package com.ontology2.bakemono.jena; import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import; import; import; import; import static; import static; // // Some apologies here. The WritableNode does not support Blank nodes or Anonymous // Nodes since these are things unlikely to show up in a triple file. // public class WritableNode implements WritableComparable { Node innerNode; final static int URI=0; final static int STRING=1; final static int GENERAL_LITERAL=2; private TypeMapper typeLookup=TypeMapper.getInstance(); // try to write this when this is null and you're in trouble, this is only // intended for use if you wish to read public WritableNode() { innerNode=null; } public WritableNode(Node n) { innerNode=n; } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { if(innerNode.isURI()) { out.writeByte(URI); writeBigUTF8(out,innerNode.getURI()); return; } String dt=innerNode.getLiteralDatatypeURI(); if(dt!=null) { out.writeByte(GENERAL_LITERAL); writeBigUTF8(out,innerNode.getLiteralLexicalForm()); writeBigUTF8(out,dt); return; } out.writeByte(STRING); writeBigUTF8(out,innerNode.getLiteralLexicalForm()); writeBigUTF8(out,innerNode.getLiteralLanguage()); return; } int nodeType() { return innerNode.isURI() ? URI : innerNode.getLiteralDatatypeURI()!=null ? GENERAL_LITERAL : STRING; } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { int type=in.readByte(); if(type==URI) { String uri=readBigUTF8(in); innerNode=Node.createURI(uri); } else if (type==GENERAL_LITERAL) { String lexicalForm=readBigUTF8(in); String dt=readBigUTF8(in); innerNode=Node.createLiteral(lexicalForm,typeLookup.getSafeTypeByName(dt)); } else if (type==STRING) { String lexicalForm=readBigUTF8(in); String language=readBigUTF8(in); innerNode=Node.createLiteral(lexicalForm,language,false); } } public Node getNode() { return innerNode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj instanceof WritableNode) ? ((WritableNode) obj).getNode().equals(getNode()) : false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getNode().hashCode(); } // // this comparsion function may not conform with any particular standard // @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { if(o==null && !(o instanceof WritableNode)) return -1; WritableNode that=(WritableNode) o; if (that.nodeType()>this.nodeType()) return -1; if (that.nodeType()<this.nodeType()) return 1; switch(this.nodeType()) { case URI: return innerNode.getURI().compareTo(that.innerNode.getURI()); case GENERAL_LITERAL: return start() .compare(this.getNode().getLiteralLexicalForm(), that.getNode().getLiteralLexicalForm()) .compare(this.getNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI(), that.getNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI()) .result(); default: return start() .compare(this.getNode().getLiteralLexicalForm(), that.getNode().getLiteralLexicalForm()) .compare(this.getNode().getLiteralLanguage(), that.getNode().getLiteralLanguage()) .result(); } } public static void writeBigUTF8(DataOutput out,String that) throws IOException { byte[] utf8=that.getBytes(UTF_8); out.writeInt(utf8.length); out.write(utf8); } public static String readBigUTF8(DataInput in) throws IOException { byte[] utf8=new byte[in.readInt()]; in.readFully(utf8); return new String(utf8,UTF_8); } }