package; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator; import ch.qos.logback.core.PropertyDefinerBase; import ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter; import; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.minlog.MinlogToSLF4JLogger; /** * The component responsible for log initializations. * * @author Ivan Senic * */ public final class LogInitializer extends PropertyDefinerBase { /** * Default name of the log file. */ public static final String DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME = "logging-config.xml"; /** * JVM property for the log file location. */ private static final String LOG_FILE_PROPERTY = "inspectit.logging.config"; /** * Location of logs. */ private static String logDirLocation; /** * Initializes the logging. */ public static void initLogging() { // set the location of logs File agentJar = SpringAgent.getInspectitJarFile(); if (null == agentJar) { return; } initLogDirLocation(); LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); PiccoloSaxEventRecorder recorder = new PiccoloSaxEventRecorder(context); JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); configurator.setContext(context); context.reset(); InputStream is = null; try { // first check if it's supplied as parameter String logFileLocation = System.getProperty(LOG_FILE_PROPERTY); if (null != logFileLocation) { File logFile = new File(logFileLocation).getAbsoluteFile(); if (logFile.exists()) { is = new FileInputStream(logFile); } } // then fail to default if none is specified if (null == is) { String logPath = agentJar.getParent() + File.separator + File.separator + DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_NAME; File logFile = new File(logPath); if (logFile.exists()) { is = new FileInputStream(logFile); } } if (null != is) { try { recorder.recordEvents(is); configurator.doConfigure(recorder.getSaxEventList()); } catch (JoranException e) { // NOPMD NOCHK StatusPrinter will handle this } finally { is.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { // NOPMD NOCHK StatusPrinter will handle this } StatusPrinter.printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings(context); // initialize out minlog bridge to the slf4j // not sure if we can do this, this would also bridge application logging if they use // minlong MinlogToSLF4JLogger.init(); } /** * Initializes log directory location. */ private static synchronized void initLogDirLocation() { if (null == logDirLocation) { // set the location of logs to just [agent-path]/logs/startup for start File agentJar = SpringAgent.getInspectitJarFile(); logDirLocation = agentJar.getParent() + File.separator + "logs" + File.separator + "startup"; // NOPMD } } /** * Sets the agent name and re-initializes the logging so that the agentName is used as folder * for logging. * * @param agentName * Agent name. */ public static void setAgentNameAndInitLogging(String agentName) { File agentJar = SpringAgent.getInspectitJarFile(); if (null == agentJar) { return; } // set the location of logs based to agent name logDirLocation = agentJar.getParent() + File.separator + "logs" + File.separator + agentName; initLogging(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * <P> * Returns {@link #logDirLocation} if one is set. */ @Override public String getPropertyValue() { return logDirLocation; } }