package org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh; // Just testing... /** Implementation of the enhanced for(:) statement. This statement uses BshIterable to support iteration over a wide variety of iterable types. Under JDK 1.1 this statement supports primitive and Object arrays, Vectors, and enumerations. Under JDK 1.2 and later it additionally supports collections. @author Daniel Leuck @author Pat Niemeyer */ class BSHEnhancedForStatement extends SimpleNode implements ParserConstants { String varName; BSHEnhancedForStatement(int id) { super(id); } public Object eval( CallStack callstack , Interpreter interpreter ) throws EvalError { Class elementType = null; SimpleNode expression, statement=null; NameSpace enclosingNameSpace =; SimpleNode firstNode =((SimpleNode)jjtGetChild(0)); int nodeCount = jjtGetNumChildren(); if ( firstNode instanceof BSHType ) { elementType=((BSHType)firstNode).getType( callstack, interpreter ); expression=((SimpleNode)jjtGetChild(1)); if ( nodeCount>2 ) statement=((SimpleNode)jjtGetChild(2)); } else { expression=firstNode; if ( nodeCount>1 ) statement=((SimpleNode)jjtGetChild(1)); } BlockNameSpace eachNameSpace = new BlockNameSpace( enclosingNameSpace ); callstack.swap( eachNameSpace ); final Object iteratee = expression.eval( callstack, interpreter ); if ( iteratee == Primitive.NULL ) throw new EvalError("The collection, array, map, iterator, or " + "enumeration portion of a for statement cannot be null.", this, callstack ); CollectionManager cm = CollectionManager.getCollectionManager(); if ( !cm.isBshIterable( iteratee ) ) throw new EvalError("Can't iterate over type: " +iteratee.getClass(), this, callstack ); BshIterator iterator = cm.getBshIterator( iteratee ); Object returnControl = Primitive.VOID; while( iterator.hasNext() ) { try { if ( elementType != null ) eachNameSpace.setTypedVariable( varName/*name*/, elementType/*type*/,*value*/, new Modifiers()/*none*/ ); else eachNameSpace.setVariable( varName,, false ); } catch ( UtilEvalError e ) { throw e.toEvalError( "for loop iterator variable:"+ varName, this, callstack ); } boolean breakout = false; // switch eats a multi-level break here? if ( statement != null ) // not empty statement { Object ret = statement.eval( callstack, interpreter ); if (ret instanceof ReturnControl) { switch(((ReturnControl)ret).kind) { case RETURN: returnControl = ret; breakout = true; break; case CONTINUE: break; case BREAK: breakout = true; break; } } } if (breakout) break; } callstack.swap(enclosingNameSpace); return returnControl; } }