package com.ontology2.haruhi; import; import; import; import com.ontology2.centipede.errors.ExitCodeException; import com.ontology2.haruhi.flows.AssignmentStep; import com.ontology2.haruhi.flows.Flow; import com.ontology2.haruhi.flows.FlowStep; import com.ontology2.haruhi.flows.JobStep; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class LocalCmdCluster implements Cluster { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LocalCmdCluster.class); private String mavenRepoPath=""; // // For better or worse, this version has a property that other clusters may not have, // in that it will print the stderr and stdout of the hadoop process to standard out // @Override public void runJob(MavenManagedJar jar, List<String> jarArgs) throws Exception { String hadoopBin=findBin("hadoop"); if(hadoopBin==null) { throw new IOException("Hadoop Executable not found"); } String jarName=jar.pathFromLocalMavenRepository(getMavenRepoPath()); List<String> args=Lists.newArrayList(hadoopBin,"jar",jarName); args.addAll(jarArgs); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); pb.redirectOutput(Redirect.INHERIT); Process p = pb.start(); int value=p.waitFor(); if(value!=0) { throw ExitCodeException.create(value); }; } private String findBin(String cmd) { String path=System.getenv("PATH"); String fileSeparator=System.getProperty("file.separator"); String pathSeparator=System.getProperty("path.separator"); for(String dir:Splitter.on(pathSeparator).split(path)) { File target=new File(dir,cmd); if(target.canExecute()) { return target.getAbsolutePath(); } } return null; } public String getMavenRepoPath() { return mavenRepoPath; } public void setMavenRepoPath(String mavenRepoPath) { this.mavenRepoPath = mavenRepoPath; } @Override public void runFlow(MavenManagedJar jar, Flow f,List<String> flowArgs) throws Exception { local = Maps.newHashMap(); for(FlowStep that:f.generateSteps(flowArgs)) runStep(jar, flowArgs, that); } Map<String, Object> local; private void runStep(MavenManagedJar jar, List<String> flowArgs, FlowStep that) throws Exception { if(that instanceof JobStep) { JobStep jobStep=(JobStep) that; this.runJob(jar, jobStep.getStepArgs(local,flowArgs)); } else if(that instanceof AssignmentStep) { AssignmentStep ass=(AssignmentStep) that; local=ass.process(local, flowArgs); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Could not process step of type "+that.getClass()); } } };