package org.gjt.sp.jedit.print; import java.util.Locale; import javax.print.attribute.Attribute; import javax.print.attribute.DocAttribute; import javax.print.attribute.PrintJobAttribute; import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttribute; import static javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax.*; /** * Custom printing attribute to represent page margins. */ public class Margins implements DocAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute, PrintJobAttribute { // margins are stored in micromillimeters private float top; private float left; private float right; private float bottom; // need serial version since this is serialized private static final long serialVersionUID = 5343792322705104289L; /** * @param units One of INCH or MM. */ public Margins( float top, float left, float right, float bottom ) { if ( top < 0.0 || left < 0.0 || right < 0.0 || bottom < 0.0 ) { // this shouldn't happen since the printer dialog margin text fields // only accept positive numbers throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid margin." ); } float u = new Integer( getUnits() ).floatValue(); = top * u; this.left = left * u; this.right = right * u; this.bottom = bottom * u; } // returns INCH or MM depending on Locale // note that while Canada is mostly metric, Canadian paper sizes // are essentially US ANSI sizes rounded to the nearest 5 mm private int getUnits() { String country = Locale.getDefault().getCountry(); if ( "".equals( country ) || Locale.US.getCountry().equals( country ) || Locale.CANADA.getCountry().equals( country ) ) { return INCH; } return MM; } /** * Get the margins as an array of 4 values in the order * top, left, right, bottom. The values returned are in the given units. * @param units Unit conversion factor, either INCH or MM. * * @return margins as array of top, left, right, bottom in the specified units. * * @exception IllegalArgumentException on invalid units. */ public float[] getMargins( int units ) { switch ( units ) { case INCH: case MM: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid units." ); } return new float[] {getTop( units ), getLeft( units ), getRight( units ), getBottom( units )}; } public float getTop( int units ) { return convertFromMicrometers( top, units ); } public float getLeft( int units ) { return convertFromMicrometers( left, units ); } public float getRight( int units ) { return convertFromMicrometers( right, units ); } public float getBottom( int units ) { return convertFromMicrometers( bottom, units ); } public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() { return Margins.class; } public final String getName() { return "margins"; } private float convertFromMicrometers( float margin, int units ) { return margin / new Integer( units ).floatValue(); } public String toString() { return toString(INCH); } public String toString( int units ) { String uom = ""; switch ( units ) { case INCH: uom = "in"; break; case MM: uom = "mm"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid units." ); } float[] margins = getMargins( units ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append( "Margins(" ).append( uom ).append( ")[top:" ).append( margins[0] ).append( ", left:" ); sb.append( margins[1] ).append( ", right:" ).append( margins[2] ).append( ", bottom:" ).append( margins[3] ).append( ']' ); return sb.toString(); } public boolean equals( Object object ) { boolean toReturn = false; if ( object instanceof Margins ) { Margins margins = ( Margins )object; if ( top == && left == margins.left && bottom == margins.bottom && right == margins.right ) { toReturn = true; } } return toReturn; } public int hashCode() { return new Float(top).intValue() + 37 * new Float(left).intValue() + 43 * new Float(right).intValue() + 47 * new Float(bottom).intValue(); } }