/* * Copyright 2004-2010 Brian S O'Neill * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cojen.classfile; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.Externalizable; import java.io.ObjectOutput; import java.io.ObjectInput; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.cojen.util.SoftValuedHashMap; import org.cojen.util.WeakCanonicalSet; import org.cojen.util.WeakIdentityMap; /** * This class is used to build field and return type descriptor strings as * defined in <i>The Java Virtual Machine Specification</i>, section 4.3.2. * TypeDesc instances are canonicalized and therefore "==" comparable. * * @author Brian S O'Neill */ public abstract class TypeDesc extends Descriptor implements Serializable { /** * Type code returned from getTypeCode, which can be used with the * newarray instruction. */ public final static int OBJECT_CODE = 0, VOID_CODE = 1, BOOLEAN_CODE = 4, CHAR_CODE = 5, FLOAT_CODE = 6, DOUBLE_CODE = 7, BYTE_CODE = 8, SHORT_CODE = 9, INT_CODE = 10, LONG_CODE = 11; /** Primitive type void */ public final static TypeDesc VOID; /** Primitive type boolean */ public final static TypeDesc BOOLEAN; /** Primitive type char */ public final static TypeDesc CHAR; /** Primitive type byte */ public final static TypeDesc BYTE; /** Primitive type short */ public final static TypeDesc SHORT; /** Primitive type int */ public final static TypeDesc INT; /** Primitive type long */ public final static TypeDesc LONG; /** Primitive type float */ public final static TypeDesc FLOAT; /** Primitive type double */ public final static TypeDesc DOUBLE; /** Object type java.lang.Object, provided for convenience */ public final static TypeDesc OBJECT; /** Object type java.lang.String, provided for convenience */ public final static TypeDesc STRING; // Pool of all shared instances. Ensures identity comparison works. final static WeakCanonicalSet<Descriptor> cInstances; // Cache that maps Classes to TypeDescs. private final static Map<Class, TypeDesc> cClassesToInstances; // Cache that maps String names to TypeDescs. private final static Map<String, TypeDesc> cNamesToInstances; // Cache that maps String descriptors to TypeDescs. private final static Map<String, TypeDesc> cDescriptorsToInstances; static { cInstances = new WeakCanonicalSet<Descriptor>(); cClassesToInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakIdentityMap<Class, TypeDesc>()); cNamesToInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap(new SoftValuedHashMap<String, TypeDesc>()); cDescriptorsToInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap (new SoftValuedHashMap<String, TypeDesc>()); VOID = intern(new PrimitiveType("V", VOID_CODE)); BOOLEAN = intern(new PrimitiveType("Z", BOOLEAN_CODE)); CHAR = intern(new PrimitiveType("C", CHAR_CODE)); BYTE = intern(new PrimitiveType("B", BYTE_CODE)); SHORT = intern(new PrimitiveType("S", SHORT_CODE)); INT = intern(new PrimitiveType("I", INT_CODE)); LONG = intern(new PrimitiveType("J", LONG_CODE)); FLOAT = intern(new PrimitiveType("F", FLOAT_CODE)); DOUBLE = intern(new PrimitiveType("D", DOUBLE_CODE)); OBJECT = forClass("java.lang.Object"); STRING = forClass("java.lang.String"); } static TypeDesc intern(TypeDesc type) { return cInstances.put(type); } /** * Acquire a TypeDesc from any class, including primitives and arrays. */ public static TypeDesc forClass(final Class clazz) { if (clazz == null) { return null; } TypeDesc type = (TypeDesc)cClassesToInstances.get(clazz); if (type == null || type.toClass() != clazz) { if (clazz.isArray()) { type = forClass(clazz.getComponentType()).toArrayType(); } else if (clazz.isPrimitive()) { if (clazz == int.class) { type = INT; } else if (clazz == boolean.class) { type = BOOLEAN; } else if (clazz == char.class) { type = CHAR; } else if (clazz == byte.class) { type = BYTE; } else if (clazz == long.class) { type = LONG; } else if (clazz == float.class) { type = FLOAT; } else if (clazz == double.class) { type = DOUBLE; } else if (clazz == short.class) { type = SHORT; } else if (clazz == void.class) { type = VOID; } } else { String name = clazz.getName(); type = intern(new ObjectType(generateDescriptor(name), name)); } if (type.toClass() != clazz) { type = new ObjectType(type.getDescriptor(), clazz.getName()); ((ObjectType) type).setClass(clazz); } synchronized (cClassesToInstances) { if (cClassesToInstances.containsKey(clazz)) { type = (TypeDesc)cClassesToInstances.get(clazz); } else { cClassesToInstances.put(clazz, type); } } } return type; } /** * Acquire a TypeDesc from any class name, including primitives and arrays. * Primitive and array syntax matches Java declarations. */ public static TypeDesc forClass(final String name) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (name.length() < 1) { throw invalidName(name); } // TODO: Support generics in name. TypeDesc type = (TypeDesc)cNamesToInstances.get(name); if (type != null) { return type; } int index1 = name.lastIndexOf('['); int index2 = name.lastIndexOf(']'); if (index2 >= 0) { if (index2 + 1 != name.length() || index1 + 1 != index2) { throw invalidName(name); } try { type = forClass(name.substring(0, index1)).toArrayType(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw invalidName(name); } } else if (index1 >= 0) { throw invalidName(name); } else { setType: { switch (name.charAt(0)) { case 'v': if (name.equals("void")) { type = VOID; break setType; } break; case 'b': if (name.equals("boolean")) { type = BOOLEAN; break setType; } else if (name.equals("byte")) { type = BYTE; break setType; } break; case 'c': if (name.equals("char")) { type = CHAR; break setType; } break; case 's': if (name.equals("short")) { type = SHORT; break setType; } break; case 'i': if (name.equals("int")) { type = INT; break setType; } break; case 'l': if (name.equals("long")) { type = LONG; break setType; } break; case 'f': if (name.equals("float")) { type = FLOAT; break setType; } break; case 'd': if (name.equals("double")) { type = DOUBLE; break setType; } break; } String desc = generateDescriptor(name); if (name.indexOf('/') < 0) { type = new ObjectType(desc, name); } else { type = new ObjectType(desc, name.replace('/', '.')); } type = intern(type); } } cNamesToInstances.put(name, type); return type; } private static IllegalArgumentException invalidName(String name) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name: " + name); } /** * Acquire a TypeDesc from a type descriptor. This syntax is described in * section 4.3.2, Field Descriptors. */ public static TypeDesc forDescriptor(final String desc) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeDesc type = (TypeDesc)cDescriptorsToInstances.get(desc); if (type != null) { return type; } // TODO: Support generics in descriptor. String rootDesc = desc; int cursor = 0; int dim = 0; try { char c; while ((c = rootDesc.charAt(cursor++)) == '[') { dim++; } switch (c) { case 'V': type = VOID; break; case 'Z': type = BOOLEAN; break; case 'C': type = CHAR; break; case 'B': type = BYTE; break; case 'S': type = SHORT; break; case 'I': type = INT; break; case 'J': type = LONG; break; case 'F': type = FLOAT; break; case 'D': type = DOUBLE; break; case 'L': if (dim > 0) { rootDesc = rootDesc.substring(dim); cursor = 1; } StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(rootDesc.length() - 2); while ((c = rootDesc.charAt(cursor++)) != ';') { if (c == '/') { c = '.'; } name.append(c); } type = intern(new ObjectType(rootDesc, name.toString())); break; default: throw invalidDescriptor(desc); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw invalidDescriptor(desc); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw invalidDescriptor(desc); } if (cursor != rootDesc.length()) { throw invalidDescriptor(desc); } while (--dim >= 0) { type = type.toArrayType(); } cDescriptorsToInstances.put(desc, type); return type; } private static IllegalArgumentException invalidDescriptor(String desc) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid descriptor: " + desc); } private static String generateDescriptor(String classname) { int length = classname.length(); char[] buf = new char[length + 2]; buf[0] = 'L'; classname.getChars(0, length, buf, 1); int i; for (i=1; i<=length; i++) { char c = buf[i]; if (c == '.') { buf[i] = '/'; } } buf[i] = ';'; return new String(buf); } transient final String mDescriptor; TypeDesc(String desc) { mDescriptor = desc; } /** * Returns a type descriptor string, excluding generics. */ public final String getDescriptor() { return mDescriptor; } /** * Returns a type descriptor string, including any generics. */ //public abstract String getGenericDescriptor(); /** * Returns the class name for this descriptor. If the type is primitive, * then the Java primitive type name is returned. If the type is an array, * only the root component type name is returned. */ public abstract String getRootName(); /** * Returns the class name for this descriptor. If the type is primitive, * then the Java primitive type name is returned. If the type is an array, * "[]" is append at the end of the name for each dimension. */ public abstract String getFullName(); // TODO //public abstract String getGenericRootName(); // TODO //public abstract String getGenericFullName(); /** * Returns a type code for operating on primitive types in switches. If * not primitive, OBJECT_CODE is returned. */ public abstract int getTypeCode(); /** * Returns true if this is a primitive type. */ public abstract boolean isPrimitive(); /** * Returns true if this is a primitive long or double type. */ public abstract boolean isDoubleWord(); /** * Returns true if this is an array type. */ public abstract boolean isArray(); /** * Returns the number of dimensions this array type has. If not an array, * zero is returned. */ public abstract int getDimensions(); /** * Returns the component type of this array type. If not an array, null is * returned. */ public abstract TypeDesc getComponentType(); /** * Returns the root component type of this array type. If not an array, * null is returned. */ public abstract TypeDesc getRootComponentType(); /** * Convertes this type to an array type. If already an array, another * dimension is added. */ public abstract TypeDesc toArrayType(); /** * Returns the object peer of this primitive type. For int, the object peer * is java.lang.Integer. If this type is an object type, it is simply * returned. */ public abstract TypeDesc toObjectType(); /** * Returns the primitive peer of this object type, if one exists. For * java.lang.Integer, the primitive peer is int. If this type is a * primitive type, it is simply returned. Arrays have no primitive peer, * and so null is returned instead. */ public abstract TypeDesc toPrimitiveType(); /** * Returns this type as a class. If the class isn't found, null is * returned. */ public abstract Class toClass(); /** * Returns this type as a class. If the class isn't found, null is * returned. * @param loader optional ClassLoader to load class from */ public abstract Class toClass(ClassLoader loader); public String toString() { // TODO: Return generic descriptor return mDescriptor; } public int hashCode() { return mDescriptor.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (other instanceof TypeDesc) { return ((TypeDesc)other).mDescriptor.equals(mDescriptor); } return false; } Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return new External(mDescriptor); } private static class PrimitiveType extends TypeDesc { private transient final int mCode; private transient TypeDesc mArrayType; private transient TypeDesc mObjectType; PrimitiveType(String desc, int code) { super(desc); mCode = code; } public String getRootName() { switch (mCode) { default: case VOID_CODE: return "void"; case BOOLEAN_CODE: return "boolean"; case CHAR_CODE: return "char"; case BYTE_CODE: return "byte"; case SHORT_CODE: return "short"; case INT_CODE: return "int"; case LONG_CODE: return "long"; case FLOAT_CODE: return "float"; case DOUBLE_CODE: return "double"; } } public String getFullName() { return getRootName(); } public int getTypeCode() { return mCode; } public boolean isPrimitive() { return true; } public boolean isDoubleWord() { return mCode == DOUBLE_CODE || mCode == LONG_CODE; } public boolean isArray() { return false; } public int getDimensions() { return 0; } public TypeDesc getComponentType() { return null; } public TypeDesc getRootComponentType() { return null; } public TypeDesc toArrayType() { if (mArrayType == null) { char[] buf = new char[2]; buf[0] = '['; buf[1] = mDescriptor.charAt(0); mArrayType = intern(new ArrayType(new String(buf), this)); } return mArrayType; } public TypeDesc toObjectType() { if (mObjectType == null) { switch (mCode) { default: case VOID_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Void"); break; case BOOLEAN_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Boolean"); break; case CHAR_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Character"); break; case BYTE_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Byte"); break; case SHORT_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Short"); break; case INT_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Integer"); break; case LONG_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Long"); break; case FLOAT_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Float"); break; case DOUBLE_CODE: mObjectType = forClass("java.lang.Double"); break; } } return mObjectType; } public TypeDesc toPrimitiveType() { return this; } public Class toClass() { switch (mCode) { default: case VOID_CODE: return void.class; case BOOLEAN_CODE: return boolean.class; case CHAR_CODE: return char.class; case BYTE_CODE: return byte.class; case SHORT_CODE: return short.class; case INT_CODE: return int.class; case LONG_CODE: return long.class; case FLOAT_CODE: return float.class; case DOUBLE_CODE: return double.class; } } public Class toClass(ClassLoader loader) { return toClass(); } } private static class ObjectType extends TypeDesc { private transient final String mName; private transient TypeDesc mArrayType; private transient TypeDesc mPrimitiveType; // Since cClassesToInstances may reference this instance, softly // reference back to class to allow it to be garbage collected. private transient SoftReference<Class> mClassRef; ObjectType(String desc, String name) { super(desc); mName = name; } public String getRootName() { return mName; } public String getFullName() { return mName; } public int getTypeCode() { return OBJECT_CODE; } public boolean isPrimitive() { return false; } public boolean isDoubleWord() { return false; } public boolean isArray() { return false; } public int getDimensions() { return 0; } public TypeDesc getComponentType() { return null; } public TypeDesc getRootComponentType() { return null; } public TypeDesc toArrayType() { if (mArrayType == null) { int length = mDescriptor.length(); char[] buf = new char[length + 1]; buf[0] = '['; mDescriptor.getChars(0, length, buf, 1); mArrayType = intern(new ArrayType(new String(buf), this)); } return mArrayType; } public TypeDesc toObjectType() { return this; } public TypeDesc toPrimitiveType() { if (mPrimitiveType == null) { String name = mName; if (name.startsWith("java.lang.") && name.length() > 10) { switch (name.charAt(10)) { case 'V': if (name.equals("java.lang.Void")) { mPrimitiveType = VOID; } break; case 'B': if (name.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { mPrimitiveType = BOOLEAN; } else if (name.equals("java.lang.Byte")) { mPrimitiveType = BYTE; } break; case 'C': if (name.equals("java.lang.Character")) { mPrimitiveType = CHAR; } break; case 'S': if (name.equals("java.lang.Short")) { mPrimitiveType = SHORT; } break; case 'I': if (name.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { mPrimitiveType = INT; } break; case 'L': if (name.equals("java.lang.Long")) { mPrimitiveType = LONG; } break; case 'F': if (name.equals("java.lang.Float")) { mPrimitiveType = FLOAT; } break; case 'D': if (name.equals("java.lang.Double")) { mPrimitiveType = DOUBLE; } break; } } } return mPrimitiveType; } public final synchronized Class toClass() { Class clazz; if (mClassRef != null) { clazz = mClassRef.get(); if (clazz != null) { return clazz; } } clazz = toClass(null); mClassRef = new SoftReference<Class>(clazz); return clazz; } public Class toClass(ClassLoader loader) { TypeDesc type = toPrimitiveType(); if (type != null) { switch (type.getTypeCode()) { default: case VOID_CODE: return Void.class; case BOOLEAN_CODE: return Boolean.class; case CHAR_CODE: return Character.class; case FLOAT_CODE: return Float.class; case DOUBLE_CODE: return Double.class; case BYTE_CODE: return Byte.class; case SHORT_CODE: return Short.class; case INT_CODE: return Integer.class; case LONG_CODE: return Long.class; } } try { if (loader == null) { return Class.forName(mName); } else { return loader.loadClass(mName); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } void setClass(Class clazz) { mClassRef = new SoftReference<Class>(clazz); } } private static class ArrayType extends ObjectType { private transient final TypeDesc mComponent; private transient final String mFullName; ArrayType(String desc, TypeDesc component) { super(desc, component.getRootName()); mComponent = component; mFullName = component.getFullName().concat("[]"); } public String getFullName() { return mFullName; } public boolean isArray() { return true; } public int getDimensions() { return mComponent.getDimensions() + 1; } public TypeDesc getComponentType() { return mComponent; } public TypeDesc getRootComponentType() { TypeDesc type = mComponent; while (type.isArray()) { type = type.getComponentType(); } return type; } public TypeDesc toPrimitiveType() { return null; } public Class toClass(ClassLoader loader) { if (loader == null) { return arrayClass(getRootComponentType().toClass()); } else { return arrayClass(getRootComponentType().toClass(loader)); } } private Class arrayClass(Class clazz) { if (clazz == null) { return null; } int dim = getDimensions(); try { if (dim == 1) { return Array.newInstance(clazz, 0).getClass(); } else { return Array.newInstance(clazz, new int[dim]).getClass(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } } private static class External implements Externalizable { private String mDescriptor; public External() { } public External(String desc) { mDescriptor = desc; } public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeUTF(mDescriptor); } public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException { mDescriptor = in.readUTF(); } public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return forDescriptor(mDescriptor); } } }