/* * Selection.java - Selected text * :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false: * :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 Slava Pestov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea; //{{{ Imports import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.JEditBuffer; import org.gjt.sp.util.StandardUtilities; //}}} /** * An abstract class that holds data on a region of selected text. * As an abstract class, it cannot be used * directly, but instead serves as a parent class for two specific types * of selection structures: * <ul> * <li>{@link Selection.Range} - represents an ordinary range of selected text.</li> * <li>{@link Selection.Rect} - represents a rectangular selection.</li> * </ul> * * @author Slava Pestov * @author John Gellene (API documentation) * @version $Id$ * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public abstract class Selection implements Cloneable { //{{{ getStart() method /** * Returns the start offset of this selection. */ public int getStart() { return start; } //}}} //{{{ getEnd() method /** * Returns the end offset of this selection. */ public int getEnd() { return end; } //}}} //{{{ getStart() method /** * Returns the beginning of the portion of the selection * falling on the specified line. Used to manipulate * selection text on a line-by-line basis. * @param buffer The buffer * @param line The line number * @since jEdit 4.1pre1 */ public abstract int getStart(JEditBuffer buffer, int line); //}}} //{{{ getEnd() method /** * Returns the end of the portion of the selection * falling on the specified line. Used to manipulate * selection text on a line-by-line basis. * @param buffer The buffer * @param line The line number * @since jEdit 4.1pre1 */ public abstract int getEnd(JEditBuffer buffer, int line); //}}} //{{{ getStartLine() method /** * Returns the starting line number of this selection. */ public int getStartLine() { return startLine; } //}}} //{{{ getEndLine() method /** * Returns the ending line number of this selection. */ public int getEndLine() { return endLine; } //}}} //{{{ overlaps() method /** * Returns if this selection and the specified selection overlap. * @param s The other selection * @since jEdit 4.1pre1 */ public boolean overlaps(Selection s) { if((start >= s.start && start <= s.end) || (end >= s.start && end <= s.end)) return true; else return false; } //}}} //{{{ toString() method @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[start=" + start + ",end=" + end + ",startLine=" + startLine + ",endLine=" + endLine + ']'; } //}}} //{{{ clone() method @Override public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError("I just drank a whole " + "bottle of cough syrup and I feel " + "funny!"); } } //}}} //{{{ Package-private members int start, end; int startLine, endLine; //{{{ Selection constructor protected Selection() { } //}}} //{{{ Selection constructor protected Selection(Selection sel) { this.start = sel.start; this.end = sel.end; } //}}} //{{{ Selection constructor protected Selection(int start, int end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } //}}} // should the next two be public, maybe? abstract void getText(JEditBuffer buffer, StringBuilder buf); /** * Replace the selection with the given text * @param buffer the buffer * @param text the text * @return the offset at the end of the inserted text */ abstract int setText(JEditBuffer buffer, String text); /** * Called when text is inserted into the buffer. * @param buffer The buffer in question * @param startLine The first line * @param start The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer * @param numLines The number of lines inserted * @param length The number of characters inserted * @return <code>true</code> if the selection was changed */ abstract boolean contentInserted(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length); /** * Called when text is removed from the buffer. * @param buffer The buffer in question * @param startLine The first line * @param start The start offset, from the beginning of the buffer * @param numLines The number of lines removed * @param length The number of characters removed * @return <code>true</code> if the selection was changed */ abstract boolean contentRemoved(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length); //}}} //{{{ Range class /** * An ordinary range selection. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public static class Range extends Selection { //{{{ Range constructor public Range() { } //}}} //{{{ Range constructor public Range(Selection sel) { super(sel); } //}}} //{{{ Range constructor public Range(int start, int end) { super(start,end); } //}}} //{{{ getStart() method @Override public int getStart(JEditBuffer buffer, int line) { if(line == startLine) return start; else return buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); } //}}} //{{{ getEnd() method @Override public int getEnd(JEditBuffer buffer, int line) { if(line == endLine) return end; else return buffer.getLineEndOffset(line) - 1; } //}}} //{{{ Package-private members //{{{ getText() method @Override void getText(JEditBuffer buffer, StringBuilder buf) { buf.append(buffer.getText(start,end - start)); } //}}} //{{{ setText() method /** * Replace the selection with the given text * @param buffer the buffer * @param text the text * @return the offset at the end of the inserted text */ @Override int setText(JEditBuffer buffer, String text) { buffer.remove(start,end - start); if(text != null && text.length() != 0) { buffer.insert(start,text); return start + text.length(); } else return start; } //}}} //{{{ contentInserted() method @Override boolean contentInserted(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length) { boolean changed = false; if(this.start >= start) { this.start += length; if(numLines != 0) this.startLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.start); changed = true; } if(this.end >= start) { this.end += length; if(numLines != 0) this.endLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.end); changed = true; } return changed; } //}}} //{{{ contentRemoved() method @Override boolean contentRemoved(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length) { int end = start + length; boolean changed = false; if(this.start > start && this.start <= end) { this.start = start; changed = true; } else if(this.start > end) { this.start -= length; changed = true; } if(this.end > start && this.end <= end) { this.end = start; changed = true; } else if(this.end > end) { this.end -= length; changed = true; } if(changed && numLines != 0) { this.startLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.start); this.endLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.end); } return changed; } //}}} //}}} } //}}} //{{{ Rect class /** * A rectangular selection. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ // this class is not very fast... public static class Rect extends Selection { //{{{ Rect constructor public Rect() { } //}}} //{{{ Rect constructor public Rect(Selection sel) { super(sel); } //}}} //{{{ Rect constructor public Rect(int start, int end) { super(start,end); } //}}} //{{{ Rect constructor public Rect(int startLine, int start, int endLine, int end) { this.startLine = startLine; this.start = start; this.endLine = endLine; this.end = end; } //}}} //{{{ Rect constructor public Rect(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { this.startLine = startLine; this.endLine = endLine; int[] width = new int[1]; int startOffset = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn(startLine, startColumn,width); if(startOffset == -1) { extraStartVirt = startColumn - width[0]; startOffset = buffer.getLineEndOffset(startLine) - 1; } else startOffset += buffer.getLineStartOffset(startLine); int endOffset = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn(endLine, endColumn,width); if(endOffset == -1) { extraEndVirt = endColumn - width[0]; endOffset = buffer.getLineEndOffset(endLine) - 1; } else endOffset += buffer.getLineStartOffset(endLine); this.start = startOffset; this.end = endOffset; } //}}} //{{{ getStartColumn() method public int getStartColumn(JEditBuffer buffer) { int virtColStart = buffer.getVirtualWidth(startLine, start - buffer.getLineStartOffset(startLine)) + extraStartVirt; int virtColEnd = buffer.getVirtualWidth(endLine, end - buffer.getLineStartOffset(endLine)) + extraEndVirt; return Math.min(virtColStart,virtColEnd); } //}}} //{{{ getEndColumn() method public int getEndColumn(JEditBuffer buffer) { int virtColStart = buffer.getVirtualWidth(startLine, start - buffer.getLineStartOffset(startLine)) + extraStartVirt; int virtColEnd = buffer.getVirtualWidth(endLine, end - buffer.getLineStartOffset(endLine)) + extraEndVirt; return Math.max(virtColStart,virtColEnd); } //}}} //{{{ getStart() method @Override public int getStart(JEditBuffer buffer, int line) { return getColumnOnOtherLine(buffer,line, getStartColumn(buffer)); } //}}} //{{{ getEnd() method @Override public int getEnd(JEditBuffer buffer, int line) { return getColumnOnOtherLine(buffer,line, getEndColumn(buffer)); } //}}} //{{{ Package-private members int extraStartVirt; int extraEndVirt; //{{{ getText() method @Override void getText(JEditBuffer buffer, StringBuilder buf) { int start = getStartColumn(buffer); int end = getEndColumn(buffer); for(int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { int lineStart = buffer.getLineStartOffset(i); int lineLen = buffer.getLineLength(i); int rectStart = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( i,start,null); if(rectStart == -1) rectStart = lineLen; int rectEnd = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( i,end,null); if(rectEnd == -1) rectEnd = lineLen; if(rectEnd < rectStart) System.err.println(i + ":::" + start + ':' + end + " ==> " + rectStart + ':' + rectEnd); buf.append(buffer.getText(lineStart + rectStart, rectEnd - rectStart)); if(i != endLine) buf.append('\n'); } } //}}} //{{{ setText() method /** * Replace the selection with the given text * @param buffer the buffer * @param text the text * @return the offset at the end of the inserted text */ @Override int setText(JEditBuffer buffer, String text) { int startColumn = getStartColumn(buffer); int endColumn = getEndColumn(buffer); int tabSize = buffer.getTabSize(); int maxWidth = 0; int totalLines = 0; /** This list will contains Strings and Integer. */ List<Object> lines = new ArrayList<Object>(); //{{{ Split the text into lines if(text != null) { int lastNewline = 0; int currentWidth = startColumn; for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char ch = text.charAt(i); if(ch == '\n') { totalLines++; lines.add(text.substring( lastNewline,i)); lastNewline = i + 1; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,currentWidth); lines.add(currentWidth); currentWidth = startColumn; } else if(ch == '\t') currentWidth += tabSize - (currentWidth % tabSize); else currentWidth++; } if(lastNewline != text.length()) { totalLines++; lines.add(text.substring(lastNewline)); lines.add(currentWidth); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,currentWidth); } } //}}} //{{{ Insert the lines into the buffer int endOffset = 0; int[] total = new int[1]; int lastLine = Math.max(startLine + totalLines - 1,endLine); for(int i = startLine; i <= lastLine; i++) { if(i == buffer.getLineCount()) buffer.insert(buffer.getLength(),"\n"); int lineStart = buffer.getLineStartOffset(i); int lineLen = buffer.getLineLength(i); int rectStart = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( i,startColumn,total); int startWhitespace; if(rectStart == -1) { startWhitespace = startColumn - total[0]; rectStart = lineLen; } else startWhitespace = 0; int rectEnd = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( i,endColumn,null); if(rectEnd == -1) rectEnd = lineLen; buffer.remove(rectStart + lineStart,rectEnd - rectStart); if(startWhitespace != 0) { buffer.insert(rectStart + lineStart, StandardUtilities.createWhiteSpace(startWhitespace,0)); } int endWhitespace; if(totalLines == 0) { if(rectEnd == lineLen) endWhitespace = 0; else endWhitespace = maxWidth - startColumn; } else { int index = 2 * ((i - startLine) % totalLines); String str = (String)lines.get(index); buffer.insert(rectStart + lineStart + startWhitespace,str); if(rectEnd == lineLen) endWhitespace = 0; else { endWhitespace = maxWidth - (Integer) lines.get(index + 1); } startWhitespace += str.length(); } if(endWhitespace != 0) { buffer.insert(rectStart + lineStart + startWhitespace, StandardUtilities.createWhiteSpace(endWhitespace,0)); } endOffset = rectStart + lineStart + startWhitespace + endWhitespace; } //}}} //{{{ Move the caret down a line if(text == null || text.length() == 0) return end; else return endOffset; //}}} } //}}} //{{{ contentInserted() method @Override boolean contentInserted(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length) { if(this.end < start) return false; this.end += length; if(this.startLine > startLine) { this.start += length; if(numLines != 0) { this.startLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset( this.start); this.endLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset( this.end); } return true; } int endVirtualColumn = buffer.getVirtualWidth( this.endLine,end - buffer.getLineStartOffset(this.endLine)); if(this.start == start) { int startVirtualColumn = buffer.getVirtualWidth( this.startLine,start - buffer.getLineStartOffset( this.startLine)); this.start += length; int newStartVirtualColumn = buffer.getVirtualWidth( startLine,start - buffer.getLineStartOffset( this.startLine)); int[] totalVirtualWidth = new int[1]; int newEnd = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( this.endLine,endVirtualColumn + newStartVirtualColumn - startVirtualColumn, totalVirtualWidth); if(newEnd != -1) { end = buffer.getLineStartOffset( this.endLine) + newEnd; } else { end = buffer.getLineEndOffset( this.endLine) - 1; extraEndVirt = totalVirtualWidth[0] - endVirtualColumn; } } else if(this.start > start) { this.start += length; if(numLines != 0) { this.startLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset( this.start); } } if(numLines != 0) this.endLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.end); int newEndVirtualColumn = buffer.getVirtualWidth( endLine, end - buffer.getLineStartOffset(this.endLine)); if(startLine == this.endLine && extraEndVirt != 0) { extraEndVirt += endVirtualColumn - newEndVirtualColumn; } else if(startLine == this.startLine && extraStartVirt != 0) { extraStartVirt += endVirtualColumn - newEndVirtualColumn; } return true; } //}}} //{{{ contentRemoved() method @Override boolean contentRemoved(JEditBuffer buffer, int startLine, int start, int numLines, int length) { int end = start + length; boolean changed = false; if(this.start > start && this.start <= end) { this.start = start; changed = true; } else if(this.start > end) { this.start -= length; changed = true; } if(this.end > start && this.end <= end) { this.end = start; changed = true; } else if(this.end > end) { this.end -= length; changed = true; } if(changed && numLines != 0) { this.startLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.start); this.endLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(this.end); } return changed; } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Private members //{{{ getColumnOnOtherLine() method private static int getColumnOnOtherLine(JEditBuffer buffer, int line, int col) { int returnValue = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( line,col,null); if(returnValue == -1) return buffer.getLineEndOffset(line) - 1; else return buffer.getLineStartOffset(line) + returnValue; } //}}} //}}} } //}}} }