package rocks.inspectit.ui.rcp.editor.graph.plot; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.communication.IAggregatedData; import; import; import rocks.inspectit.shared.cs.cmr.service.IHttpTimerDataAccessService; import rocks.inspectit.shared.cs.indexing.aggregation.IAggregator; import rocks.inspectit.ui.rcp.editor.inputdefinition.InputDefinition; import rocks.inspectit.ui.rcp.editor.inputdefinition.extra.HttpChartingInputDefinitionExtra; import rocks.inspectit.ui.rcp.editor.inputdefinition.extra.InputDefinitionExtrasMarkerFactory; import; /** * {@link PlotController} for displaying many Http requests in the graph. * * @author Ivan Senic * */ public class HttpTimerPlotController extends AbstractTimerDataPlotController<HttpTimerData> { /** * {@link IAggregator}. */ private static final IAggregator<HttpTimerData> AGGREGATOR = new SimpleHttpAggregator(); /** * Templates that will be used for data display. Every template is one line in line chart. */ private List<HttpTimerData> templates; /** * List of {@link RegExAggregatedHttpTimerData} if regular expression is defined. */ private List<RegExAggregatedHttpTimerData> regExTemplates; /** * If true tag values from templates will be used in plotting. Otherwise URI is used. */ private boolean plotByTagValue = false; /** * If true than regular expression transformation will be performed on the template URIs. */ private boolean regExTransformation = false; /** * {@link IHttpTimerDataAccessService}. */ private IHttpTimerDataAccessService dataAccessService; /** * List of displayed data. */ List<HttpTimerData> displayedData = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Date to display data to. */ Date toDate = new Date(0); /** * Date to display data from. */ Date fromDate = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE); /** * Date that mark the last displayed data on the graph. */ Date latestDataDate = new Date(0); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setInputDefinition(InputDefinition inputDefinition) { super.setInputDefinition(inputDefinition); if (inputDefinition.hasInputDefinitionExtra(InputDefinitionExtrasMarkerFactory.HTTP_CHARTING_EXTRAS_MARKER)) { HttpChartingInputDefinitionExtra inputDefinitionExtra = inputDefinition.getInputDefinitionExtra(InputDefinitionExtrasMarkerFactory.HTTP_CHARTING_EXTRAS_MARKER); templates = inputDefinitionExtra.getTemplates(); plotByTagValue = inputDefinitionExtra.isPlotByTagValue(); regExTransformation = inputDefinitionExtra.isRegExTransformation(); if (regExTransformation) { regExTemplates = inputDefinitionExtra.getRegExTemplates(); } } dataAccessService = inputDefinition.getRepositoryDefinition().getHttpTimerDataAccessService(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean showLegend() { return templates.size() > 1; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void update(Date from, Date to) { // complete load if we have no data, or wanted time range is completely outside the current boolean completeLoad = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(displayedData) || fromDate.after(to) || toDate.before(from); // left append if currently displayed from date is after the new from date boolean leftAppend = fromDate.after(from); // right append if the currently displayed to date is before new to date or the date of the // last data is before new date boolean rightAppend = toDate.before(to) || latestDataDate.before(to); if (completeLoad) { List<HttpTimerData> httpTimerDatas = dataAccessService.getChartingHttpTimerDataFromDateToDate(templates, from, to, plotByTagValue); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(httpTimerDatas)) { fromDate = (Date) from.clone(); toDate = (Date) to.clone(); } displayedData = httpTimerDatas; } else { if (rightAppend) { Date startingFrom = new Date(latestDataDate.getTime() + 1); List<HttpTimerData> httpTimerDatas = dataAccessService.getChartingHttpTimerDataFromDateToDate(templates, startingFrom, to, plotByTagValue); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(httpTimerDatas)) { displayedData.addAll(httpTimerDatas); toDate = (Date) to.clone(); } } if (leftAppend) { Date endingTo = new Date(fromDate.getTime() - 1); List<HttpTimerData> httpTimerDatas = dataAccessService.getChartingHttpTimerDataFromDateToDate(templates, from, endingTo, plotByTagValue); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(httpTimerDatas)) { displayedData.addAll(0, httpTimerDatas); fromDate = (Date) from.clone(); } } } // update the last displayed data if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(displayedData)) { latestDataDate = new Date(displayedData.get(displayedData.size() - 1).getTimeStamp().getTime()); } Map<Object, List<HttpTimerData>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (HttpTimerData data : displayedData) { HttpTimerData template = findTemplateForData(data); if (null == template) { continue; } Object seriesKey = getSeriesKey(template); List<HttpTimerData> list = map.get(seriesKey); if (null == list) { list = new ArrayList<>(); map.put(seriesKey, list); } list.add(data); } for (Entry<Object, List<HttpTimerData>> entry : map.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(adjustSamplingRate(entry.getValue(), from, to, AGGREGATOR)); } final Map<Object, List<HttpTimerData>> finalMap = map; // update plots in UI thread Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setDurationPlotData(finalMap); setCountPlotData(finalMap); } }); } /** * Finds matching template for the given {@link HttpTimerData} based on if regular expression * transformation is active or not. * * @param httpTimerData * Data to find matching template. * @return Matching template of <code>null</code> if one can not be found. */ private HttpTimerData findTemplateForData(HttpTimerData httpTimerData) { if (regExTransformation) { for (RegExAggregatedHttpTimerData regExTemplate : regExTemplates) { if (HttpTimerData.REQUEST_METHOD_MULTIPLE.equals(regExTemplate.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod()) || Objects.equals(regExTemplate.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod(), httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod())) { if (null != findTemplateForUriData(httpTimerData, regExTemplate.getAggregatedDataList(), true)) { return regExTemplate; } } } } else if (plotByTagValue) { return findTemplateForTagData(httpTimerData, templates); } else { return findTemplateForUriData(httpTimerData, templates, false); } return null; } /** * Finds matching template for the given {@link HttpTimerData} by uri. * * @param httpTimerData * Data to find matching template. * @param templates * List of templates to search. * @param checkOnlyUri * If matching should be done only by uri. * @return Matching template of <code>null</code> if one can not be found. */ private HttpTimerData findTemplateForUriData(HttpTimerData httpTimerData, List<HttpTimerData> templates, boolean checkOnlyUri) { for (HttpTimerData template : templates) { if (Objects.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getUri(), httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getUri())) { if (!checkOnlyUri && HttpTimerData.REQUEST_METHOD_MULTIPLE.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod())) { return template; } else if (Objects.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod(), httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod())) { return template; } } } return null; } /** * Finds matching template for the given {@link HttpTimerData} by tag value. * * @param httpTimerData * Data to find matching template. * @param templates * List of templates to search. * @return Matching template of <code>null</code> if one can not be found. */ private HttpTimerData findTemplateForTagData(HttpTimerData httpTimerData, List<HttpTimerData> templates) { for (HttpTimerData template : templates) { if (Objects.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getInspectItTaggingHeaderValue(), httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getInspectItTaggingHeaderValue())) { if (HttpTimerData.REQUEST_METHOD_MULTIPLE.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod()) || Objects.equals(template.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod(), httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod())) { return template; } } } return null; } /** * Returns the series key for the {@link HttpTimerData} object. * * @param httpTimerData * {@link HttpTimerData}. * @return Key used to initialize the series and later on compare which series data should be * added to. */ @Override protected Comparable<?> getSeriesKey(HttpTimerData httpTimerData) { if (regExTransformation && (httpTimerData instanceof RegExAggregatedHttpTimerData)) { return "Transformed URI: " + ((RegExAggregatedHttpTimerData) httpTimerData).getTransformedUri() + " [" + httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod() + "]"; } else { if (plotByTagValue) { return "Tag: " + httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getInspectItTaggingHeaderValue() + " [" + httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod() + "]"; } else { return "URI: " + httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getUri() + " [" + httpTimerData.getHttpInfo().getRequestMethod() + "]"; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected List<HttpTimerData> getTemplates() { if (regExTransformation) { return new ArrayList<HttpTimerData>(regExTemplates); } else { return templates; } } /** * Simple {@link IAggregator} to use for {@link HttpTimerData} aggregation, since we separate * the data correctly before aggregation. * * @author Ivan Senic * */ private static class SimpleHttpAggregator implements IAggregator<HttpTimerData> { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void aggregate(IAggregatedData<HttpTimerData> aggregatedObject, HttpTimerData objectToAdd) { aggregatedObject.aggregate(objectToAdd); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IAggregatedData<HttpTimerData> getClone(HttpTimerData object) { return new AggregatedHttpTimerData(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object getAggregationKey(HttpTimerData object) { return 1; } } }