scassandras.node(1).primingClient().clearAllPrimes(); // the driver will attempt to locate host2 in system.peers by its old broadcast address, and that will fail scassandras.node(1).primingClient().prime(PrimingRequest.queryBuilder() .withQuery("SELECT * FROM system.peers WHERE peer='" + node2OldBroadcastAddress + "'") .withThen(then() .withColumnTypes(SELECT_PEERS) .build()) .build()); // the driver will then attempt to fetch the whole system.peers scassandras.node(1).primingClient().prime(PrimingRequest.queryBuilder() .withQuery("SELECT * FROM system.peers") .withThen(then() .withColumnTypes(SELECT_PEERS) .withRows(rows) .build()) .build()); assertThat(cluster.manager.controlConnection.refreshNodeInfo(host2)).isTrue(); host2 = cluster.getMetadata().getHost(node2RpcAddress); // host2 should now have a new broadcast address assertThat(host2).isNotNull(); assertThat(host2.getBroadcastAddress()) .isEqualTo(node2NewBroadcastAddress); // host 2 should keep its old rpc broadcast address assertThat(host2.getSocketAddress()) .isEqualTo(node2RpcAddress); } finally { cluster.close(); scassandras.stop(); } } static class QueryPlanCountingPolicy extends DelegatingLoadBalancingPolicy { final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(); public QueryPlanCountingPolicy(LoadBalancingPolicy delegate) { super(delegate); } public Iterator<Host> newQueryPlan(String loggedKeyspace, Statement statement) { counter.incrementAndGet(); return super.newQueryPlan(loggedKeyspace, statement); } } }