package rocks.inspectit.server.dao.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; import; import rocks.inspectit.server.dao.PlatformIdentDao; import rocks.inspectit.server.util.PlatformIdentCache; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.cmr.model.MethodIdent; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.cmr.model.PlatformIdent; /** * The default implementation of the {@link PlatformIdentDao} interface by using the Entity manager. * * @author Patrice Bouillet * */ @Repository public class PlatformIdentDaoImpl extends AbstractJpaDao<PlatformIdent> implements PlatformIdentDao { /** * {@link PlatformIdent} cache. */ @Autowired private PlatformIdentCache platformIdentCache; /** * Transaction template to use to do init work. */ private TransactionTemplate tt; /** * Default constructor. * <p> * Needs {@link PlatformTransactionManager} for instantiating the {@link TransactionTemplate} to * execute the initialization. * * @param transactionManager * {@link PlatformTransactionManager}. Autowired by Spring. */ @Autowired public PlatformIdentDaoImpl(PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) { super(PlatformIdent.class); = new TransactionTemplate(transactionManager); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public void delete(PlatformIdent platformIdent) { super.delete(platformIdent); platformIdentCache.remove(platformIdent); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void deleteAll(List<PlatformIdent> platformIdents) { for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : platformIdents) { delete(platformIdent); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<PlatformIdent> findAll() { return getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(PlatformIdent.FIND_ALL, PlatformIdent.class).getResultList(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<PlatformIdent> findByName(String agentName) { return findByNameAndIps(agentName, null); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<PlatformIdent> findByNameAndIps(String agentName, List<String> definedIps) { TypedQuery<PlatformIdent> query = getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(PlatformIdent.FIND_BY_AGENT_NAME, PlatformIdent.class); query.setParameter("agentName", agentName); List<PlatformIdent> results = query.getResultList(); // manually filter the defined IPs if (null != definedIps) { for (Iterator<PlatformIdent> it = results.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PlatformIdent platformIdent =; if (!Objects.equals(definedIps, platformIdent.getDefinedIPs())) { it.remove(); } } } return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void saveOrUpdate(PlatformIdent platformIdent) { final int maxDefIPsSize = 1024; if (null != platformIdent.getDefinedIPs()) { int charNum = 0; List<String> newDefinedIPs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String item : platformIdent.getDefinedIPs()) { // if it is too long, we stop adding if ((charNum + item.length()) <= maxDefIPsSize) { newDefinedIPs.add(item); // we add 1 also for the white space charNum += item.length() + 1; } else { break; } } // change only if we really cut the list if (newDefinedIPs.size() != platformIdent.getDefinedIPs().size()) { platformIdent.setDefinedIPs(newDefinedIPs); } } if (null == platformIdent.getId()) { super.create(platformIdent); } else { super.update(platformIdent); } platformIdentCache.markDirty(platformIdent); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public PlatformIdent findInitialized(long id) { for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : platformIdentCache.getCleanPlatformIdents()) { if (platformIdent.getId().longValue() == id) { return platformIdent; } } List<PlatformIdent> cleanPlatformIdents = loadIdentsFromDB(Collections.singleton(Long.valueOf(id))); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(cleanPlatformIdents)) { if (1 == cleanPlatformIdents.size()) { return cleanPlatformIdents.get(0); } else { throw new RuntimeException("More than one agent retrieved for one ID."); } } return null; } /** * Find all initialized agents that have a id in a given set. * * @param wantedAgentsIds * Agents Ids. * @return List of {@link PlatformIdent}. */ public List<PlatformIdent> findAllInitialized(Set<Long> wantedAgentsIds) { if (null == wantedAgentsIds) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<PlatformIdent> initializedPlatformIdents = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> cleanIdents = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : platformIdentCache.getCleanPlatformIdents()) { cleanIdents.add(platformIdent.getId()); if (wantedAgentsIds.contains(platformIdent.getId())) { initializedPlatformIdents.add(platformIdent); } } wantedAgentsIds.removeAll(cleanIdents); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(wantedAgentsIds)) { List<PlatformIdent> cleanPlatformIdents = loadIdentsFromDB(wantedAgentsIds); for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : cleanPlatformIdents) { if (wantedAgentsIds.contains(platformIdent.getId())) { initializedPlatformIdents.add(platformIdent); } } } Collections.sort(initializedPlatformIdents, new Comparator<PlatformIdent>() { @Override public int compare(PlatformIdent o1, PlatformIdent o2) { return (int) (o1.getId().longValue() - o2.getId().longValue()); } }); return initializedPlatformIdents; } /** * Initialize all platform idents from the database. */ @PostConstruct public void postConstruct() { tt.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() { @Override protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { // load all non-fetched and collect ids List<PlatformIdent> allNonFetched = findAll(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(allNonFetched)) { Collection<Long> toLoad = new ArrayList<>(allNonFetched.size()); for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : allNonFetched) { toLoad.add(platformIdent.getId()); } loadIdentsFromDB(toLoad); } } }); } /** * Loads complete agents from database. * * @param ids * IDs of the agents that should be loaded. * * @return List of {@link PlatformIdent}. */ private List<PlatformIdent> loadIdentsFromDB(Collection<Long> ids) { // check if there s anything to load if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ids)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<PlatformIdent> platformIdents = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long id : ids) { PlatformIdent platformIdent = load(id); if (null != platformIdent) { Hibernate.initialize(platformIdent.getSensorTypeIdents()); Hibernate.initialize(platformIdent.getJmxDefinitionDataIdents()); Hibernate.initialize(platformIdent.getMethodIdents()); for (MethodIdent methodIdent : platformIdent.getMethodIdents()) { Hibernate.initialize(methodIdent.getMethodIdentToSensorTypes()); } platformIdents.add(platformIdent); } } // mark all as clean for (PlatformIdent platformIdent : platformIdents) { platformIdentCache.markClean(platformIdent); } return platformIdents; } }