package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.Comparator; /** Represents byte[], as a slice (offset + length) into an * existing byte[]. The {@link #bytes} member should never be null; * use {@link #EMPTY_BYTES} if necessary. * * @lucene.experimental */ public final class BytesRef implements Comparable<BytesRef> { static final int HASH_PRIME = 31; public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; /** The contents of the BytesRef. Should never be {@code null}. */ public byte[] bytes; /** Offset of first valid byte. */ public int offset; /** Length of used bytes. */ public int length; public BytesRef() { bytes = EMPTY_BYTES; } /** This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. * bytes should not be null. */ public BytesRef(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { assert bytes != null; this.bytes = bytes; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; } /** This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. * bytes should not be null */ public BytesRef(byte[] bytes) { assert bytes != null; this.bytes = bytes; this.offset = 0; this.length = bytes.length; } public BytesRef(int capacity) { this.bytes = new byte[capacity]; } /** Incoming IntsRef values must be Byte.MIN_VALUE - * Byte.MAX_VALUE. */ public BytesRef(IntsRef intsRef) { bytes = new byte[intsRef.length]; for(int idx=0;idx<intsRef.length;idx++) { final int v = intsRef.ints[intsRef.offset + idx]; assert v >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && v <= Byte.MAX_VALUE; bytes[idx] = (byte) v; } length = intsRef.length; } /** * @param text Initialize the byte[] from the UTF8 bytes * for the provided String. This must be well-formed * unicode text, with no unpaired surrogates or U+FFFF. */ public BytesRef(CharSequence text) { this(); copy(text); } /** * @param text Initialize the byte[] from the UTF8 bytes * for the provided array. This must be well-formed * unicode text, with no unpaired surrogates or U+FFFF. */ public BytesRef(char text[], int offset, int length) { this(length * 4); copy(text, offset, length); } public BytesRef(BytesRef other) { this(); copy(other); } /* // maybe? public BytesRef(BytesRef other, boolean shallow) { this(); if (shallow) { offset = other.offset; length = other.length; bytes = other.bytes; } else { copy(other); } } */ /** * Copies the UTF8 bytes for this string. * * @param text Must be well-formed unicode text, with no * unpaired surrogates or invalid UTF16 code units. */ public void copy(CharSequence text) { UnicodeUtil2.UTF16toUTF8(text, 0, text.length(), this); } /** * Copies the UTF8 bytes for this string. * * @param text Must be well-formed unicode text, with no * unpaired surrogates or invalid UTF16 code units. */ public void copy(char text[], int offset, int length) { UnicodeUtil2.UTF16toUTF8(text, offset, length, this); } public boolean bytesEquals(BytesRef other) { if (length == other.length) { int otherUpto = other.offset; final byte[] otherBytes = other.bytes; final int end = offset + length; for(int upto=offset;upto<end;upto++,otherUpto++) { if (bytes[upto] != otherBytes[otherUpto]) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public Object clone() { return new BytesRef(this); } private boolean sliceEquals(BytesRef other, int pos) { if (pos < 0 || length - pos < other.length) { return false; } int i = offset + pos; int j = other.offset; final int k = other.offset + other.length; while (j < k) { if (bytes[i++] != other.bytes[j++]) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean startsWith(BytesRef other) { return sliceEquals(other, 0); } public boolean endsWith(BytesRef other) { return sliceEquals(other, length - other.length); } /** Calculates the hash code as required by TermsHash during indexing. * <p>It is defined as: * <pre> * int hash = 0; * for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) { * hash = 31*hash + bytes[i]; * } * </pre> */ @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 0; final int end = offset + length; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) { result = HASH_PRIME * result + bytes[i]; } return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) { return false; } return this.bytesEquals((BytesRef) other); } /** Interprets stored bytes as UTF8 bytes, returning the * resulting string */ public String utf8ToString() { final CharsRef ref = new CharsRef(length); UnicodeUtil2.UTF8toUTF16(bytes, offset, length, ref); return ref.toString(); } /** Interprets stored bytes as UTF8 bytes into the given {@link CharsRef} */ public CharsRef utf8ToChars(CharsRef ref) { UnicodeUtil2.UTF8toUTF16(bytes, offset, length, ref); return ref; } /** Returns hex encoded bytes, eg [0x6c 0x75 0x63 0x65 0x6e 0x65] */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); final int end = offset + length; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) { if (i > offset) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(Integer.toHexString(bytes[i]&0xff)); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Copies the given {@link BytesRef} * <p> * NOTE: this method resets the offset to 0 and resizes the reference array * if needed. */ public void copy(BytesRef other) { if (bytes.length < other.length) { bytes = new byte[other.length]; } System.arraycopy(other.bytes, other.offset, bytes, 0, other.length); length = other.length; offset = 0; } /** * Copies the given long value and encodes it as 8 byte Big-Endian. * <p> * NOTE: this method resets the offset to 0, length to 8 and resizes the reference array * if needed. */ public void copy(long value) { if (bytes.length < 8) { bytes = new byte[8]; } copyInternal((int) (value >> 32), offset = 0); copyInternal((int) value, 4); length = 8; } /** * Copies the given int value and encodes it as 4 byte Big-Endian. * <p> * NOTE: this method resets the offset to 0, length to 4 and resizes the reference array * if needed. */ public void copy(int value) { if (bytes.length < 4) { bytes = new byte[4]; } copyInternal(value, offset = 0); length = 4; } /** * Copies the given short value and encodes it as a 2 byte Big-Endian. * <p> * NOTE: this method resets the offset to 0, length to 2 and resizes the reference array * if needed. */ public void copy(short value) { if (bytes.length < 2) { bytes = new byte[2]; } bytes[offset] = (byte) (value >> 8); bytes[offset + 1] = (byte) (value); } /** * Converts 2 consecutive bytes from the current offset to a short. Bytes are * interpreted as Big-Endian (most significant bit first) * <p> * NOTE: this method does <b>NOT</b> check the bounds of the referenced array. */ public short asShort() { int pos = offset; return (short) (0xFFFF & ((bytes[pos++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[pos] & 0xFF)); } /** * Converts 4 consecutive bytes from the current offset to an int. Bytes are * interpreted as Big-Endian (most significant bit first) * <p> * NOTE: this method does <b>NOT</b> check the bounds of the referenced array. */ public int asInt() { return asIntInternal(offset); } /** * Converts 8 consecutive bytes from the current offset to a long. Bytes are * interpreted as Big-Endian (most significant bit first) * <p> * NOTE: this method does <b>NOT</b> check the bounds of the referenced array. */ public long asLong() { return (((long) asIntInternal(offset) << 32) | asIntInternal(offset + 4) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } private void copyInternal(int value, int startOffset) { bytes[startOffset] = (byte) (value >> 24); bytes[startOffset + 1] = (byte) (value >> 16); bytes[startOffset + 2] = (byte) (value >> 8); bytes[startOffset + 3] = (byte) (value); } private int asIntInternal(int pos) { return ((bytes[pos++] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((bytes[pos++] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((bytes[pos++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[pos] & 0xFF); } public void append(BytesRef other) { int newLen = length + other.length; if (bytes.length < newLen) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[newLen]; System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, newBytes, 0, length); offset = 0; bytes = newBytes; } System.arraycopy(other.bytes, other.offset, bytes, length+offset, other.length); length = newLen; } public void grow(int newLength) { bytes = ArrayUtil2.grow(bytes, newLength); } /** Unsigned byte order comparison */ public int compareTo(BytesRef other) { if (this == other) return 0; final byte[] aBytes = this.bytes; int aUpto = this.offset; final byte[] bBytes = other.bytes; int bUpto = other.offset; final int aStop = aUpto + Math.min(this.length, other.length); while(aUpto < aStop) { int aByte = aBytes[aUpto++] & 0xff; int bByte = bBytes[bUpto++] & 0xff; int diff = aByte - bByte; if (diff != 0) return diff; } // One is a prefix of the other, or, they are equal: return this.length - other.length; } private final static Comparator<BytesRef> utf8SortedAsUnicodeSortOrder = new UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator(); public static Comparator<BytesRef> getUTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator() { return utf8SortedAsUnicodeSortOrder; } private static class UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator implements Comparator<BytesRef> { // Only singleton private UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparator() {}; public int compare(BytesRef a, BytesRef b) { final byte[] aBytes = a.bytes; int aUpto = a.offset; final byte[] bBytes = b.bytes; int bUpto = b.offset; final int aStop; if (a.length < b.length) { aStop = aUpto + a.length; } else { aStop = aUpto + b.length; } while(aUpto < aStop) { int aByte = aBytes[aUpto++] & 0xff; int bByte = bBytes[bUpto++] & 0xff; int diff = aByte - bByte; if (diff != 0) { return diff; } } // One is a prefix of the other, or, they are equal: return a.length - b.length; } } private final static Comparator<BytesRef> utf8SortedAsUTF16SortOrder = new UTF8SortedAsUTF16Comparator(); public static Comparator<BytesRef> getUTF8SortedAsUTF16Comparator() { return utf8SortedAsUTF16SortOrder; } private static class UTF8SortedAsUTF16Comparator implements Comparator<BytesRef> { // Only singleton private UTF8SortedAsUTF16Comparator() {}; public int compare(BytesRef a, BytesRef b) { final byte[] aBytes = a.bytes; int aUpto = a.offset; final byte[] bBytes = b.bytes; int bUpto = b.offset; final int aStop; if (a.length < b.length) { aStop = aUpto + a.length; } else { aStop = aUpto + b.length; } while(aUpto < aStop) { int aByte = aBytes[aUpto++] & 0xff; int bByte = bBytes[bUpto++] & 0xff; if (aByte != bByte) { // See // We know the terms are not equal, but, we may // have to carefully fixup the bytes at the // difference to match UTF16's sort order: // NOTE: instead of moving supplementary code points (0xee and 0xef) to the unused 0xfe and 0xff, // we move them to the unused 0xfc and 0xfd [reserved for future 6-byte character sequences] // this reserves 0xff for preflex's term reordering (surrogate dance), and if unicode grows such // that 6-byte sequences are needed we have much bigger problems anyway. if (aByte >= 0xee && bByte >= 0xee) { if ((aByte & 0xfe) == 0xee) { aByte += 0xe; } if ((bByte&0xfe) == 0xee) { bByte += 0xe; } } return aByte - bByte; } } // One is a prefix of the other, or, they are equal: return a.length - b.length; } } }