package com.ontology2.bakemono.pse3; import; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node_URI; import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Triple; import com.ontology2.bakemono.abstractions.KeyValueAcceptor; import com.ontology2.bakemono.abstractions.PrimaryKeyValueAcceptor; import com.ontology2.bakemono.jena.WritableTriple; import com.ontology2.bakemono.primitiveTriples.PrimitiveTriple; import com.ontology2.bakemono.primitiveTriples.PrimitiveTripleCodec; import com.ontology2.rdf.InvalidNodeException; import com.ontology2.rdf.JenaUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PSE3Mapper extends Mapper<LongWritable,Text,WritableTriple,WritableTriple> { private static final LongWritable ONE = new LongWritable(1); private static org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PSE3Mapper.class); final LoadingCache<String,Node> nodeParser=JenaUtil.createNodeParseCache(); final static PrimitiveTripleCodec p3Codec=new PrimitiveTripleCodec(); private final Pattern $escape=Pattern.compile("[$][0-9A-F]{4}"); // // all of these are deliberately in the default scope so that the test classes // can mess with them // KeyValueAcceptor<WritableTriple,WritableTriple> accepted; @Override public void setup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.setup(context); accepted=new PrimaryKeyValueAcceptor(context); } Function<String,String> nodePreprocessor=new Unescape$(); int myCnt=0; WritableTriple writableTriple; @Override public void map(LongWritable arg0, Text arg1, Context c) throws IOException, InterruptedException { PrimitiveTriple row3=p3Codec.decode(arg1.toString()); try { String rawSubject = nodePreprocessor.apply(row3.getSubject()); String rawPredicate = nodePreprocessor.apply(row3.getPredicate()); String rawObject = nodePreprocessor.apply(row3.getObject()); Node_URI subject=(Node_URI) nodeParser.get(rawSubject); Node_URI predicate=(Node_URI) nodeParser.get(rawPredicate); Node object=nodeParser.get(rawObject); object=postprocessObject(object); Triple realTriple=new Triple(subject,predicate,object); writableTriple = new WritableTriple(realTriple); } catch(Throwable e) { String factString=row3.getSubject()+"\t"+row3.getPredicate()+"\t"+row3.getSubject()+"\t."; logger.warn("Caught exception while parsing fact ["+factString+"]",e); reject(c, row3); return; } accepted.write(writableTriple,writableTriple,c); incrementCounter(c,PSE3Counters.ACCEPTED,1); } private Node postprocessObject(Node object) throws InvalidNodeException { if(object.isLiteral()) { String value = object.getLiteralLexicalForm(); if (object.getLiteralDatatype() == XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime) { ; if (!PSE3Util.dateTimePattern().matcher(value).matches()) { throw new InvalidNodeException(value + " is not a valid xsd:dateTime"); } } if (object.getLiteralLexicalForm().length() > MAX_STRING_LENGTH) throw new InvalidNodeException(value + " exceedes the maximum string length of " + MAX_STRING_LENGTH); } return object; } public static final int MAX_STRING_LENGTH=63999; // // Barf on $xxxx escape sequences in any data type // private boolean has$escape(Node that) { return $escape.matcher(that.toString()).find(); } private void reject(Context c, PrimitiveTriple row3) throws IOException, InterruptedException { incrementCounter(c,PSE3Counters.REJECTED,1); } // // this code prevents failing test because the mock object Context we are passing back // always returns null from getCounter... With a more sophisticated mock object perhaps // the system will produce individual mocks for each counter so we can watch what // happens with counters // private void incrementCounter(Context context,Enum <?> counterId,long amount) { Counter counter=context.getCounter(counterId); if(counter!=null) { counter.increment(amount); }; }; @Override protected void cleanup(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.cleanup(context); } public class Unescape$ implements Function<String,String>{ @Override public String apply(String input) { if(input.startsWith("<") && input.endsWith(">")) return applyToNode(input); if(input.startsWith("\"") && input.endsWith("\"")) return applyToRawString(input); return input; } public String applyToNode(String input) { return unescapeFreebaseKey(input); } // XXX -- note that this is "not implemented", is this what we want? public String applyToRawString(String input) { return input; } } // would L.U.T. be faster? public static int digitToHex(char digit) { if(digit<='9' && digit>='0') { return digit-'0'; } if(digit<='F' && digit>='A') { return digit-'A'+10; } return -1; } public static String unescapeFreebaseKey(String in) { int from=0; int to=in.indexOf('$'); if(to==-1) return in; StringBuilder out=new StringBuilder(); do { out.append(in.substring(from,to)); if(in.length()<to+5) return in; int a=digitToHex(in.charAt(to+1)); int b=digitToHex(in.charAt(to+2)); int c=digitToHex(in.charAt(to+3)); int d=digitToHex(in.charAt(to+4)); if (a!=-1 && b!=-1 && c!=-1 && d!=-1) { out.append((char) ((a << 12) + (b << 8) + (c << 4) + d)); } else { return in; } from=to+5; to=in.indexOf('$',to+5); } while(to!=-1); if(from<in.length()) { out.append(in.substring(from)); } return out.toString(); } }