package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * This class was inspired by CGLIB, but provides a better * QuickSort algorithm without additional InsertionSort * at the end. * To use, subclass and override the four abstract methods * which compare and modify your data. * Allows custom swap so that two arrays can be sorted * at the same time. * @lucene.internal */ public abstract class SorterTemplate { private static final int MERGESORT_THRESHOLD = 12; private static final int QUICKSORT_THRESHOLD = 7; /** Implement this method, that swaps slots {@code i} and {@code j} in your data */ protected abstract void swap(int i, int j); /** Compares slots {@code i} and {@code j} of you data. * Should be implemented like <code><em>valueOf(i)</em>.compareTo(<em>valueOf(j)</em>)</code> */ protected abstract int compare(int i, int j); /** Implement this method, that stores the value of slot {@code i} as pivot value */ protected abstract void setPivot(int i); /** Implements the compare function for the previously stored pivot value. * Should be implemented like <code>pivot.compareTo(<em>valueOf(j)</em>)</code> */ protected abstract int comparePivot(int j); /** Sorts via stable in-place InsertionSort algorithm *(ideal for small collections which are mostly presorted). */ public final void insertionSort(int lo, int hi) { for (int i = lo + 1 ; i <= hi; i++) { for (int j = i; j > lo; j--) { if (compare(j - 1, j) > 0) { swap(j - 1, j); } else { break; } } } } /** Sorts via in-place, but unstable, QuickSort algorithm. * For small collections falls back to {@link #insertionSort(int,int)}. */ public final void quickSort(final int lo, final int hi) { if (hi <= lo) return; // from Integer's Javadocs: ceil(log2(x)) = 32 - numberOfLeadingZeros(x - 1) quickSort(lo, hi, (Integer.SIZE - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(hi - lo)) << 1); } private void quickSort(int lo, int hi, int maxDepth) { // fall back to insertion when array has short length final int diff = hi - lo; if (diff <= QUICKSORT_THRESHOLD) { insertionSort(lo, hi); return; } // fall back to merge sort when recursion depth gets too big if (--maxDepth == 0) { mergeSort(lo, hi); return; } final int mid = lo + (diff >>> 1); if (compare(lo, mid) > 0) { swap(lo, mid); } if (compare(mid, hi) > 0) { swap(mid, hi); if (compare(lo, mid) > 0) { swap(lo, mid); } } int left = lo + 1; int right = hi - 1; setPivot(mid); for (;;) { while (comparePivot(right) < 0) --right; while (left < right && comparePivot(left) >= 0) ++left; if (left < right) { swap(left, right); --right; } else { break; } } quickSort(lo, left, maxDepth); quickSort(left + 1, hi, maxDepth); } /** Sorts via stable in-place MergeSort algorithm * For small collections falls back to {@link #insertionSort(int,int)}. */ public final void mergeSort(int lo, int hi) { final int diff = hi - lo; if (diff <= MERGESORT_THRESHOLD) { insertionSort(lo, hi); return; } final int mid = lo + (diff >>> 1); mergeSort(lo, mid); mergeSort(mid, hi); merge(lo, mid, hi, mid - lo, hi - mid); } private void merge(int lo, int pivot, int hi, int len1, int len2) { if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0) { return; } if (len1 + len2 == 2) { if (compare(pivot, lo) < 0) { swap(pivot, lo); } return; } int first_cut, second_cut; int len11, len22; if (len1 > len2) { len11 = len1 >>> 1; first_cut = lo + len11; second_cut = lower(pivot, hi, first_cut); len22 = second_cut - pivot; } else { len22 = len2 >>> 1; second_cut = pivot + len22; first_cut = upper(lo, pivot, second_cut); len11 = first_cut - lo; } rotate(first_cut, pivot, second_cut); final int new_mid = first_cut + len22; merge(lo, first_cut, new_mid, len11, len22); merge(new_mid, second_cut, hi, len1 - len11, len2 - len22); } private void rotate(int lo, int mid, int hi) { int lot = lo; int hit = mid - 1; while (lot < hit) { swap(lot++, hit--); } lot = mid; hit = hi - 1; while (lot < hit) { swap(lot++, hit--); } lot = lo; hit = hi - 1; while (lot < hit) { swap(lot++, hit--); } } private int lower(int lo, int hi, int val) { int len = hi - lo; while (len > 0) { final int half = len >>> 1, mid = lo + half; if (compare(mid, val) < 0) { lo = mid + 1; len = len - half -1; } else { len = half; } } return lo; } private int upper(int lo, int hi, int val) { int len = hi - lo; while (len > 0) { final int half = len >>> 1, mid = lo + half; if (compare(val, mid) < 0) { len = half; } else { lo = mid + 1; len = len - half -1; } } return lo; } }